I sent actual equipment for a trade and the member received my equipment and I got nothing lol, when I questioned Smoke about it he told me it was all good and everything was cool, then that night I got banned lol, Im not sure if I was banned for questioning about the member or for something else I'd really like to know but they banned my IP. Either way it kinda sucks because I didnt really have the $$$ to buy beans thats why I made the trade in the first place (I got robbed by a "friend"). Anyways i'm kinda choked because Smoke posted here (smokemann) but he ignored my PM.
I really wanted to get my grow on, I'm a medical user (badly broken back) and so far i've found that I can trust NOBODY, I sent a friend with $$$ to go buy equipment and beans and he robbed me, so I bought some equipment online and got partially screwed, then the bills started adding up and I still hadnt got any beans so I offered to trade some of the equipment for beans, which I did and the other user acknowledged receiving the equipment but... now I have no way to communicate with him to figure out what the hecks going on but i've been perma banned.
Smoke asked me if I grew and I said i'd seen it done elsewhere before, and he made a comment in a thread i'd made to spark some excitment over there and I wanted to share a grow my friend did with the board because it was funny and interesting but I think maybe they thought I wasnt cool enough to be a member? Either way I am sitting up here now out my equipment + shipping costs + I got no beans LOL
P.S. if any of the mods of BWB read this can I get a second chance over there atleast to communicate with my trader?