first off this whole recessing thing sounds pointless and completely without benefit for the problem (stretching). Stretching occurs b/c of too little light/ light too far from the plant. This recessing sounds unneccessary and quiet harmful to the little girls (well, hopefully girls).
mmm...I wanna smoke some now...

well going with the idea that the AG has been an experiment and what not, i'll say so is the "recessing" .
if it works fine if not would not be the first time i killed a set of plants.
anyhow, from what i have seen(when i am not over nuting and burning the shit out of them) is that from recessing i can leave the light lower longer and when they start to grow toward the light they start to develop their second nodes.
i did this to maintain short bushy plants, and if i can use the right stuff, and keep my fingers out of it and let it grow i think i'll be good.
my biggest one ( as ratty as it looks right now0 has 4 nodes and is only about 3 inches tall. here is a picture of it next to my pocket utility tool. one side is a ruler from 1-3.5 inches or so.
glad to see another having good luck with it. i'll get it , just need more patience.
oh, had i started with clones the stretching would have been less of a problem and recessing not needed probably.