Deer fence thats easy to transport


Well-Known Member
All I do is piss around them and that works perfectly fine. If you have alot of plants then fill up a few bottles to pack out to your plants. The piss is chalk full of nitrogen and helps durring veg anyways. Just don't piss directly on the plant or you could burnem. Some of the Ideas you noobs come up with are just down right crazy. Why would you lug out hundreds of pounds of fences and posts and shit. What do you think a bystander would make of fenced in plants in the middle of nowhere? Why don't you just get a pet cougar while your at it? I guess if you have cats you could bring out the litter box scoops to trickem that theres a cougar around or maybe dog shit for coyote/wolf but then again humans are the biggest predator around. If animals are diggin up your holes your not doing it right. You should be topping your holes with the native topsoil you dug out first to mask it. Why would you use bloodmeal and bone meal and fish anyways? Because some other rocket scientist on rollitup swears by it? So you can overfeed your plant all the micro nutrients it will never use? Nitrogen-Phosphorous-Potassium are what the plant needs, not two pounds of calcium and other non composted crap. K.I.S.S.
I've pissed several times at previous plots and still had plants chomped by deer. While some tactics work in certain areas, they don't work worth shit for others. There's too many vaiables to generalize that one simple solution will work in any circumstance.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2112294View attachment 2112295View attachment 2112300her'es how we keep deer out of our babies!! a 8 ft fence will not keep them out, have ya ever seen how easy it is for a deer to just hop right over the top and land inside when you are outside? and have them snort at ya !! i did once and that was the end of that shit . the strings going out away from the fence and helps hold everything in place. when they stand up to see over they get it all way around . i never have lost any more plants to animals since. good luck
Yes they can jump an 8 ft fence if they want to but I doubt they will in my area ffor some weed plants. I've used chicken wire about 5 ft tall and worked fine. Only problem is that this shit is heavy to carry especially for 50 plants


Active Member
I've pissed several times at previous plots and still had plants chomped by deer. While some tactics work in certain areas, they don't work worth shit for others. There's too many vaiables to generalize that one simple solution will work in any circumstance.
Are you a vegetarian? I've heard it helps to have meat in your diet.


Game trail passes less than fifty feet from one garden, never had a problem. Hair from brushes, dog hair, piss and twice the recommended amount of Deer and Rabbit repellent.

And like someone else said, an abundant supply of greenery.


Well-Known Member
Game trail passes less than fifty feet from one garden, never had a problem. Hair from brushes, dog hair, piss and twice the recommended amount of Deer and Rabbit repellent.

And like someone else said, an abundant supply of greenery.
I'll try using the deer hair, but not sure how well this will work as urine has never worked. Liquid fence is another method I'm considering. As long as deer have desire for tasty weed plants, they will take the risk. I think a strong physical barrier is the most insured method.