Another case of drooping plants, please help


Active Member
I mist them occasionally, not that often.
I saw somebody here in the forum talking about putting a fan so that the roots and the hydroton could dry faster, so I took one of those laptop cooling thingies and put the pots on it. Will this help anything or it's making it worse?

Is transplant to soil the only thing to do?


Active Member
do you have an airstone in your res to keep fresh oxygen in there?

imo it looks like underwatering in the last pics..

I would try switching them to a single bubble buck (DWC) with airstone. it will ensure proper oxygen level and will perk your plant back up if it is a under or over watering issue. then pop it back in ur F&D system and begin trial and error again..


Active Member
Yes to the airstone, it's on 24/7...
Can they hold on for much longer? I don't know if I'm gonna be able to either transplant them to soil or switch to a DWC until the weekend :\


Well-Known Member
Holy shit...I don't give that high of ppms to plants that are in the middle of have burnt the hell out of them.


Active Member
Holy shit...I don't give that high of ppms to plants that are in the middle of have burnt the hell out of them.
i believe mine EC is to high as well, they increased quite a bit from epsom salt and lime. and everytime u add ph up or down it increases ppm and EC as well..
this is just my opinion is you way overwatered those are so small a 1 watering every other day in rockwool should be enough to surfice till they get bigger... and plus i gurantee you used fertilizer in your water so i agree with the person before you overwatered and overfed the little guy hes a gonner go ahead and start over if the plant does make it you stressed it so much it prob gonna turn male or hermi one or the other. next time remember less is more when it comes to feeding!!!! they will use more the bigger they get


Active Member
soil is better for beginners, they might really bounce back if you transplant to soil, then you could check the roots. They are drying up from being too far from the light, too close (400 hps is a lot for small plants) but it almost looked like root rot, the plant is diseased and getting worse.
humidity is the only other thing, are you never misting them with water, or all the time? if you transplant, look for brown dead roots and tear them off. best bet to transplant to dry potting soil, let it dry out, prune off dead material, maybe water the next day. switch to hand watering, you won't over water then
I guess I'm gonna give it a try at is almost completely dryed up, but the other looks like salvageable. But, as it wasn't enough, the grow shop where I do my shopping is going to be closed until next tuesday, and my car is at the mechanic (& the nearest grow shop is ~30KM away)...unless I get really lucky the only soil that I'm gonna be able to get my hands on will be the soil that my mom uses for her flowers.

Will it be enough or should I start looking for someone to give me a ride tomorrow?

And also, can anyone give me some pointers on how to transplant from hydro to soil? e.g. how do I get the hydroton without harming the roots, how to accommodate the roots in the soil, etc

many thanks!


Active Member
take ur net pot and turn it upside down VERY slowly while holding your hand over the top of the net pot with the stem between ur middle and ring finger as hydroton slowly rolls out, just slowly get as much hydroton out and then slowly pull your rockwool out with roots


Transplant your whole net pot and rockwool with hydroton in soil as long as you bury the roots pretty good i would imagine it would work well

i have also read that transplanting from soil to hydro or vice versa can shock a plant pretty bad

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Wow. That was so unfortunate. I've never removed a plant unless It was done growing. I know in my system I plant and pull when the rock is flooded. The roots seem to seperate easier when the hydroton is flooded.