Two White Men Arrested for Murdering 3 Black Men

Well said! I totally agree! Be American, Buy American, Grow American! Fuck sum mexi-brick anywayz... U know we do everything better in the U.S., except for getting
you are correct. It's always something. I say how about we all get along and keep illegals out, thats what I say. I can't figure out why we keep crying about borders and illegal MJ getting in to the US but we won't make it legal someway, then who would need the illegal cartels?
Just be the best person that you, individually, can be. Try your best to look past race even when it is being shoved down your throat. When politicians and poverty pimps are doing the shoving, remember that their motive is to further their own interests and has little to do with loving one race or hating another. Try not to get caught up in the madness of the crowd.

*Like.* cn
Illegal mj... what a concept... Imagine applying that to corn, or okra, or rhubarb, etc... What's illegal about a plant God Himself created and said was all good? And who is man to govern this?
and to take it further, growing up I would hear. Man if you have any black in you, no matter what race you are once you are mixed with black you are still the N-word to everybody. And I heard that all the time GROWING UP IN CHICAGO.
That's how it is in this country. And it doesn't just apply to blacks, it applies to every race and ethnicity that has distinctive characteristics.
that shit is crazy. Anyway we need to unite and take care of our country period. WOuldn't it be nice if we could all meet and trade clones and seeds. Like Pokemon cards or that old Dungeons and Dragons stuff from back in the day