Is it too late to transfer to organic soil?? need response asap plz!

First time grow and it was going great until i fucked with miracle grow.... atleast that is according to about 90% of the dozens of forums ive read. I have two sexy ladies about 3 weeks old. I germinated them with the paper towel process, after sprouting i put them in 16oz solo cups filled with Fox Farm Happy Frog, the very little i had :(. And then yesterday(4/3) my dumbass went and transplanted my girls into gallon bags filled with the spawn of the devil (Miracle-Gro continous feeding). basically it comes to this is it too late to pick up a quality soil like fox farm? and im also questioning if i have enough light. Any advice would help a ton


Well-Known Member
First time grow and it was going great until i fucked with miracle grow.... atleast that is according to about 90% of the dozens of forums ive read. I have two sexy ladies about 3 weeks old. I germinated them with the paper towel process, after sprouting i put them in 16oz solo cups filled with Fox Farm Happy Frog, the very little i had :(. And then yesterday(4/3) my dumbass went and transplanted my girls into gallon bags filled with the spawn of the devil (Miracle-Gro continous feeding). basically it comes to this is it too late to pick up a quality soil like fox farm? and im also questioning if i have enough light. Any advice would help a ton
not to late m8, it will just shock or set them back a couple of days is hurry and find that magic soil and get them in some proper stuff. miricle grow is bollux ;)
thank you sir, and agreed, ill leave miracle grow to make nuclear tomatoes... the two strains i have growing are OG Graze and High priestess, what nutrients should i get for them?


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2107919View attachment 2107920
here's a couple picks. They are al little yellow, i ran a Ph test yesterday and it was at a solid 6. but i havent had any issues, still waiting to water again, probably tomorrow, what do you guys think? if you need more pics/info lemme know! thanks dudez
lookin good ;) try to get ur ph @ 6.4 - 6.5 this is optimal for nutriant uptake................................keep it green ;)
lookin good ;) try to get ur ph @ 6.4 - 6.5 this is optimal for nutriant uptake................................keep it green ;)
if i wanted to use baking soda, how much should i dilute in a gallon at a time? and also what should my watering schedule be like? should i start flushing every so often?

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
MG will grow a plant just fine. You just need to tend your watering habits a bit closer......baking soda is a much bigger spawn of the devil than MG when it come to growing....


Well-Known Member
baking soda..................nope, don't use it, contains sodium, plants are not huge fans of sodium. Better to use lime, contains magnesium and calcium. add drop bye drop................. Apple Cider vinegar as a ph down. :) i water/ feed every 3 days depending on temps and flush ph every 2 weeks ;)


Well-Known Member
Flushing MG is what causes problems. User error blamed on the soil......flushing is for toilets......

[SIZE=-0] So, you've heard about flushing, but you wonder why, right? Okay, let's paint a picture of what happens in nature to give us a comparison.

In nature, the rain droplets, (formed high in the atmosphere and highly oxygenated ) collect into droplets heavy enough to start falling earthward, and eventually reach the earth where the plant is growing.

The rain soaks the soil surrounding the soil, and releases the oxygen collected during the water droplet's fall.

[SIZE=-0]Gravity continues to pull the water downward through the soil to the watertable, washing all accumulated plant wastes downward with it and away from the roots.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-0]At the same time, the rain also helps break up and bring down fresh nutrients from the top of the soil. In this way, there is never any build-up of toxic wastes to prevent the normal function of the roots, and they get fresh air, water and nutrients with each rain. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, we have to find a way to bring conditions in line with what is going on out in nature. Inside the pot, the fertilizers and plant wastes have no place to go, and become concentrated in the bottom, which raises the ph to toxic levels. This causes what is known as nutrient lock and the plant can't get any nutes. It's important to flush on a schedule to keep the pH balanced, and remove the wastes excreted by the plant. Expect to need a gallon or two at least for each plant, so bubble the water in advance, and make sure you have enough to do the whole job at once.[/SIZE]

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Not even close........I have been a farmer my entire life and have never heard such a bunk explanation of of the dynamics of rain water and soil...


Well-Known Member

[SIZE=-0]Here's a shot of another good method for flushing plants in 6 inch flower pots. Two can be done at a time, and the color of the effluent being rinsed from the plants systems can be easily seen in the bottom of the white bucket. At around 2 to 3 weeks, the plant will need its first flush, and nutrients lock up and become unavailable for the the use of the plant. Simply pour the water through the top of the pots, and observe the color.


[SIZE=-0]Here's a good shot of the deep yellow color of the water just flushed through 3-week old plants in 6 inch pots. No surprise that the plants shown here were not responding well, the pH level was elevated, and nute lock was beginning to occur.
Flushing can be said to be a very good equalizer to correct problems, it returns conditions in the soil to a baseline level, which can be adjusted on the basis of being "empty" of nutrients.




[SIZE=-0] It's important to note that once the pot has been flushed properly, there will be NO nutrients left in the soil, so after flushing you must replace the nutrients for the plant to have anything to grow on.
Let the pot dry out some until the soil pulls away from the sides of the pot slightly before you water next, and apply flull strength all purpose fertillizer (20/20/20) so there will be no hesitation in the plants growth due to a sudden lack of nutes.
[SIZE=-0]If you do not do this, the plants will start to slowly turn pale green, then yellow as the N is depleted and chlorosis takes hold. The plant will starve to death, and fail within weeks.[/SIZE]


Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
There are certain cation bonds that no amount of water will break....and the 3 times the pot size theory(9 gallons for a 3 gallon pot)almost never happens in nature. How often do you get 10-12 inches of rain at one time? During a hurricane maybe.....and thats what you are subjecting your plants to when you the additional soil compaction.......