World of Seeds - Space


Well-Known Member
aw mate that jst makes ur bday obsolete lol... At least u got plenty a drugs o enjoy ur last night,a take it u'l b washin it dwn with a bottle of russia's finest? lol
u no it m8 only way to take benzos lolol got some half decent sniff aswel not from SR just local shite but half decent a 8th round here of shite cost 80-100 this was 200 so it aint too sad.


Well-Known Member
im tempted to grab some 00 but it comes from dam, much higher chance of it being got, i went for some malana cream charas from india lol

last night of freedom, missus is having a c-section so she will be layed up for wks n il av a newborn n a 17month old lil girl to look after, wont be on here too much over the next month.

so hashing it up 2night with a side order of 20mg jellys lol swapped 1 for 2 7.5 zoplicone so it will be a mix n match 2night, now back at the cave after cooking a roasty for the family was nice but never enjoy it too much when ya spent fucking hours making it.

my time now time to get mashed!!! lol


Well-Known Member
@ Sambo - Good luck 2moz m8 best wishes to all. Enjoy ur last night of freedom n dnt b a stranger ;-)
sat here waiting for the missus to pick me up to go hosp, aint too worried bout it all more concerned bout the blue med clothes they want ya to where in the op room 17mnths ago i could barley fit in the cunt and i put on weight since then lol will look like a fucking blue michilin man lmao

done 4 of them jellys last night thinking im still 20 n hardcore lol fucking destroyed me dont remember the last 2 i no it was around 7pm but just woke up an hr ago lmao gonna av a quick spliff before the hosp n take a book i think no doubt there will be plenty of fucking waiting around.........

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
aww dst u saying u missing sambo already, and i thought men had trouble explaining there feelings hahaha. almost brought a tear to my eye.
scotia u had chance visit the grow? how they all doing?


Well-Known Member
Goin over today mate change the farm, goin into 3rd wk flowering on the Exo (clone only), 4th wk on SLH & the BR crosses.

Will put some pics up later..... ;-)