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Pink, you can bleep me any bleepin where any bleepin time...

I guess not all guys feel the same, because my guy friends like to have me around. We have fun together. When we play football, you better believe I get tackled. I'll admit, no one boxes with me, because if any of them hit me my brothers would fucking kill them.

I'm sorry you've never met a girl worth hanging out with, but you shouldn't just assume NO girl is worthy of friendship because of that...

:hug: Yay for boys who like girls!

Flower, don't waste your time. I mean, you're making good points, and I know that what he's saying just sound so fucking OUT there that you want to argue...but it's not like we're going to be able to change his mind. He has the opionion he has of women because of the women he knows. He obviously doesn't know many women like us, who are good for more than just fulfilling his sexual needs.

Honestly, I can't believe any girl could hear his thoughts on women and not be turned off. And I'm not trying to attack you kalred, I just mean that if I met a guy who thought so little of me, I wouldn't know him long.
heh thats the things about me, this is a discussion forum so I discuss, no harm intended. My thoughts on women and them being turned off won't ever happen hah these thoughts go no further that this board lol i'm good at what I do and keeping my feelings to myself. That's the point anyways, women love to talk, men don't we know how to keep our game hidden forever

but yea, i hope you both have a man in your life because i've notice that most of you women that say "I am an independent person" unusually means to me from experience that they can't get a man NO JOKE lol
from all the girlfriends I had the 4 that use to tell me that was always single haha it was actually pretty funny I use to mock them about it ( :


Well-Known Member
lol, so you want a codependant? I've always felt that the best relationships are made of two independant people, rather than two people who need to depend on each other. I don't want to be in a relationship with somene because I NEED them (or because they need ME), I want to be with someone because we'd rather be together than apart, you know?



There's treachery afoot
heh thats the things about me, this is a discussion forum so I discuss, no harm intended. My thoughts on women and them being turned off won't ever happen hah these thoughts go no further that this board lol i'm good at what I do and keeping my feelings to myself. That's the point anyways, women love to talk, men don't we know how to keep our game hidden forever

but yea, i hope you both have a man in your life because i've notice that most of you women that say "I am an independent person" unusually means to me from experience that they can't get a man NO JOKE lol
from all the girlfriends I had the 4 that use to tell me that was always single haha it was actually pretty funny I use to mock them about it ( :[/quote)

Guess I can say I appreciate that you are honestly expressing your feelings but please understand we are not all the same, just as men are not all the same. I am an attractive woman, who is independant and financially secure and honestly have turned many men away. I have been in a wonderfully loving, trusting relationship for 11 years now. I have alot of male friends who I spend time with, smoking, fishing, mushroom hunting, camping, traveling and such. They do not expect anything in return except to feel comfortable and enjoy the time they spend with me. I am told my home is a comfortable place to many, very hospitable and relaxing...just the way I hope it is to others. Inside my walls, we do not judge and we take people for exactly what they are, people. I share my home, my grass and usually whip up some good dinner or munchies. My male friends never show up without something in hand. A bottle of wine, some good grass, baked goods or flowers, they do not take me for granted. I would do anything for the men in my life and believe they would return the favor. I give them the opportunity to discuss their relationship issues in a neutral environment where no one feels pressure to be anything but who they are. I still get letters from my highschool classmates husbands as I spent the last reunion tucked in a bar, eating hot wings, watching hockey and drinking beer with about ten of them. To this day they are begging me to come to the next reunion as they say it was the best yet. We got really high, and just hung out. I enjoyed the conversation and look forward to doing it again. I like spending time with men and vice versa. They are all unique and different and I welcome their difference in opinion and views. My advice is expand your horizens. Sounds like you have had a raw deal when it comes to women and are slightly bitter as a result. I don't think there is anything wrong with discussing but please do not classify me within the limited confines of your views on women. Independance within a relationship is a beautiful thing. It takes alot of trust and honesty to pull it off but in my opinion is a much healthier way to live. Ball is now in your court.


