Club 600


Well-Known Member
lol, don't try to act smart buddy. I am fully aware what vaccines do and how SOME of them are produced. Vaccines are there to save lives in limited doses dummy.

Not produced in factories that dump chemical wastes into rivers and oceans in massive quantities that are then added to our food sources.
So your claiming that pharmaceutical companies are more responsible with their by-products?

Are you aware of pharmaceutics polluting the EARTHS drinking water?

Toxic storage issues? Hmm? Sorry, trying to act smart.


Well-Known Member
no, I am saying that at least the vaccines are being produced to help people survive vs. adding shitty and unnecissary things to your food.


Well-Known Member
haha,buck nasty:Ice T: Buck Nasty is nominated for getting his best friend's girlfriend pregnant, then tricking his best friend into raising the little motherfucker.


Well-Known Member
no, I am saying that at least the vaccines are being produced to help people survive vs. adding shitty and unnecissary things to your food.
So providing free meds to low income patients isn't help. Now I see your point. If producing medicine for those who can't afford it is worthless, your point is valid.


Well-Known Member
That is a terrible reply. excuse.
We went rounds before, and ended up coming to a consensus. So I'm sure your point will become clear. So far, your just saying Chemical nutrients have no place and shouldn't be made at all. There are hydro farms in Africa and Asia to battle hunger RIGHT NOW! Guess what they are using!!! And I've been to 2 hydro and 1 Aquaponic setup for community growing, so I know what I'm talking about. I'll give you one guess.


Well-Known Member
Check out my buddy Jeff's new video.

I don't hate you, bro. I just suggested not using such strong language towards someone when you don't really know them. Even if we met, I would never talk down to you, only offer my opinion because it worked for me. The best grower on this sight has a superior who has a firmer grasp on growing than they. We're all learning here. Some started earlier than others. That's all, we're cool.


Well-Known Member
Kind of a null issue guys. The only reason we are able to feed the worlds population currently is chemical ferts. The amount of food the world needs to produce to feed the expanding population is estimated to double by 2050... without any increase in arable farmland... As a super green hippie who is all about organics and recycling and sustainability and all that, my natural resources degree, statistics, plant chemistry, and physics point to a complete reliance on chemical ferts. It's just what it is...

In short, there is no way the world could grow organically and produce enough food to feed everyone. Once it would have worked but currently there are just too many fucking humans.

That being said, there are things we can do to lessen the amount we need to use - legumes as cover crops for instance.


Well-Known Member
I don't hate you, bro. I just suggested not using such strong language towards someone when you don't really know them. Even if we met, I would never talk down to you, only offer my opinion because it worked for me. The best grower on this sight has a superior who has a firmer grasp on growing than they. We're all learning here. Some started earlier than others. That's all, we're cool.
When did I say anything to you? If you have something to say, send me a PM.

Mind your Business.


Well-Known Member
No one said anything close to "Chemical fertilizers have no place and shouldn't be made at all." I don't see what the problem is with people who want to grow organically, doing so, and doing so in part because they don't like the manufacturing process of chemical nutrients. I also don't see what the problem is with people having issues with the ethics of some companies actions.


Well-Known Member
lets all calm down take a toke and buzz of some veg proon

week 3 and half veg
5 on the left are Armageddons and 5 on the left are BB blue cheese

these are 5 blue cheese

these babys are currently week 1 flower ill post pics later for you boys

so dst what do u say to these babys then

edid: using 2 x 600w