The way I see it is this- if you hang them out, expect some attention. But it is never too much to expect at least some courtesy.
What's going on here though, is more than one thing.
A: She wants the attention, but only from those she desires it from. However, this feeds her second and completely unrelated desire, which is-
B: People like to imagine others have affronted them, because you can feel "righteous." This is most of why people go to church, and this is most of why people dress like sluts and then chastise you for treating them like one. See, treating a woman like a slut is always "wrong." Thus, she can manipulate all men at one time with one move-
If she likes you, she got your eye on her with those tits. If she doesn't, she gets the satisfaction of telling you off, even if just with a look.
I don't mean to come off hard on women, all people do this in various ways.
I remember one night long ago, I was in a college dive bar with some friends- place packed, cheap beer, mostly full of college loser dudes. I was one. Me and my homies are shithoused, sitting at the bar. A chick comes in, and elbows her way into the seat next to me, which the various men allow. Her boyfriend took the seat on her other side.
Well, she's got'em out. No biggie, she's on the town. I admit I'm pretty drunk, so my "casual look" probably came out as a rude, lingering leer. I can understand, and admit that I was being a drunk bastard. But look a second too long was all I did.
Well, she turns to me, and in a loud ass voice, gives me this lecture about how when she comes out it's to be with friends and have a good time, not to be leered at like a piece of meat. Really talking down to me like it's her right. So I look to her boyfriend who glances at me, my other friend, and my other friend, and my other friend. . ., and then begins studiously observing something on the opposite side of the bar, trying to not hear what's happening.
So I looked right at her as my incredulous buddies look on, and I told her something along the lines of "Well, if you your gonna use your hot bitch status to push your way up to a bar full of men, with your funbags all out, I guess you might expect them to be looked at. Me and my friends, we go to a bar to look at bitch's titties, and that's what we're doing. Everyone else here is too. Since you seem to mind this activity, how about you get lost, bitch?
She snarled and stalked off. Dude didn't even look at me once, he was gone before she was. During the whole thing he had looked profoundly vexed but not especially surprised by her behavior.
If you're a woman reading this, I'm not proud of myself and I shouldn't have been rude, but there was no call for her rankling dressing-down.
If you're a man reading this, I'm pretty proud of how effectively I told that cunt off. I'm not suave or usually mean but she was out to give that speech, had it memorized. Unloaded it on me. So I let her have it, and I'd say judgement went to my corner in the eyes of all who saw it.