World of Seeds - Space


Well-Known Member
Morning Sambo....Just harvested the SLH at 10 weeks 2 days....Im impressed, the smell is lovley and rock solid buds......I was going to ditch the strain but Ive had a change of heart


Well-Known Member
The pic you asked for MDB - Black Rose x BSB & Black Rose x Exodus Cheese
2012-03-29 09.45.22.jpg

Both were through same time, same feed same veg, the taller showed sex a few days later & both were same distance from light until the stretchy one ran away...


Well-Known Member
And the rest...

These four are BR x BSB & BR x Exo Cheese
2012-03-29 09.46.06.jpg2012-03-29 09.46.21.jpg2012-03-29 09.46.37.jpg2012-03-29 09.48.29.jpg
SLH (Las Pheno) in 6ltr Airpot
2012-03-29 09.49.01.jpg2012-03-29 09.49.25.jpg
Exodus Cheese (UK Clone only) in 35ltr GHE Aquafarm
2012-03-29 10.10.46.jpg2012-03-29 10.11.40.jpg
My Mother plant - Psychosis (UK Clone only)
2012-03-29 10.22.00.jpg

All are on the full GHE nutrient range following there feeding chart. The BSB, EXO cross & SLH are into their 3rd wk 12/12 and the exo clone is into its 2nd week ;-)


Well-Known Member
some of them plants looking abit stretchy m8, what light u got em under?

yeah the slh is a nice strain sbill, thats a top pheno of it lovely smoke but can get a little sickly if its all ya got to smoke, u end up wanting a cheese joint after nuffing but lemon, is a good seller tho people want it.


Well-Known Member
Its the pheno mate, the first pic a uploaded for MDB is cos he's got one too, they're from TTT's pips Black Rose crosses. The first pic they were almost identical from the day they cracked then of it wnt, F1's so wasnt expectin miracles, av lollipopped the stretchy one and topped it, dnt matter how close to the light its still stretchin. Was under a prop light a got thats supposed to gve same lumens as a 400w MH for 3-4 weeks and been in flower 2+ weeks now. Hypothetically a may jst get rid of all that at the end to get more nutes n stuff for ma psycho run

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
yeah sambo 2 out 3 my exo x br r stretchy plants, the 3rd isnt as bad am hoping it wont get as bad as the other 2.
cheers scotia put my mind to rest abit. they r strange plants them th exo x br but they do stink well.


Well-Known Member
Evening Mr Bud... Flowering girls r startin to take shape 2 weeks in & 1 week in lol... I've managed to kill the GKxBlues m8, were fine yesterday morning checked on a few hrs later and the stems had went to fuck all n they'd flopped over, so a propped them up but they gone to weed heaven this morning :sad: Never seen anything like it n the first seedlings I've ever killed.

Think I'm jst goin to gve up and move closer to either you or Sambo lmao
Fuckin hell ya jokin mate thats shit, was lookin foward to seein them grown out, wierd tho that you sussed out what it could have been yet? fuck it tho mate, ill get some more off to ya when i get my arse in gear an sort them out lol

im off out soon to get high mcfly only a few days left before the baby is here and i wont even be able to drink for a good few wks enjoy the smoke boys and pukka only reason i aint sent you yet is these 2 where pretty much clean out i no u aint too hungry, still love ya tho oldboy.


oh @rob that goldseal is bang on m8 proper stuff really nice.
Haha love ya to mate!......... im in no rushn at all, give it a nice cure before you send like me lmao!! cheatin cunt!!!

speaking of pukka ... where you been mate , and whats happening on the meet up front ?
i had to smoke the 8th i saved you , i was dry out , kept it long enough though .... if your too busy to meet mate pm me ya addy and ill throw you seeds in post and you do same with mine ;)
Eyup rob been busy as fuck mate mrs had me doin all sorts, how did the move go??......think were gunna have to send um pal an put the meet on hold for a while just got to much on at min, bet you have aswell with the new place, ill email ya later.

The pic you asked for MDB - Black Rose x BSB & Black Rose x Exodus Cheese
View attachment 2096521

Both were through same time, same feed same veg, the taller showed sex a few days later & both were same distance from light until the stretchy one ran away...
And the rest...

These four are BR x BSB & BR x Exo Cheese
View attachment 2096531View attachment 2096532View attachment 2096533View attachment 2096534
SLH (Las Pheno) in 6ltr Airpot
View attachment 2096535View attachment 2096536
Exodus Cheese (UK Clone only) in 35ltr GHE Aquafarm
View attachment 2096537View attachment 2096538
My Mother plant - Psychosis (UK Clone only)
View attachment 2096539

All are on the full GHE nutrient range following there feeding chart. The BSB, EXO cross & SLH are into their 3rd wk 12/12 and the exo clone is into its 2nd week ;-)
Lookin good there scotty mate, that psycho mum looks like a nice plant, whats up with the slh? looks abit funny got them 2 3 bladed leafs?? last time i got them on my mothers my ph was out mate.


