the chitown sourkush thread


Well-Known Member
member this doc????? gizmo da pothead chinchilla??? god i miss that rodent... havent seen him much since me and my ex broke up.. i may have to steal him..

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
hahahahahahasha dr ma fuckin greenhorn!!!!! good to see you back holmz!!!! wtf u been on? tell me there is sk growing in the tropics!!!!
There is sk growing in the tropics my nigga. :) I'll get some pics up sometime. One is in flower about 4 weeks already and then we have a mother also. So sk is alive and well in th 808. I still got a few sk beans I put up on reserve for back-up just in case.

So how you been man? Hope is all good with y'all. I missed y'all monkey asses, lol


Well-Known Member
There is sk growing in the tropics my nigga. :) I'll get some pics up sometime. One is in flower about 4 weeks already and then we have a mother also. So sk is alive and well in th 808. I still got a few sk beans I put up on reserve for back-up just in case.

So how you been man? Hope is all good with y'all. I missed y'all monkey asses, lol

lol fuck yessss... dont lose those genetics doc... one day soon you gonna hear about the chitown sk being a craze in cali.. cuzz it looks like im moving there son!!!!!! i been ok for the most part doc.. up and down but this is life... and we missed u too nigg.. to many times i was like wtf is da doc!!


Well-Known Member
Hahaha, ya I remember that chinchilla,lol. U gotta teach that chinchilla to dance like that one puertorican dog lol
lol everytime im around that chinchilla he is soo fucking baked he dont do shit but chill in his lil plastic house with his head out the door so i can pet him between his ears while he eats alpalpha lol... m

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
lol fuck yessss... dont lose those genetics doc... one day soon you gonna hear about the chitown sk being a craze in cali.. cuzz it looks like im moving there son!!!!!! i been ok for the most part doc.. up and down but this is life... and we missed u too nigg.. to many times i was like wtf is da doc!!
Good to hear u ok and holding the fort down homie. I thought u would be part owner of RIU by now,lol. I haven't been on so long I thought I would have lost my mod status by now,.... I must be one of the special ones, lol. :)

First thing I logged on, I came straight to this thread son, so that makes u special too, lol. Been busy doing my thing lately and don't got an Internet Connection so I been away From the RIU scene for awhile.


Well-Known Member
Good to hear u ok and holding the fort down homie. I thought u would be part owner of RIU by now,lol. I haven't been on so long I thought I would have lost my mod status by now,.... I must be one of the special ones, lol. :)

First thing I logged on, I came straight to this thread son, so that makes u special too, lol. Been busy doing my thing lately and don't got an Internet Connection so I been away From the RIU scene for awhile.
naw i wouldnt let them take ur account away... lol... i even go hella back in this thread from time to time to rep howak so his account dont vanish.. i think it helps.. lol... roast is gonna impliment a new plan that over the course of the next few months mods will be given more responsibilities.. first they will be givin another forum to moderate... then another from there.. then after that they will global mods.. i dont think he made the announcment yet.. gotta check the staff forums doe.. how big is the sk in bloom? she gettinmg kiefy huh? pretty soon theres gonna be alotta tropica; people walking funny around da island huh bra
? lol

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
The sk in bloom is about 2 ft right now. Indoor. Not going for monsters but going more for numbers. Once the flowering room opens up with space, then the flower room will be filled with sk, but no space right now so only got that one sk in the flowering room. And ya man, that shit be frosty. Can't wait till smoke that shit


New Member
Good to hear u ok and holding the fort down homie. I thought u would be part owner of RIU by now,lol. I haven't been on so long I thought I would have lost my mod status by now,.... I must be one of the special ones, lol. :)

First thing I logged on, I came straight to this thread son, so that makes u special too, lol. Been busy doing my thing lately and don't got an Internet Connection so I been away From the RIU scene for awhile.
damn bro we thought we lost u
people been worried about u
seen post asking where u were now i understand
welcome back


Well-Known Member
The sk in bloom is about 2 ft right now. Indoor. Not going for monsters but going more for numbers. Once the flowering room opens up with space, then the flower room will be filled with sk, but no space right now so only got that one sk in the flowering room. And ya man, that shit be frosty. Can't wait till smoke that shit
hell yeah.. take some pix for ya boy chi.. how is kkday doing man? u still fuck with him? havent seen him around in a grip


New Member
Hey what's up FAB. Thanks for rolling out the welcome wagon :) good to see ya man, .... I'm still alive and well
well i seen a guy post where is dr greenhorn then i looked at your profile and seen u hadent been on since 18 of last month and feared the worse
glad all is good and u still among us

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
hell yeah.. take some pix for ya boy chi.. how is kkday doing man? u still fuck with him? havent seen him around in a grip
Kkday is doing fine. Ya man, I still fuck with him, lol. I see him pretty much everyday. Either we go surfing or we work on his grow but ya man, I see him daily. I'm actually at his house right now and using his Internet connection, lol. And I'll get those pics up sometime soon.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
well i seen a guy post where is dr greenhorn then i looked at your profile and seen u hadent been on since 18 of last month and feared the worse
glad all is good and u still among us
I've hardly been logging on lately. Another moderator pissed me off awhile back and I Got so pissed at him, I really wanted to break his ass. So I took a break from RIU for awhile for that reason, I wanted to choke the fuck outta that guy, lol. But now I've been over it for awhile but just haven't had much time or an Internet connection to check out RIU on the daily..... But I'm back now and just getting my feet wet again :)


New Member
I've hardly been logging on lately. Another moderator pissed me off awhile back and I Got so pissed at him, I really wanted to break his ass. So I took a break from RIU for awhile for that reason, I wanted to choke the fuck outta that guy, lol. But now I've been over it for awhile but just haven't had much time or an Internet connection to check out RIU on the daily..... But I'm back now and just getting my feet wet again :)

please dont choke a muthafucker out lol
but i understand your reasons