Growing Bagseed atm, Need some advice People - Thanks in Advance!


Active Member
hi i have been growing some bagseed for a few weeks now, do you think my plants look healthy?

should i carry on with this grow or should i get some autoflowering/dwarf seeds?

opinions on this please

and which is better autoflowering or dwarf plants?

pics of current grow


this is my grow space, what do you think about height etc etc

also in the first picture can anyone tell me why the leaves are drooping ? i transplanted two yesterday into bigger pots, will they be big enough pots up until harvest also?

also i was going to get foxfarm trio but i cant as im from uk, can anyone suggest uk nutes that will be suitable for veg - flowering? thanks


Well-Known Member
As far as I know there are no "dwarf" plants. When you flip sort of regulate height.

I don't know your setup to say much.

I only have one use for autoflowers and that's to plant them all over town


Active Member
As far as I know there are no "dwarf" plants. When you flip sort of regulate height.

I don't know your setup to say much.

I only have one use for autoflowers and that's to plant them all over town

ill take some pics of my setup so you can see properly

i only have 3 ft of height, what is my best options? but i could move and adapt to a cupboard grow i suppose if height became an issue


Well-Known Member
Scrog or supercrop to keep the height down. From what I see they look fine.


Well-Known Member
They look fine to me...I have gotten some real gems out of bagseed before... u never know what kind of latent genetics may come out... If this is what u plan to grow them in, u can try 12/12 from seed and see what u get, although it wont be very much... Especially as u may only have one female out of those... I'd really suggest finding a little bigger space, and let them veg on 18/6 for a month, and then throw them into 12/12, using a screen of green with a little 6" X 6" plastic keep the height down and canopy fuller... Just identify your females when they begin to show preflowers asap, which in your case will be at least a few more weeks, if you have them set on 12/12 now, and train your branches to grow more horitontally through the mesh, and you will probably do ok... It would be nice to know the lights u r using now, plan to use for flowering, and the temps inside the space, at canopy level, and overall, and also what type of nutes u plan to use...


Well-Known Member
Also, other than the smaller Auto versions of mj these days, ther are no "dwarf" plants, as a plant can be made to grow at just about any size depending on pruning methods, container size, whether or not it is a clone, or a number of factors... All of which are human-induced... I've seen outdoor sativas reach 20+ feet in overall height, with trunks 4-5" in diameter before, and I have seen people train plants to only grow to about a foot and a half tall, itz all about what you do to limit their size or whether or not u just let it do what it wants to do, which is reach for the sky...


Active Member
They look fine to me...I have gotten some real gems out of bagseed before... u never know what kind of latent genetics may come out... If this is what u plan to grow them in, u can try 12/12 from seed and see what u get, although it wont be very much... Especially as u may only have one female out of those... I'd really suggest finding a little bigger space, and let them veg on 18/6 for a month, and then throw them into 12/12, using a screen of green with a little 6" X 6" plastic keep the height down and canopy fuller... Just identify your females when they begin to show preflowers asap, which in your case will be at least a few more weeks, if you have them set on 12/12 now, and train your branches to grow more horitontally through the mesh, and you will probably do ok... It would be nice to know the lights u r using now, plan to use for flowering, and the temps inside the space, at canopy level, and overall, and also what type of nutes u plan to use...

lights at the min are only 40w 2700ks i think, i have ordered splitters so i can have 4 lights, and will be getting the right spectrum for flower/veg
nutes i have been using is just bonemeal, can you suggest any uk nutes? as im not sure

also would it be better to adapt to a cupboard grow as my yield may be more successful?

temp usually stays around 24-30 degrees celsius

more of a tester as this is my first grow, hoping to learn a bit and also get a bit to smoke

whats the best average height with decent yield of a plant?

thanks for your info repped too :)


Well-Known Member
Bro, u r speakin the wrong language to me... Im on the standard side of the globe... lol! 70-80 deg F is good... Height and size r all relative to the size container, and if any topping methods were used... U can make a plant howeever big or small u want it to be, just about... I use 5-gallon buckets, on a grate sitting on top of a 2" drain pan with a sub pump for drainage tubed into an office-style water jug, when I have overflow... I fit 8 five gallon buckets into my 4' X 2' closet, and have a box fan at bottom blowing upwards, an oscill. fan at canopy level, and fans on my remote ballasts on other side of room, to keep them cooler, and am running three 250W HPS, and one 400W MH in there... I have a thick, white beach towel, as a cover/reflector of sorts, with twin 24VDC fans at the top to pull out any hot air in the top of the closet... It is a system that took me several years to "perfect", but I still tweek it every now and again... I mix my own soil with a large list of all natural, organic macro and micro nutes, making for a lovely "living" soil, which my plants thrive in, and keep my temps between 65 deg F at night, and 80 deg F (at the highest) during the day, but more commonly around 75 deg F... Blood meal would be better for veg, and save the bone meal for flowering, as it has P in it, not N, like blood meal... Do u guys have worm castings, greensand, dolomitic lime, n- or p-rich bat guanos, feather meal, alfalfa meal, cotton burr, fish emulsion, rock phosphate, perlite, etc, etc... I could go on and on... Hope this gives u a few ideas... And get u a HID asap, bro! Use MH AND HPS, full term, if u can afford them, or even find them in The UK... Try looking into using CO2 supplementation, via the fermentation method with a milk jug, sugar, and yeast, and setting it in your area... It will dramatically increase your plants' sizes and yields and overall happinness... Try watering with diluted liquid seaweed... Even use that as a foliar spray during veg, not flowering... Ladybugs r good to keep in the ganja garden to eat any flies like whiteflies that u may inadvertantly bring in with some of these medium additives... Start with a basic soil, though when u mix, just a very neutral, non-nutrient containing type... Those things I listed, shouldnt ALL be used together... For instance, use the more N-rich ones for veg soil, and use the more P-rich ones for flowering soil... Greensand, perlite, peat moss, and the dolomitic lime wont hurt for either one, though...