There's treachery afoot
lol, so you want a codependant? I've always felt that the best relationships are made of two independant people, rather than two people who need to depend on each other. I don't want to be in a relationship with somene because I NEED them (or because they need ME), I want to be with someone because we'd rather be together than apart, you know?

Big snaps and rep for that one!!!!


Well-Known Member
*eyes going back and forth between Flower and kalred like I'm watching a tennis match*

I'm about to log off, I hope you guys don't get too crazy while I'm gone, otherwise I'm going to have a lot of reading and catching up to do when I come back...


Well-Known Member
Big snaps and rep for that one!!!!
lol, thank you *takes a bow*

I've been wanting to rep you for your posts here, but I'm out of rep for 24 hours! lol, ok, honestly, I've been wanting to rep you since I read your little blurb under your name "There's treachery afoot" -- I love it


Well-Known Member
Wow, are you disillusioned! As an educated (two graduate degrees) woman who does not like to shop, hates to talk when there is nothing to say and could give a damn about pretty, I am saddened that you believe your broad generalizations concerning female nature are factual. What a horrible existance you must have if you feel we are all the same and you think you have to keep your "woman" in check....wow, you must have been stomped on pretty good or be young and inexperienced enough to not see the world as it is. Not all women are easy to pick up darlin. If try to pick me up, you had better be a financial and intellectual equal to me. My logic, oh wait...a woman who is logical....but...but....how could it be?????? My logic is that as a strong willed professional independant women, I will be damned if I spend my life with anyone who sponges off of my success and can't maintain a conversation past last weeks Nascar results. Men cannot manipulate me, they do not make me nervous and I never feel vulnerable in the presence of one...unless of coarse he is pointing a gun at my head...lol So if all we care about is ourselves, why do you think I just bough a truck for a male friend who was having some financial problems? I appreciate him as a friend, we do not sleep together, we smoke and have fantastic conversations and he is married. His wife trusts him...as she should. Maybe the type of girl you attract has nothing to do with them and everything to do with you. Why are you only attracting girls and not women? You are obviously young and have alot to learn.
Two Graduate Degrees.....I would think that puts you into a group of about 2% of women...Obviously above average for a woman (Or a man).....I doubt you can even relate to the typical female anymore....Let alone use your self as an argument to prove a point about how women behave....Just a thought....Not meant to offend you:)


There's treachery afoot
Two Graduate Degrees.....I would think that puts you into a group of about 2% of women...Obviously above average for a woman (Or a man).....I doubt you can even relate to the typical female anymore....Let alone use your self as an argument to prove a point about how women behave....Just a thought....Not meant to offend you:)
Excellent observation JB! Just enjoying a little difference of opinions with the guy. I must spend all of my time with that 2% as I can't even think of a woman I know that fits within his parameters. Maybe I need to get out more...and meet the other 98%.


Active Member
Two Graduate Degrees.....I would think that puts you into a group of about 2% of women...Obviously above average for a woman (Or a man).....I doubt you can even relate to the typical female anymore....Let alone use your self as an argument to prove a point about how women behave....Just a thought....Not meant to offend you:)
i agree with you i think shes cool and i'm glad that shes a happy person and successfull, good for her. lol Maybe she was talking about the family life when everyone is settled down after all she did mention that shes been in a relationship for 11 years.
I'm 24 years old, i like to speak the truth when it applies, and i speak about situations that are mostly likely, not always true...
Alot of you my age should throw in your 2 cents, i mean, as a young man we should be players when it comes to women, after all most women use men without even knowing it, especially at my age so i try my best to avoid that happening.
I try to analyze why this happens and i feel that women at a younger age think they are hot shit so they can get away with alot by being cute you know? But what happens when these women are at their prime? 26-30 when their bodies are changing? They quit fucking around after they have been knocked up so many times and settle for the loser/nice guys. Would i ever date women like that? No. Don't whore yourself and then expect me to take you, those women are like preowned videogames you buy at gamestop, lol

hopefully flowergurl wasn't like that, cause i feel sorry for that guy whos been with her for 11 years haha especially if hes with a girl who got laid more than him lol


