fun with banking

i'm at sea level, and it gets too cold and wet for them to finish without running a heater in the greenhouse. i'd probably have to run two space heaters for about a month which would cost near $300 or so in electric.

for me, that defeats the purpose of using mother nature to my advantage.

Well at least try one. You only live once.
I only got to like page 4 but I can't believe people are arguing with you in favor of the rotten banks that are robbing us blind. This is all new shit, how did they make money before? Fuck the banks that's total crap, just like when they federally made it a mandate how they can't overdraft you and then the banks try to "offer you" and option to allow for overdrafts in case of "emergencies" lol - Never heard of a bank that outright refuses but fees have become the norm, maybe I guees 3$ for the milfs time but really....The check is good, they cash it and immediately get the money they gave you, they are not losing shit. In fact they get a potential lead to sell you an account or something.

We are supposed to be able to put money in the banks and SAVE money and earn interest but that doesn't fucking exist anymore either, because of the banks, bankers are the fucking scum of this earth and the banking system is what enslaves us in debt, they are not your friends, they are one of the enemy.


I actually lose money with banks. It'd almost be worth it to use myself as the bank. What's also bullshit is how they, all banks, can lean your account. I can see the government doing it, but private deals you made are your business. Your conflict with another is between the two of you. Leans are stealing. And even more bullshit is this lean is special, and even if the leaner made a mistake, banks charge lean fees too. Wtf. If a foreign bank is paid, there's a fee too, on top of customs charges.

The government wants to get rid of all physical money. But you get charged for this "convenience" which is almost manditory these days.

You seen that commercial where one guy in line uses cash, not a credit card, and holds up the line? Everyone gets mad at him. Such bullshit.
I use a private mortage when selling properties or buying them. I do a credit check, have a written contract but most important thing is to just make sure the people have enough income to afford to live and pay the mortgage. So so credit or bad credit can come from divorce or other things not neccessarily an irresponsible person and thats what I look for. I hold two mortgages right now with people who couldn't get loans from banks, their mortgage is less than rent would be, they pay on time always and sometimes are early. Not charging too high of interest and making home ownership a possibility to regular folks who may not have that elsewhere is a good positive way to avoid dealing with banks and help them while making a fair profit. If you don't mind waiting for your money. If they default the property comes back to me and I sell it again. I dont want the property back and this has never happened to me anyway but the contract includes all the provisions for these types of things. Most of the mortgages are 7 to 10 year.
I only got to like page 4 but I can't believe people are arguing with you in favor of the rotten banks that are robbing us blind. This is all new shit, how did they make money before? Fuck the banks that's total crap, just like when they federally made it a mandate how they can't overdraft you and then the banks try to "offer you" and option to allow for overdrafts in case of "emergencies" lol - Never heard of a bank that outright refuses but fees have become the norm, maybe I guees 3$ for the milfs time but really....The check is good, they cash it and immediately get the money they gave you, they are not losing shit. In fact they get a potential lead to sell you an account or something.

We are supposed to be able to put money in the banks and SAVE money and earn interest but that doesn't fucking exist anymore either, because of the banks, bankers are the fucking scum of this earth and the banking system is what enslaves us in debt, they are not your friends, they are one of the enemy.


yeah, good point. I don't like commercial banks either and I don't use them. The banks have a right to use whatever business practices they like, and I have the right to boycott them. It would not break my heart if every one of them went bankrupt. I have used credit unions exclusively for my entire adult life.
yeah, good point. I don't like commercial banks either and I don't use them. The banks have a right to use whatever business practices they like, and I have the right to boycott them. It would not break my heart if every one of them went bankrupt. I have used credit unions exclusively for my entire adult life.

Credit unions are the way to go. Mines still in Cali I never changed it.

I actually lose money with banks. It'd almost be worth it to use myself as the bank. What's also bullshit is how they, all banks, can lean your account. I can see the government doing it, but private deals you made are your business. Your conflict with another is between the two of you. Leans are stealing. And even more bullshit is this lean is special, and even if the leaner made a mistake, banks charge lean fees too. Wtf. If a foreign bank is paid, there's a fee too, on top of customs charges.

The government wants to get rid of all physical money. But you get charged for this "convenience" which is almost manditory these days.

You seen that commercial where one guy in line uses cash, not a credit card, and holds up the line? Everyone gets mad at him. Such bullshit.

Nobody uses cash at all in New Zealand. Everyone carries card readers too, they have these devices the size of a cell phone, even hookers carry em.