Club 600


Well-Known Member
doobie bro! what would i do without the six.. what driver do you use? do i have to download a program?
because i pluged one of those into my computers usb but didnt know how to use it. it was the co1u .


Well-Known Member
hey 600's!!! trying not to annoy you with too many pics!! but i got some nice shots tonight for day 53 flowering

thanx guys, hope you like :) got my snips at the ready


Well-Known Member
Hello all!
The new mic has kept me busy!
And put me behind schedule for my 2,000th post "Snow Day" video debut.

So, to hold you over for a bit, here is my final microphone test:


too legit doob. The sounds quality is great.


Well-Known Member
Very nice Flow. shame you can't leave it to go a bit what with house inspection.
thanx DST

what's DST stand for btw?
the foxtails are giving a very false impression of maturity, underneath those tippy bits are very matured heads, if you have a squiz at my thread, u will see how quickly my flowering all began, at week 2 i had buds that looked like most do at week 4, its really hard to judge the maturity off the tops bacause of this, the lower canopy is all browning up, and all my popcorn nugs are all dense, i know it's difficult to see in the pics, but i believe she is far mature enough, the buds are very solid to squeeze, extremely sticky, and i'm seeing lots of amber trichs now, nothing has gotten that much bigger this last week, just more smelly and sticky, my sample buds all ambered up by the time they were dry, so all this will be a good jump ahead i would would be nice to go 8-9 weeks just to see what it would look like, but i'm happy not going overdone atall, and getting ready for my new strain, i'm really excited about that... i have alot of leaves dying off also, so that's gotta be a sign right? and i'd hate to see budrot appear these nugs are about 5 inches round, so better to call it safe if you ask me... your thoughts on that DST?


Well-Known Member
DST is the name of the gang is use to be in when i was a naughty hooligan.

And my thoughts on your chop. I think you chop when you are happy, everyone chops their plants at different times. I just don't like to base my chopping on what trichs look like due to that fact that it's applying a uniform principal (i.e chop when trichs are whatever % amber, cloudy, clear) to a non uniformed situation. i.e every single plant genotype will produce different amounts of resins, % of THC's, CBD's etc, but we are not aware at what % these are contained within trichomes as far as I know. A bud is more than just it's trichomes as well. Calyxes swell up with resin when plants mature, plants can still have hard nugs but still be able to pack more on.
imo: plants are ready when there are no more stigmas sticking up and looking for pollen. Calyxes swell and swallow up stigmas and no longer look to pollenate themselves. This I believe is when a plant is fully mature, and will give you the high it is designed for. Again, just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
DST is the name of the gang is use to be in when i was a naughty hooligan.

And my thoughts on your chop. I think you chop when you are happy, everyone chops their plants at different times. I just don't like to base my chopping on what trichs look like due to that fact that it's applying a uniform principal (i.e chop when trichs are whatever % amber, cloudy, clear) to a non uniformed situation. i.e every single plant genotype will produce different amounts of resins, % of THC's, CBD's etc, but we are not aware at what % these are contained within trichomes as far as I know. A bud is more than just it's trichomes as well. Calyxes swell up with resin when plants mature, plants can still have hard nugs but still be able to pack more on.
imo: plants are ready when there are no more stigmas sticking up and looking for pollen. Calyxes swell and swallow up stigmas and no longer look to pollenate themselves. This I believe is when a plant is fully mature, and will give you the high it is designed for. Again, just my opinion.
Thanx D, an interesting theory for sure, and i do agree somewhat because i understand that even the whole plant is in different maturity stages, i have heard that some strains can just keep growing and growing, so i sort of applied lots of peoples ideas and methods, if i could harvest in different stages i probably would! do you believe there is such thing as 'over ripe'? just saying cause if these foxtails keep growing and growing, would that allow over ripeness ?? still learning soo much, i mean could the plant then grow seeds? a scary thought ofcourse...


Well-Known Member
Some strains seem to self pollenate if left to ripen. Strain definitely can be too ripe, if you left a plant to grow, eventually the bud would go brown, the calyxes would start to rot, and then effectively the flowers would fall off the plant. In nature these would have seeds and the following seasons seed stock would then be in the ground ready to germinate.


Well-Known Member
Some strains seem to self pollenate if left to ripen. Strain definitely can be too ripe, if you left a plant to grow, eventually the bud would go brown, the calyxes would start to rot, and then effectively the flowers would fall off the plant. In nature these would have seeds and the following seasons seed stock would then be in the ground ready to germinate.
good answer, the dude who taught me reckons you can grow this strain out 8-10 weeks, and says you can get huge yield, but tells me to pull around week 6 if i want a stronger buzz!!?? and this IS all for personal, as i dont want a name as a 'dealer' but 8-10 weeks, could you imagine with buds this big? i mean, i nearly had budrot on my last crop, and if i didnt chop the heads down to golf ball size they wouldnt of dried properly, and i would of had to chuck out more than i did, i lost 1 good cola thinking i could dry it naturally. too big :( they are alot more dense than they look i guess, i just don't want to risk my crop, oh and the inspection, so in a way it's lucky timing, it got stacks of mature head on it, so i'm lucky in that respect! :) so for what i need it for, and my mrs, we coiuldnt be happier , but next grow i'll veg a little less and see if i can flower a little longer, and see what happens, thanx DST i'll have enough perso for about 1 year!! plus enough hash to get a school stoned


Well-Known Member
So I had a meeting at a Grow Store in Amsterdam today to discuss various things. One topic that I brought up was cool tubes and vertical growing. The owner who was Dutch was totally against vertical growing citing various reasons why people in Holland do not use them.
1/ Exhaust too hot
2/ Loss of light at the tip of your light
3/ Not natuiral for plants to have light like this
4/ Plants do not like light coming from underneath

Among others.

