
White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
I'm gonna try it today in my last DWC tub - I'm moving them to Hempy Buckets and have to de-tangle the roots...

I hope that it will break down the roots that get destroyed, into a useable food supply. I'll let you know how it goes...



Well-Known Member
Specific Enzymes in a growing medium can eat dead protein
removing potential areas where illness can develop.

Through this breakdown process
plants are better able to obtain nutrients.

More nutrients, less attacks, allowing things to grow bigger stronger faster.

Enzymes are natural and therefore environmentally friendly.
Enzymes are found in our everyday lives in soda pop, bread and even in our body
to help digest food without which we would starve even if we eat!
Enzymes are catalysts, they speed up chemical reactions.



Well-Known Member
how much of this stuff do you have to use at one time? is it concentrated to where it will last its money's worth, or is it an overpriced enzyme suppliment?


Well-Known Member
how much of this stuff do you have to use at one time? is it concentrated to where it will last its money's worth, or is it an overpriced enzyme suppliment?
not sure how long it will last how much to use but when i get it this week i will let you know if no one els can tell you but my guess is its overpriced


Well-Known Member

Hydroponics: Mix 5 ml per liter (1 tsp per quart), into nutrient reservoir.
Use weekly during the entire vegetative & flowering cycles

Advanced Nutrients SensiZym containing over 80 different enzymes,
breaks down dead root mass, starches, carbohydrates and nutrients.

Also helps to catalyze water and assist the transfer of water elements to specific sites.
Other SensiZym enzymes speed up the regulatory process within the plant,
and still other enzymes help in cell replication.

100% organic.


White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
I'm gonna try it today in my last DWC tub - I'm moving them to Hempy Buckets and have to de-tangle the roots...

I hope that it will break down the roots that get destroyed, into a useable food supply. I'll let you know how it goes...


Okay, so it's been 4 days and my plants didn't miss a beat! I am ready to swear by this stuff!!!

I made a real mess of the roots too, trying to detangle them; but they didn't seem to care. There was no wilting or yellowing - they just kept on doing their thing! If anything, they are even more vibrate now!!!

If anyone is having issues with their roots or are switching from DWC to anything else and are worry about what will happen with the root ball - Don't - this stuff will save your ass! :mrgreen:
