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indy, tives, or brid

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And one of them cut open so you can get a good look at all of the placenta, which is where the heat lies. A common misconception is that the seeds contain heat, and although they are hot its because of contact w the oils in and on the placenta:)
I would love to grow something like that in my garden, but i could just imagine what would happen when, not if, the kid got a hold of it. I would probably end up in jail for child abuse.
Well that and i could never actually eat it, just stare at it and dare people to eat it for my entertainment. :fire:
Chef - we've not met but I can tell we are soul brothers. I totally agree about the placenta vs seed heat factor. I usually grow scotch bonnet habaneros for the flavor and heat equilibrium. I'd be up for trying your peppers but won't commit to eating one whole. I prefer to make my own sauce in different strengths ranging from pizza slather to 2 drop fire goo.
I would love to grow something like that in my garden, but i could just imagine what would happen when, not if, the kid got a hold of it. I would probably end up in jail for child abuse.
Well that and i could never actually eat it, just stare at it and dare people to eat it for my entertainment. :fire:

Trueno - my daughter (9 at the time) ate one of my habaneros fresh off the plant and thought she was going to die. She recovered nicely but won't go near the peppers anymore.
for EC, some bud porn thats new!
this is the BLZ (again) thinking maybe a week or ten days or so before picking. Been checking trichs and they are getting cloudy with maybe one or two ambers starting to show. Last harvest they had one last big swell at the end and I havent seen it as much this time around, so Im trying to wait as long as possible.

and the other half of the room which is mostly g13/
ey are about a month behind the other side, so aproxx. 5 weeks into flowering

Nice andy!! I can smell em from here! Tru, I'll never eat a whole one again haha :) just like med (whasup by the way bro, its funny you say soul brothers, I got some habanero x salt x apple cider vin "colorado sunshine" that goes on almost everything chilling at all times in my fridge that I make to :), tried the same recipe w brain strain, just felt like I was chewing on glass :)) I'm more of a fan of "edible heat" but I like growing the fire so to speak sooooo... But ya if y'all are interusted let me kno I've got over 40 kinds of hot and super hots :) ya gotta start em from seed tho. And indi your right in that they're capsicums, but they actually hail from the island of trinidad and tobago, and are for all intents and purposes habaneros. Google 7 pot habs and you'll get more info, I am still new to the pepper game and just know a little that I learned last year during the "outdoor" haha growing season. Btw a small flat rate box of these bad boys can go for over 50 bucks so it can be a fun way to pay for or other hobbies as well :) but I digress... More bud porn coming soon :)
I had access to ghost pepper plants for a while! They look like death just staring at them. Almost fake looking how well they grew the peppers too! Leave your ass hurting for a good five er six days and not to mention the INTENSE PAIN that you feel after eating some. Never again in my life. ever. I would be very nice to see someone eat that shit so I know how stupid I looked. Similar to soldiers coming out of a gas chamber at boot camp.... Massive salivation, snot running everywhere, eyes watering to the point of blindness! Fun stuff really guys.
girls are finally popping hairs and starting to bud properly. found a light leak a week ago that i'm sure was delaying flowering. i'm going to hit the AK and Durban with some Tahoe OG pollen Chef kicked down :)

RIU now has a app for droids and I think Iphone thanks to YOURS truly!! My thread worked and moved up the line to full on development. Just bought it for $1 and hopefully I can now upload photos via my droid 2! Thanks RIU!
girls are finally popping hairs and starting to bud properly. found a light leak a week ago that i'm sure was delaying flowering. i'm going to hit the AK and Durban with some Tahoe OG pollen Chef kicked down :)

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I love how LED makes all pics look like your grow is taking place on Mars :joint: How happy are you with the LED? I was personally very surprised at how tight my internodes spaced even with a 7:1 red:blue ratio, but haven't flowered with em yet.