desert dude
Well-Known Member
and yet you call for the ban of Bonkleesha.. hypocrisy anyone...typical
You have a point. The joke was in poor taste. I apologize.
and yet you call for the ban of Bonkleesha.. hypocrisy anyone...typical
soooooo you call 911 for help then you ignore what they tell you ...ok let's see how that plays at trail
i was tall and skinny like trayvon though, 6'1'' and 155 pounds at 17. i would even wear a hoodie if it were raining.
i would probably be a little baked, too. after all, there is a break in the broadcast of my favorite sporting event and i have the munchies. i would walk to the nearest place and get a munchie.
if some creepy guy who is not a cop in a cop car started following me in their vehicle, i would probably freak out a bit.
where i lived at that age, there was a long sidewalk in the middle of some grass away from the road where he could not follow me in his vehicle. just like trayvon, that patch of grass with the sidewalk was away from the road so that i could escape this creep and walk home with my munchies.
now, if that creep in his truck on the phone and following me then got out of his truck and followed me on foot to this dark location away from the road, i would freak the fuck out. what the fuck is this 5'9'', 200+ pound man doing following me on a cell phone in the dark, first by vehicle and then on foot?
i would fear for my life quite likely.
i might say something like "why are you following me?"
if a scuffle that he provoked by stalking me so aggressively me ensued, i would have every right to beat him to death if need be. but i would just want to get away.
but suppose i try to fight him off so that i can get away. suppose the guy that's following me has a bit of temper problem, a history of assaulting officers, assaulting women, losing his cool, taking anger management classes...suppose i try to fight this guy, and despite the fact that i am a string bean i manage to land one or two on him during the fight. you better believe this psycho vigilante is pissed.
as i try to get away after socking him a good punch, he takes out his weapon. now i truly freak the fuck out and i scream like my life depends on it. and a shot rings out. and i fall to the ground, dead. because i gave one or two good punches to some creep with an anger problem and a cop wannabe mentality who was stalking me.
that could have been any one of us.
i am walking home.
this guy first follows me in his truck down the road.
so instead of walking down the road, which also brings me to my parents' home, i walk down the greenbelt. the greenbelt is an area surrounded by grass with a sidewalk going through it for walking your dog or taking a jog, by the way.
i am walking down the greenbelt and this creepy guy that is following me for no reason gets out of his truck and follows me several hundred yards into the greenbelt. he is talking on the phone and sounds out of breath like he is trying to catch up to me walking. i hear him say "these assholes always get away" as he is following me.
i am just a little high, talking on the phone to my girlfriend, and i put down the phone, turn around, and ask him "why are you following me?"
he yells back "what are you doing here?"
at that point, the man who is out of breath and got out of his vehicle to follow me finally catches up to me about 100 or 200 yards off the road. more yelling ensues. a scuffle ensues. neighbors start to notice the yelling. they notice a scuffle.
in that scuffle, i manage to land a punch or two on the guy. i just want to get away though.
woops, i defended myself against the wrong guy. i defended myself against a cop wannabe vigilante with a known history of assaults, drinking, temper problems, "snapping"....
this guy snaps and throws me off him. he draws his gun and says "you're going to die now" and fires as i scream helplessly. i land face down and my attacker straddles me.
a few seconds pass. onlookers see the man who is 10 years my senior and 50+ pounds heavier straddling me. they ask him questions. he doesn't respond. they ask more questions and he gets up, walks back to the sidewalk, and says "call the police" as he touches his forehead with his hand, a worried look on his face.
he does not look injured. he looks worried.
my attacker is treated within 15 minutes for his injuries, goes downtown to the police station, and tells his story. the guy he tells his story to, who does that for living, says that does not add up. i am unconvinced. he suggests that they press manslaughter charges on my attacker.
but wait.
the prosecutor leaves his house on a sunday night, meets with the police chief, and says "cut him loose".
the prosecutor later resigns to avoid "the appearance of a conflict of interest". the police chief he met with that night also steps down.
everything i just said lines up perfectly with the trayvon martin case, detail for detail, including your account.
so what happened in your view UB..
lol..trial is correct in what I meant to type..I think it will come into play. It shows that he did follow him at one point and seemingly continue to do so by the location of his truck and where he was at after he killed Trayvon.Not sure how it play out on the trail, but at trial I think it will be irrelevant.![]()
Excellent veiled insult at the end there, but ultimately pretty fail post... comparing two stories you made up in your head is like comparing two shits you did...regardless of the fun you derive of speculating which shit is better, ultimately they're still pieces of shitwow, ryantherhino should rename himself "ryantheretard" or "ryancan'tread", because i just reconciled the details from each side into a story that would apply to any one of us.
zimmerman was a violent pyscho who snapped after following martin and getting a single punch, maybe two. all the fighting happened in the grass, not on the sidewalk.
zimmerman's story is bullshit, any person who scores better than two standard deviations below normal on an IQ test agrees.
Excellent veiled insult at the end there, but ultimately pretty fail post... comparing two stories you made up in your head is like comparing two shits you did...regardless of the fun you derive of speculating which shit is better, ultimately they're still pieces of shit![]()
Please tell me he's saying punks punks punks. Assholes‘fcking-cns’-trayvon-martin-911-call/
click on the video
you show me where the "Martin estate" is doing this...If not then you are what you are usually ...A LIARNo I'm pretty sure they're selling tshirts and hoodies with his picture on them, they're also doing tshirts with Zimmerman with "Coward ass Cracker".
Guess its not racist cos they're not white tho, only white people are racist right?
...and again why are we bringing up race again.
wow, ryantherhino should rename himself "ryantheretard" or "ryancan'tread", because i just reconciled the details from each side into a story that would apply to any one of us.
zimmerman was a violent pyscho who snapped after following martin and getting a single punch, maybe two. all the fighting happened in the grass, not on the sidewalk.
zimmerman's story is bullshit, any person who scores better than two standard deviations below normal on an IQ test agrees.
The purpose of 911 is to call in crimes and emergencies. It isn't the place you call to get directions, suggestions, instructions on what to do.soooooo you call 911 for help then you ignore what they tell you ...ok let's see how that plays at trail
so, as long as you have a reason (your great great great grandparent was a slave)YOU CAN HATE WHITES AND CALL THEM RACIST AS MUCH AS YOU LIKE?and do understand most black people who hold ill will against whites do so for a reason
The purpose of 911 is to call in crimes and emergencies. It isn't the place you call to get directions, suggestions, instructions on what to do.
So, you now admit that Trayvon initiated the violence? Suhweeeet! Unclebuck finally pulled his head out to the uterus and now sees the light and smells the coffee!
UB, you better edit that post lickety split or you are gonna lose your street creds.
The other purpose is to call in "Suspicious" activity so it doesn't turn into a crimeOf which there were neither.
NoDrama= NoPoint
The purpose of 911 is to call in crimes and emergencies. It isn't the place you call to get directions, suggestions, instructions on what to do.