do you think my setup is ok and how long till i flower + sum questions =(


Active Member
hi this is my first grow my plants are about 6 weeks old, im using 4 x 23-40w lights and my temperature stays around 25 degrees celsius and im using seaweed extract and baby bio organic fert for veg and tomorite and the seaweed extract through flowering, can you tell me how long would it be until i flower and what is the decent height with a good yield also do you think my setup is ok and are the lights ok, are my plants looking healthy?

anythin else you can throw at me (advise wise) will be much appreciated thanks for reading, heres some pics as of today

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Well-Known Member
Wait till about 2 feet tall, get a small hps for flowering if you want a good harvest.


Active Member
Need side angle pics but they look small? for 6 weeks old. How close are the lights? Any blue/white ones, like 6500K spectrum or are they all red 2700s?


Active Member
they are around 4-6 weeks old, stoned half the time so hey! lol you wanna see some side boob pics? i mean of the plants lol


New Member
u wont get any hot air from the lights ur using dude they dont produce enough put a thermometer at the top of the plants to see what the heat is like there dont want to blow the fan right onto the plants some times its best to use indirect air flow untill they get a bit older...


New Member
also u wont get a great yeild from this but hey u might get enough to smoke and buy a newsetup ./.. a proper one :-) invest in hid or B~IG cfl's like over 250watt


Active Member
u wont get any hot air from the lights ur using dude they dont produce enough put a thermometer at the top of the plants to see what the heat is like there dont want to blow the fan right onto the plants some times its best to use indirect air flow untill they get a bit older...

taking a new pic now of how its setup


Active Member
also u wont get a great yeild from this but hey u might get enough to smoke and buy a newsetup ./.. a proper one :-) invest in hid or B~IG cfl's like over 250watt
how much would u reckon i could get from them plants? obviously i dont expect you to be s fortune teller but what would your rough guess be? well suppose if i geta decent yield for my first grow i cant complain, just a learning curve atm would love some better lights though and see some fast improvements, ill post pics now of the way its setup


Active Member
heres how it is now the fan is pushed behind at the bottom, also can anyone tell me how to get humidity up, its at 34% atm and what do i need it to be



Active Member
get the humidity up with a spray bottle from raleys or wherever spray the soil, spray the leaves sometimes if you want but don't spray the light bulbs

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
so do you think it would be better to get rid of the shelf, only thing is then the lights will be hanging in a bad position so i dont really know
You should keep the light from getting blocked, so that it can get to the plants. That much I can tell you for sure.