There's treachery afoot
You are right, things are alot different at 42 then they were at 24. But you must realize at 24 I was in graduate school and did not have time to play much. It is sad that some women need to be so damned catty. Trading one guy for the next because they think the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. C'mon girls, the fellow is right. When the cute wears off, what the hell have you got left. Get an education and the ability to stand on your own two feet. Have a partner, not a provider. Love him for who he is, respect your differences and don't go running off everytime you think you see a better future. Hopefully kalred, you will someday meet the woman of your dreams and your paradigm will shift, but for now, keep having fun and playing....life is just too damn short.

i agree with you i think shes cool and i'm glad that shes a happy person and successfull, good for her. lol Maybe she was talking about the family life when everyone is settled down after all she did mention that shes been in a relationship for 11 years.
I'm 24 years old, i like to speak the truth when it applies, and i speak about situations that are mostly likely, not always true...
Alot of you my age should throw in your 2 cents, i mean, as a young man we should be players when it comes to women, after all most women use men without even knowing it, especially at my age so i try my best to avoid that happening.
I try to analyze why this happens and i feel that women at a younger age think they are hot shit so they can get away with alot by being cute you know? But what happens when these women are at their prime? 26-30 when their bodies are changing? They quit fucking around after they have been knocked up so many times and settle for the loser/nice guys. Would i ever date women like that? No. Don't whore yourself and then expect me to take you, those women are like preowned videogames you buy at gamestop, lol

hopefully flowergurl wasn't like that, cause i feel sorry for that guy whos been with her for 11 years haha especially if hes with a girl who got laid more than him lol


Active Member
You are right, things are alot different at 42 then they were at 24. But you must realize at 24 I was in graduate school and did not have time to play much. It is sad that some women need to be so damned catty. Trading one guy for the next because they think the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. C'mon girls, the fellow is right. When the cute wears off, what the hell have you got left. Get an education and the ability to stand on your own two feet. Have a partner, not a provider. Love him for who he is, respect your differences and don't go running off everytime you think you see a better future. Hopefully kalred, you will someday meet the woman of your dreams and your paradigm will shift, but for now, keep having fun and playing....life is just too damn short.
yeah it's mostly the newer generation girls really, i personally would prefer old fashion women, plus i enjoy classic rock, i was made for the 70s haha
It's great that your doing well for yourself like I said haha I have a feeling i'll do fine in the future, i just wish i could have everything now. The cars, exotic strains haha hopefully it's all enjoyable at any age (: even tho it could make me look even badder if i can afford this tribal tatto on my arms and drive around a nice roadster at the age i am lol but noooo i gotta wait untill i'm older. SUCKS blah.


Well-Known Member
You are right, things are alot different at 42 then they were at 24. But you must realize at 24 I was in graduate school and did not have time to play much. It is sad that some women need to be so damned catty. Trading one guy for the next because they think the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. C'mon girls, the fellow is right. When the cute wears off, what the hell have you got left. Get an education and the ability to stand on your own two feet. Have a partner, not a provider. Love him for who he is, respect your differences and don't go running off everytime you think you see a better future. Hopefully kalred, you will someday meet the woman of your dreams and your paradigm will shift, but for now, keep having fun and playing....life is just too damn short.
I'm 22 and I totally agree! I've known girls who are in great relationships who just leave the guy because they meet somone new who's "better" in some way. There's ALWAYS going to be someone cuter, or funnier, or richer, or whatever-er.

Or I really hate it, when the relationship starts to get rocky, and they start meeting all these better guys. It's like of COURSE other people look better when things are on the down side. What the fuck ever happened to sticking it out? And why assume just because a guy seems better that the whole relationship is going to be better? It's always fun in the beginning, when it's new. I think the real test is how long you can last AFTER that newness wears away.

yeah it's mostly the newer generation girls really, i personally would prefer old fashion women, plus i enjoy classic rock, i was made for the 70s haha
I hate it when someone hears me playing classic rock and tells me "You're too young to even know who that band is!" It's like fuck you, excuse me for having taste.


