Club 600


Well-Known Member
So I had a meeting at a Grow Store in Amsterdam today to discuss various things. One topic that I brought up was cool tubes and vertical growing. The owner who was Dutch was totally against vertical growing citing various reasons why people in Holland do not use them.
1/ Exhaust too hot
2/ Loss of light at the tip of your light
3/ Not natuiral for plants to have light like this
4/ Plants do not like light coming from underneath

Among others.

Anyway, I said that I didn't experience plants not liking light from underneath. He had given the example of when you put white reflective sheeting under your plant and they become floppy....I have seen whodat do that loads of times and his plants are far from floppy.......
He also cited the fact that sugars (auxins) are distributed from the top of the plant (which is why plants only need light at the top). I asked him when a plant is outdoors, surely it receives light all over it? Or if it's planted on a hillside, again, the angle of the light it receives differs from when it is on a flat plain......

He was quite negative about Breeders Boutique, however I explained to him the ethos of the company, and gave him some samples. You should have seen how much he changed his tune when I pulled out some weed and he got a smell. lol....totally different conversation after that. The other guy from BB I was with asked me what I thought....I said: "well it's a typical grower isn't it, everyone knows best because their weed is always best, and produces the most, blah, blah....." Not a lot of people appreciate that there are a lot of ways to do things.

I told the guy, "why would I grow horizontally, when I can produce the same amount on each of the 3 floors as what I use to produce on 1 floor, in the same space.......duh!

I also thought it quite funny when he turned his nose up at F1's and F2's. I said to him, I have read many a seed companies revues and only a few have mentioned what generation, and some of the biggest in the Game (Nirvana for example) are still selling F1 seed stock.....some people.

Anyhoo, that where just some of my findings.
This makes me laugh :wall:

Reason 3 is my favorite. Its not natural.... As if growing plants in a basement with a light bulb is natural LOL. You killed them with logic, I expected no less. F1-F2-F3 blabla, sure it can make a difference to the breeder for consistency of phenos, but to the average non-commercial grower it means much less. Find the pheno you like best and keep it going, once its going its all yours, and its dank as hell. Someday I will do a vertical grow, and I presume it will be the most efficient grow I've ever had :D

Damn grow store gurus think they know all, I can barely listen to most of them here in the states. Too many of them virtually have no clue, then again, most people don't get much of anything about anything so I suppose that is to be expected lol.

Good day 600!


Well-Known Member
MicroMole 600W Ballast and Ushio Bulb... My Opinion So Far

I've been using this relatively new ballast for several weeks now and am pleased. The ballast is barely warm. Quiet. We'll see how it holds up over time. So far I'm very happy


Well-Known Member
Cool vids Duchie plants are a higher intelligence they we give them credit for, thats why I feel guilty everytime I
DST ppl are so narrow minded. The more I hear and see the more I try to open my eyes to other ideas and thoughts. You can argue theories, but not doubt he was stumped when he saw/smelled your budz.

My lazy ass is still trimming. The buds arent overdry, actually the Cindy was slower to dry and I let her sit an extra 2 days. Everything else is curing nicely and smell and taste improving everyday.


Well-Known Member
The dude started saying about leaves pointing towards the light. At which point I thought, don't even start. When you look at my plants in a vertical, the fan leaves often just hang down, and not because they are dry or underfed, because that's the way the light is hitting them. The top fan leaves on my plants are often doing quite crazy things, as there is light from both the side and the top, so some have like sideways pointing fan leaves, the others will swivell, or some just stay normal. Plants are not stupid, the plant will develop in a way that makes it as easy as possible to get light. So if the lights coming from the side, the plant develops that way......rant rant rant...

That guy sounds like an idiot. The dumbest people I've ever met are the ones that think they know EVERYTHING.

I'm a guitar player. I've been playing close to 20 years now (that is weird as fuk to say, btw). Everybody I've ever played with, better or worse than me, has taught me something that has made me a better player. Even friends that I've been teaching have shown me a song, or inadvertently shown me something that I couldn't see on my own hands and guitar, but because I opened myself up to learning more, I started looking at where I could learn from... and well, I got a little better. All the time. Every time.