Well-Known Member
Fuckin hell ya jokin mate thats shit, was lookin foward to seein them grown out, wierd tho that you sussed out what it could have been yet? fuck it tho mate, ill get some more off to ya when i get my arse in gear an sort them out lol

Haha love ya to mate!......... im in no rushn at all, give it a nice cure before you send like me lmao!! cheatin cunt!!!

Eyup rob been busy as fuck mate mrs had me doin all sorts, how did the move go??......think were gunna have to send um pal an put the meet on hold for a while just got to much on at min, bet you have aswell with the new place, ill email ya later.

Lookin good there scotty mate, that psycho mum looks like a nice plant, whats up with the slh? looks abit funny got them 2 3 bladed leafs?? last time i got them on my mothers my ph was out mate.
probs was ph m8 a never check it,got some nice normal leaves on it now so seems to have sorted itself out. Weird tho cos it gets the same feed as ma other 2 in airpots n its the only 1??? Aint got a clue what happened to the seedlings mate they looked fine n then wasnt. Goin to get ready to take psycho cuts in a coupla wks n veg them up for when these come dwn. Will probs run the exo x gk as well or the livers x if u pull ur finger out lmao only kiddin mate ;-)


Well-Known Member
probs was ph m8 a never check it,got some nice normal leaves on it now so seems to have sorted itself out. Weird tho cos it gets the same feed as ma other 2 in airpots n its the only 1??? Aint got a clue what happened to the seedlings mate they looked fine n then wasnt. Goin to get ready to take psycho cuts in a coupla wks n veg them up for when these come dwn. Will probs run the exo x gk as well or the livers x if u pull ur finger out lmao only kiddin mate ;-)
You usin a rootin nute mate early on? the rhiz i use raisers ph by loads when runnin it high my feed is like over 7ph sometimes when i use it in veg so loads of ph down, that was the reason i went with a veg ph down cos i was usin loads of flowerin down, when i stop usin it it goes down to like 6.4 or somethin so only need a little or could probs get away with none, that could be why its doin sound now if youve stopped usin it in flower, if you dont use i couldnt help ya mate not clued up on the ghe nutes, but id say defo give ph'in ago mate in coco you'l see a difference trust me lol i no you jocks have good water an soft but some nutes raise or lower ph loads an you could be out of the safe range for a week or 2 can slow things up an corse probs.
Ill get some more off to ya mate, dont worry lol fuck no's then hope there not dodgy seeds tho mate, dont think there are look ok, just think its you! lmao!


Well-Known Member
You usin a rootin nute mate early on? the rhiz i use raisers ph by loads when runnin it high my feed is like over 7ph sometimes when i use it in veg so loads of ph down, that was the reason i went with a veg ph down cos i was usin loads of flowerin down, when i stop usin it it goes down to like 6.4 or somethin so only need a little or could probs get away with none, that could be why its doin sound now if youve stopped usin it in flower, if you dont use i couldnt help ya mate not clued up on the ghe nutes, but id say defo give ph'in ago mate in coco you'l see a difference trust me lol i no you jocks have good water an soft but some nutes raise or lower ph loads an you could be out of the safe range for a week or 2 can slow things up an corse probs.
Ill get some more off to ya mate, dont worry lol fuck no's then hope there not dodgy seeds tho mate, dont think there are look ok, just think its you! lmao!
They only had water m8 a dnt introduce any nutes till 2nd week after sprouting at earliest n that only if they look as if they need it. Jst the luck av got jst now mate.

The mrs needs to go in for an operation n so do a found out within days of each other. So with ma luck am probs lookin at 4 hermi's b4 the nxt 6 wks r up lmao


Well-Known Member
Na m8 only had money to get a couple of the blocks. Goin to try soakin in 2.5ml per 10l of the 3 part with some bio roots n diamond nectar nxt time c if that works will try with a black rose first lol. Goin to get some canna pro once this runs dne


Well-Known Member
wot this 3part/?
coco sounds very different to soil. soil u put in plant feed it haha
i aint read any of the other posts yet on the page but dont confuse it m8 its simple as fuck no different really than soil, u see my last grow it was healthy as fuck until i stopped all nutes for just the ripen so the yellowing at the end i expected.

i potted it up just like soil, no presoaking or anything like that and apart from making sure the ph is correct each time its been no different than soil just increased speed n yield.