Oaksterdam raided by DEA and IRS.


Well-Known Member
Its all about taxes and the IRS.. dea& feds are just doing the man power.. the IRS put this in motion.


Well-Known Member
well, DUH meth houses are gaurded by the government. i know for a fact that the sheriff in my town, works for drug cartels and keeps the myriad of meth houses spread throughout my county safe. also, meth labs blow up and put those cops in danger. they want to be promoted not blown up. there superiors i.e. GOVERNMENT only care about results. The Government is all about suppressing our soul, and inflating the ego. EGO. Edge God Out. Why do you think pharmaceutical companies pay doctors or clinic to prescribe more opiates. sorry a little rant there lol.


Well-Known Member
Wasn't there a shooting in Oakland today? Great use of tax payer money to take down these dangerous legal patients....smh

I fucking hate our government