Rare dankness/rd genetics

That is correct, plus it would be very $$$$ and as I have recently found out, you can't control the customer service when you are not physically there.

Probably has a lot to do with the Federal government and that pesky fact that Cannabis is illegal as hell. Its just that MMJ patients hide in the underground railroad offered by some states. We must never forget the Federal tyranny that waits to stomp on our necks any chance they create.
Hello All.
Sorry for being absent, I've been traveling and getting thing sorted out. Spain I have learned, has very limited internet in places. I beleive I got tons accomplished.
Wb... Hope all is well. Sorry it took so long. I think I learned a lesson on delegating things. "Don't"
I'd vote for Karma Bitch to be popped.
Things are about to be changing a little for the better.
Please check SEED DEPOT next week.

Mrs. Rare Dankness

Welcome back. Big group hug! :hug:
I got my order from seeddepot today. The problem is one of my packs is not what I ordered. I have bad luck. I can't even go through the drive through without my order getting mucked up. I ordered GTH#2 and recieved Karma Bitch. I'd be happy to return it for the correct seeds. I'm happy about the fast shipping but if the orders are not coming out right, then it's all in vain. Now I have to wait half a month to get the right seeds. :( Contacting TheSeedDepot...
Contact Seed Depot.. We'll get it fixxed.

I got my order from seeddepot today. The problem is one of my packs is not what I ordered. I have bad luck. I can't even go through the drive through without my order getting mucked up. I ordered GTH#2 and recieved Karma Bitch. I'd be happy to return it for the correct seeds. I'm happy about the fast shipping but if the orders are not coming out right, then it's all in vain. Now I have to wait half a month to get the right seeds. :( Contacting TheSeedDepot...
I got my order from seeddepot today. The problem is one of my packs is not what I ordered. I have bad luck. I can't even go through the drive through without my order getting mucked up. I ordered GTH#2 and recieved Karma Bitch. I'd be happy to return it for the correct seeds. I'm happy about the fast shipping but if the orders are not coming out right, then it's all in vain. Now I have to wait half a month to get the right seeds. :( Contacting TheSeedDepot...
jb is the one to talk to over there, I'm sure they will straighten it out. I know what you mean on the bad luck though, every time I go through the drive thru they screw my order up. I'm still waiting on my Karma Bitch but I'm sure they are on the way. Welcome back Mrs. RD, hope your trip went well.
Hello All.
Sorry for being absent, I've been traveling and getting thing sorted out. Spain I have learned, has very limited internet in places. I beleive I got tons accomplished.
Wb... Hope all is well. Sorry it took so long. I think I learned a lesson on delegating things. "Don't"
I'd vote for Karma Bitch to be popped.
Things are about to be changing a little for the better.
Please check SEED DEPOT next week.

Mrs. Rare Dankness
Welcome back and karma is getting popped..
Hello All.
Sorry for being absent, I've been traveling and getting thing sorted out. Spain I have learned, has very limited internet in places. I beleive I got tons accomplished.
Wb... Hope all is well. Sorry it took so long. I think I learned a lesson on delegating things. "Don't"
I'd vote for Karma Bitch to be popped.
Things are about to be changing a little for the better.
Please check SEED DEPOT next week.

Mrs. Rare Dankness

MRS DANKNESS How was Spain? I started germing 2 Rug Burn Og's this morning im also thinking about doing a Midas (Figured There arent many smoke reports for these 2)
Anyway glad to see you back and ill keep everyone posted on these babies
Well I put 5 facewreck to germ it's been almost 48 hours nothing yet.. But I'm popping a whole pack of karma now and half/half of the ght 8, 9
I have germinated 2 five packs of Vortex and two packs of RD with 100% germination. I mix a small amount of Hydrogen Peroxide into some distilled water. Then I fold a paper towel into a square, put the seeds on it and fold it in half and stick it into a sandwich bag. I then place it under my xbox360. It works better than my heatmat, it must be the perfect temperature. At first I thought it might have been too hot but nope. I get 100% in less than 48 hours.
I would have just kept Karma Bitch but I own the real Skywalker Clone only strain. Faceoff OG is my #1 favorite strain of all time and #2 is a tie between Skywalker and Vortex, both are great depending on your medical needs.
So, in your opinion this legendary "skywalker OG" is tied with a strain that anyone can buy(vortex)? Call me silly but that seems odd to me.. Great info tho! Thanks for sharing.
Yes, I'm afraid so. I saw Subcools video's and I was like LOL Hillbilly! Then I bought some Vortex and smoked and I was like "Holy Shit Cakes!" This is on a level like SKywalker. The high's are different but both are A+. Everyone of RD's strains are also A+
Yes, I'm afraid so. I saw Subcools video's and I was like LOL Hillbilly! Then I bought some Vortex and smoked and I was like "Holy Shit Cakes!" This is on a level like SKywalker. The high's are different but both are A+. Everyone of RD's strains are also A+

I just started journal on Somali Taxi Ride yesterday and TGA Time Wreck. I should have been doing the Karma Bitch and Time Wreck.
I just started journal on Somali Taxi Ride yesterday and TGA Time Wreck. I should have been doing the Karma Bitch and Time Wreck.

Nice let me know how that turns out Somali is still high on my list. I popped 2 Rug Burn Og and 1 Ghost Train. 1 of each have tiny tails already and its not even 24 hours yet. I did the 2 RB my normal way of germing (Paper Towel Method), And the GTH1 I tried out the shot glass way. Anyway i should have them planted by tonight :D