Anyway, I said that I didn't experience plants not liking light from underneath. He had given the example of when you put white reflective sheeting under your plant and they become floppy....I have seen whodat do that loads of times and his plants are far from floppy.......
He also cited the fact that sugars (auxins) are distributed from the top of the plant (which is why plants only need light at the top). I asked him when a plant is outdoors, surely it receives light all over it? Or if it's planted on a hillside, again, the angle of the light it receives differs from when it is on a flat plain......

He was quite negative about Breeders Boutique, however I explained to him the ethos of the company, and gave him some samples. You should have seen how much he changed his tune when I pulled out some weed and he got a smell. lol....totally different conversation after that. The other guy from BB I was with asked me what I thought....I said: "well it's a typical grower isn't it, everyone knows best because their weed is always best, and produces the most, blah, blah....." Not a lot of people appreciate that there are a lot of ways to do things.

I told the guy, "why would I grow horizontally, when I can produce the same amount on each of the 3 floors as what I use to produce on 1 floor, in the same space.......duh!

I also thought it quite funny when he turned his nose up at F1's and F2's. I said to him, I have read many a seed companies revues and only a few have mentioned what generation, and some of the biggest in the Game (Nirvana for example) are still selling F1 seed stock.....some people.

Anyhoo, that where just some of my findings.


Well-Known Member
Some strains seem to self pollenate if left to ripen. Strain definitely can be too ripe, if you left a plant to grow, eventually the bud would go brown, the calyxes would start to rot, and then effectively the flowers would fall off the plant. In nature these would have seeds and the following seasons seed stock would then be in the ground ready to germinate.
And then all the little birdies come and eat them up, taking them away to be pooped out, all wrapped in starter nutes, somewhere else. The true seed fairies.

Good day all. Doobie. A hoot as always man. I just got home from picking me up a little something to get me by, had a bowl and watched the vid. Well...let's just say you brought tears to my eyes and leave it at that. Great job and really looking forward to your release. bongsmilie

So the usual sprinkle of opinions I see. Everyone's an expert. :lol: Well I was watching some experts in their field last night in a TED Talks series on Netflix and it was very cool. This series is Beasts, Bugs and Bio-wilderment and I went and found a couple on YouTube I'd like to share. Now that plant guy is a little wierd (shocker!), and his proposal at the end is a little weird too but I'll let you be the judge of that. The other one has some really cool time lapse, as well as the plant guys with plants moving to light. Anyway, here they are. Enjoy.

I Love TED Talks! I've got my daughter watching them and it got her pumped for University. How cool is that!

TED Talks Beasts, Bugs and Bio-wilderment series on Netflix.

[h=1]Stefano Mancuso: The roots of plant intelligence[/h]



Well-Known Member
Where the hell did this stupid "single video" rule happen? Now that's dumb!

The Hidden Beauty of Pollination.


Well-Known Member
just had 38 gram off 4 of my autos like not as much as i was hoping but lovely like got 8 hanging and 10 still to chop il hoy few pics on my g13 1 have well come back to life others look a bit shit, still i was thinking a wiilma 9 xl to go in my attic and use my 4x4 tent as mother clone and veg station as i will only be needing 9 clones every so often once i figure out a strain and how im gona do it


Well-Known Member
Got the first vid, comical accent, but nice talk for sure. Interesting Duchie.

Second vid failed a little bit in....probalby my pc. Will try again in a bit.


Well-Known Member
4/ Plants do not like light coming from underneath

Among others.

Anyway, I said that I didn't experience plants not liking light from underneath. He had given the example of when you put white reflective sheeting under your plant and they become floppy....I have seen whodat do that loads of times and his plants are far from floppy.......
You know those upside down hanging tomato things, the plants will grow down then they turn up towards the sun when they get a chance. I don't think it's because of the light though as much as gravity and the plant knows which way is up. I'd like to see someone run a light underneath one of those planters and see if the plant kept its leaves facing the same way.


Well-Known Member
The dude started saying about leaves pointing towards the light. At which point I thought, don't even start. When you look at my plants in a vertical, the fan leaves often just hang down, and not because they are dry or underfed, because that's the way the light is hitting them. The top fan leaves on my plants are often doing quite crazy things, as there is light from both the side and the top, so some have like sideways pointing fan leaves, the others will swivell, or some just stay normal. Plants are not stupid, the plant will develop in a way that makes it as easy as possible to get light. So if the lights coming from the side, the plant develops that way......rant rant rant...