Just offered an airport job in CA...


Well-Known Member
Haha thanks you two! Well I've been into aviation since I was 6 years old on my first plane trip to Phoenix, started flying at 13, solo'd at 16, license at 17... I've gotten a few more ratings and edorsements along the years. I wish I could find more pilots that smoked, it's such an "elitist" society I'm scared to ask anyone of my pals... glad I'm easy going and open minded! I'm going to be working line service, I've done it before for about 4 years, refueling jets and taking care of passengers/catering/luggage. It's not an airline so only an initial UA is needed, which I can easily pass. From there who knows, I could've gone on to be a charter pilot at my old airport job, but a felony took that away as I didnt want to risk a background check and ruining my whole career. That is now behind me and as I've been told my record is cleaner than a freshly flushed ganja plant! :D Hole you'll have to come back down to Cali, I'll be in fdd's neck of the woods ;)


New Member
Gosh Socata. That is awesome. You really do have an impressive resume. Gosh. Talk about ambition. :mrgreen:
Good luck and have fun at your new job and new location.
Haha thanks you two! Well I've been into aviation since I was 6 years old on my first plane trip to Phoenix, started flying at 13, solo'd at 16, license at 17... I've gotten a few more ratings and edorsements along the years. I wish I could find more pilots that smoked, it's such an "elitist" society I'm scared to ask anyone of my pals... glad I'm easy going and open minded! I'm going to be working line service, I've done it before for about 4 years, refueling jets and taking care of passengers/catering/luggage. It's not an airline so only an initial UA is needed, which I can easily pass. From there who knows, I could've gone on to be a charter pilot at my old airport job, but a felony took that away as I didnt want to risk a background check and ruining my whole career. That is now behind me and as I've been told my record is cleaner than a freshly flushed ganja plant! :D Hole you'll have to come back down to Cali, I'll be in fdd's neck of the woods ;)


Well-Known Member
Norcal, around Sonoma County. I'm definitely looking forward to it, once I see those desert mountains I'll probably pull over, light a spliff... tear up a bit and then keep on drivin'! :) What's the "um" for lacy? hehehe that I was a felon? Oh and DWR, just PM me when you buy your plane, I'd be happy to. I can fly anything from a Cessna 120 to a 747... but hire another guy if you get a 747, I'll want to sleep a bit on those long trips around the worlds golf courses ;)


New Member
The um:roll:?
Just thinking:roll:
Norcal, around Sonoma County. I'm definitely looking forward to it, once I see those desert mountains I'll probably pull over, light a spliff... tear up a bit and then keep on drivin'! :) What's the "um" for lacy? hehehe that I was a felon? Oh and DWR, just PM me when you buy your plane, I'd be happy to. I can fly anything from a Cessna 120 to a 747... but hire another guy if you get a 747, I'll want to sleep a bit on those long trips around the worlds golf courses ;)


Well-Known Member
Congrats Socata ill have to throw you some repp to congratulate you even furthur. I would love to move to cali but ive grown up in the woods all my life and i just cant get away from em.The woods is where i play.


Well-Known Member
Hey right on man thanks a lot! I know how ya feel, I'm the same way about the desert/west coast... went there once, fell in love and now I never want to be anywhere else but there. Screw whatever hardships I'll have to get through to make it out there, I'll glide through them all and come out for the best. I'm thinking about going in the next 2-3 weeks to check things out, look around a bit for rental houses... meet up with some people and have some good times!