I wish people would more often take this approach to growing than not. I feel like I've seen a lot of know it alls on RIU lately, and not on the 6-0-0. I'm talking out on the mean streets of RIU.

I'm typing a lot, which means I've had coffee but no weed yet. I need to fix this. I also need to stop talking like a prick.



Well-Known Member
Hey Rrog, how much did you pay for that. I may in the future change ballasts. Still pondering the BIG upgrade, haha, everytime I do something I think it's the last big upgrade...oh dear.

Shwag, Bass, and Bobo, the guy is what he is, a Grow Shop owner who has been in business a long time, and in the Dutch market, they are very proud of their techniques. And with the Dutch in general I find it hard for them to admit they are wrong...that part of life tends to get dusted over I have found. Anyway I digress, I left the shop in the knowledge and the memory I had of him smelling my weed, and the look on his face, and the comment, "so different, such tights buds...." but imagine it in a stoned Dutch accent, lol (his eyes were super glazed lol). And.....the fact that he'd started off basically knocking it, to admiting we were approaching a different market (like the one Shwag mentioned, the one where people find phenos, clone/mother them etc..not just commerical growers looking for Big Bud).

And Bobo, I didn't notice you talking like a prick...may be that's just the way you always talk!!!!!(lmfao, walked into that one ya did!)


Well-Known Member
No prick talk just real talk Bobo. I am not offended nor should anyone who isn't a know-it-all I would know nothing now if I didnt have an open mind. I am the 1st to admit though that I dont know shit, I am just a 600 sponge!
I the same and you am drinking coffee and no weed I am looking at storage rental prices online. Ill no doubt have to store my extra grow shit and tons of other things as well. So far 10x10 $77


Well-Known Member
10x10, sounds like a good place to grow, Bass lol...
I know right, if only it was that easy....believe me I pondered the idea. I saw a guy with a 10x15 I think yrs ago. He had the light socket from the ceiling hooked to an adapter and power strip. He had a couch tables tv mini fridge and lamp in there. He was watching tv when I drove by. Mind you this is in a commercial storage facility. He had a man cave in a storage!! Talk about a cheap way to get away from the wife.....


Well-Known Member
Anyway I digress, I left the shop in the knowledge and the memory I had of him smelling my weed, and the look on his face, and the comment, "so different, such tights buds...." but imagine it in a stoned Dutch accent, lol (his eyes were super glazed lol).


Well-Known Member
Hey Rrog, how much did you pay for that. I may in the future change ballasts. Still pondering the BIG upgrade, haha, everytime I do something I think it's the last big upgrade...oh dear.
Under $200 for the 600W ballast


Well-Known Member
I currently have 15 different strains, that I need to narrow down. 6 of them I havent even flowered yet. I am a strain hoarder and need help to decide what to dump as I wont be able to take everything with me when I move. My problem is that so many things sound good to me and so I add them to the arsenal.

Here is what I have

Plat og
salmon creek big budx gdp....clone
dream queen...clone
la confidential....clone
hindu skunk.....clone

all large moms have a clone in the cloner to replace em if I keep em.


Well-Known Member
I last purchased commercial seeds over 10 years ago from I think it was. They dont seem to be around anymore. I do see someone picked up the .com but I dont believe it's them. Who are you guys in the states getting beans from now? Im aware of all or most the companies, just haven't used anyone. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Lol it isnt hard, at least for me. There are like 20 more strains I want to try as well. I just need seeds and not clones that will be the ticket for me.


Well-Known Member
Based on nothing really, but I would keep the first six you listed.

The only seedbank I've ever ordered from was Seaofseeds.


Well-Known Member
Lol it isnt hard, at least for me. There are like 20 more strains I want to try as well. I just need seeds and not clones that will be the ticket for me.

The cindy is some fire for sure, plat is one of my favs...says sat dom but mine seems like a indica to me


Well-Known Member
Hehe... I'm always high in mind and spirit.

Jarred up the Banana today. Another harvest curing... feels good. Wild how much the BBK smells like vanilla biscuits. What strain of yours smelled like that D?