The UK Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member

  • Originally Posted by newuserlol
    The grass i was talking bout the other day is cateract i offered him kush and the cheeky mug threatened to grass me up! I see any of my riu friends talking to that cunt dont ever expect a reply from me, a clone, sample or shit

    Grass's are scum

    Stop pedaling drugs on this forum.​

i`d still like to see the messages to get the whole story tho.....

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
i`d still like to see the messages to get the whole story tho.....
Seriously mate does the message matter??? no matter the discussion threatening to grass just goes to show how much of a snake the guy is. It's not like newuser was offering to pimp out his mum or talking about kiddie porn it was about pot the details don't matter just the fact that he threatened to grass.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
just like all the info is all, on another note i watered yesterday they got 2 litres each, two of the four girls are still heavy and have damp soil, but the other two are nearly dry and are light to lift, think they should get another drink later, the two dry ones are the bushiest, there all about 3 and half foot tall if that helps


Well-Known Member
afternoon skidmarks all, anothere shift of comm service over and on a brighter note an nice wee bird on the squad, pretty and friendly although she did say she had a boyfriend...not that that would stop me tryin...unusual to get a good lookin chick on the service the usuall look like a blind joiners thumb with an arse like a bag of spanners...and half a dozen brats all with different surnames.
bill ya cock jockey ah hope you feel like you look. nae sympathy.


Well-Known Member
she can drive mate, hand her a ton and she'll be happy........dae ye really think she wants tae go wae you, tell her tae phone a friend.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
my missus the same, just give her the keys to the car and the cash, won`t see her until its gone..

she is the most powerful money reduceing agent known to man tho...


Well-Known Member
afternoon ladies! beenbusy snitches etc

lol who says il grass u if if ur offered a free smoke lol ffs thats nutz IL HAVE her portain sambo lmao


Well-Known Member
why a tally accent mate? it was a james cagney quote? well actually he never fully said it but its always attributed tae him.