My First Growbox w/cfls


Active Member
nah, way off otherwise i would say come smoke a J
Ahh, your going to the grow capital. Get your card and have some fun.


Active Member
Is Vancouver really full of junkies, or is that just something they show on USA TV to make us feel better about ourselves and our fucked up inner-cities?

Seems like smack-head heaven (if there is a such thing).


Active Member
Is Vancouver really full of junkies, or is that just something they show on USA TV to make us feel better about ourselves and our fucked up inner-cities?

Seems like smack-head heaven (if there is a such thing).

Ya I hear its pretty bad there, my buddy said when he was there he almost got stabed by a paraplegic with a needle.
Its because its warm there, brings in the homeless and drugs. People can just live on the streets.
Also was told a story of some chick that died there because she tried shoot up a puddle of water. when she dropped her fix in it.


Well-Known Member
The blackstrap is good, I think its one table spoon per gal.... Dabumps, what part of Ca? Stay high.
Probably up north. Idk I'm looking for a place up north and near a medical school.... Of anyone has any good ideas where that could be.


Well-Known Member
sulphates are no good for your plants....they don't like it! It's kinda like watering with acid rain if your molasses has sulphates in it!