What's For Dinner Tonight?

I hurted! :(

My mother, Ay dios mio! Mi hijo! Put egg white on it!!! put egg white on it!!!!

I did. It works. My mother is amazing.

LOL luvs ur mom, also try a slice of tomatoe, if it gets swollen and such, not sure how or why but i burned my arms on the pizza oven doors daily when i worked at East side Marios way back when, it always worked very well, never got blisters and minimal scars, poor carne u need some luv xoxoxoxox
Yummy, i do miss my late night In & out runs, damn u Canada, not even a Mary Browns in my province BOOOO

WALTER: "He lives in North Hollywood on Radford, near the In-and-Out Burger--"

DUDE: "The In-and-Out Burger is on Camrose."

WALTER: "NEAR the In-and-Out Burger--"

DONNY: "Those are good burgers, Walter."

WALTER: "Shut the fuck up, Donny..."



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Carne's fried arm/ egg white/ cure (hope the arm is feeling better) inspired me to make fried eggs on potato zucchini hash browns. . .


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can you say philly cheasesteak. i think i can. Cus I've posted about makin philly cheasesteaks here about 100+ of my posts already but maybe they got deleted from the data loss. but i just made another one. refrigerated it. ate a whole ready made pizza prior on some munchie cake shit