There's treachery afoot
yeah it's mostly the newer generation girls really, i personally would prefer old fashion women, plus i enjoy classic rock, i was made for the 70s haha
It's great that your doing well for yourself like I said haha I have a feeling i'll do fine in the future, i just wish i could have everything now. The cars, exotic strains haha hopefully it's all enjoyable at any age (: even tho it could make me look even badder if i can afford this tribal tatto on my arms and drive around a nice roadster at the age i am lol but noooo i gotta wait untill i'm older. SUCKS blah.
I do have some girlfriends in their 20's and they, like you, want it all now. Just seems the norm for the generation. I was not always on top of my game, had to work damn hard to get here. I will stay on top until I am knocked off my high horse by the up and comings...then screw it, I'm headed to Key West for a six month vacation then retiring. Patience Jedi, your day will come.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand why you'd have great difficulty relating intellectually with a blue-collar partner, unless your degrees are in hard sciences. I could see where income disparity could cause problems though.


Well-Known Member
24 years old pretty much sums up your ill founded arguements. Do you realize that your brain isnt even fully mature until you are thirty? You have not had enough experience with reality outside of your bubble to make all of these statements, they may be your opinin but they strongly lack in any evidentiary facts that can relate to your very short adult life....I wont even begin to start listing all the facts that support that women are far more intelligent than men in many areas.

I think what you dont get is the game you spit and the logic you use only works on girls who are in your age range.....I can assure you, that Im smarter than you I can think faster and talk faster than you on any given Sunday. You would never have a chance with me when it comes to a battle of wits...the best you would be able to do is to try and call me names in an effort to make me cry like the simple girls you know that you call bitches. The reason why you couldnt lie about your job or your financial status is you lack the vocabulary to even make up the lie...

I think it is really sad that you are going to spend the rest of your life having such an ill opinion of women....You should ask all the lonely 30+ year old boys on this forum how far your logic got them in their 20's and how they wish they would have handled things differently in their 20's.

The way you think is going to change so much in the next six year it will blow your mind......but most importantly I hope you learn that regardless of a persons gender you should respect them in the same way you respect yourself, I have to believe that if think so poorly of another person that essentially your high opinion of yourself is simply make believe.

Now I bet your response starts like this: typical woman

....and your not even fucking old enough to know what a typical woman is like...

i agree with you i think shes cool and i'm glad that shes a happy person and successfull, good for her. lol Maybe she was talking about the family life when everyone is settled down after all she did mention that shes been in a relationship for 11 years.
I'm 24 years old, i like to speak the truth when it applies, and i speak about situations that are mostly likely, not always true...
Alot of you my age should throw in your 2 cents, i mean, as a young man we should be players when it comes to women, after all most women use men without even knowing it, especially at my age so i try my best to avoid that happening.
I try to analyze why this happens and i feel that women at a younger age think they are hot shit so they can get away with alot by being cute you know? But what happens when these women are at their prime? 26-30 when their bodies are changing? They quit fucking around after they have been knocked up so many times and settle for the loser/nice guys. Would i ever date women like that? No. Don't whore yourself and then expect me to take you, those women are like preowned videogames you buy at gamestop, lol

hopefully flowergurl wasn't like that, cause i feel sorry for that guy whos been with her for 11 years haha especially if hes with a girl who got laid more than him lol


Well-Known Member
I wont even begin to start listing all the facts that support that women are far more intelligent than men in many areas.
Hmmmph................................Well........................................Really........................I mean........................You're not gonna...............................Hmmmph..............What I mean is...................TYPICAL...LOL:)


Well-Known Member
Hmmmph................................Well........................................Really........................I mean........................You're not gonna...............................Hmmmph..............What I mean is...................TYPICAL...LOL:)

lmao you always crack me up so hard.....


Well-Known Member
Are women smarter or are men smarter for knowing women are smarter.... grrrr its so confusing. WOMEN RULE THE WORLD AND I LIKE IT.
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