More than 200g a plant?!


Well-Known Member
Every plant has it's places of origin where it grew or still grows the best when it is or was found it the wild. Every plant has it's own puzzle to put together, needing different amounts of water, light,nutes, ect. Once you can get this puzzle put together, your plant can grow to sizes you would of never thought could, with smaller or larger amounts of each thing.

It's amazing how little tiny things could affect hugely on the outcome, and dry weight of your plant.


Well-Known Member
That's awesome dude. May I ask your temps and RH in relation to vegging and flowering?

Also strain, nutes etc..?
It's Northern Lights x Big Bud. There's nothing special going on; just big lights and ventilation. The temps at the canopy stay at ~75-80F and the humidity is ~40%. I use Pro-Mix right out of the bag - nothing added - and Jack's Classic fertilizer(s). That's it. No water chillers, no CO2, none of that stuff....

It's Northern Lights x Big Bud. There's nothing special going on; just big lights and ventilation. The temps at the canopy stay at ~75-80F and the humidity is ~40%. I use Pro-Mix right out of the bag - nothing added - and Jack's Classic fertilizer(s). That's it. No water chillers, no CO2, none of that stuff....

Dare I ask for some pics of your growroom? :razz:

Toke up!


Well-Known Member
Dare I ask for some pics of your growroom? :razz:

Toke up!
I don't post pics of the setup. I will tell folks this; there's elegance in simplicity. Be honest with yourself as to your ability and overall level of interest. "Best" isn't always (err...) best for every situation. For a new grower, I'd suggest eliminating as many variables that can impede success as possible. This means growing in soil, not in water. A complete fertilizer, in lieu of a multi-part application and/or a soil mix, etc. I think you see where I'm going. Once you have a point of reference, the complexity can be increased...or not. One can simply choose to maximize his constraints. Like I said, there's elegance in simplicity. Good luck.



Active Member
That's only .67 gpw. I get that with 2 weeks veg and a topping. - How you like them apples?

Sure you do.... With your one thousand and one plant... .67 per watt is good, or apparently YOUR the MASTER... 2 Weeks veg from Clone or seed? Sounds like a stretch to me... If your getting .75-1 Gram per Watt, hats off to you, cuz it aint easy.... Im getting a lb a plant, and VERY happy with it... It tastes, smells and smokes AWESOME... and is pure FIRE.... I also do it in 8 weeks with the 9th week being a flush... If your getting better than that, Id love to know what you use....

Pics or it didnt happen??? Here you are smart ass.... They are around Week 6-7....



Active Member
first of all no one claimed to be a "master grower" just putting in thier advice/opinions and they seem pretty acurate so dont really know why your being a tool as no one else is.
that being said, i agree with you for the most part, good quality equipment to maintain a perfect enviorment is going to get you good yeilds, but the average joe dosent have thousands of bucks to dump into growing pot.

everything everyone else said about veg time and shit is correct, you can get around 1g per watt but you need to put more time into vegging the plant to get big enough to support that much weight.

If you just starting out i say go small your first grow, get to know the plant and the art of growing and you will progressivly do better with each harvest. make sure you do your research and check out other growers journals on here that are pulling massive yeilds and copy thier setup. one guy i was following got 17 Oz off 1 plantin a stealth wardrobe he built. he vegged for a long ass time and spent lots of money on making a pretty sick cab. you get out what you put in. if you want to buy 50w worth of CFL and "toss some seeds in some dirt" then chances are your not going to get some crazy yeilds.

anyways hope this helps answer your question, 200g from 11 plant is easily doable but it take a little more put in than smaller yeilds, a few ounces off one plant is a pretty good yeild for the average grower.

Whos being a tool?? I answered the question, and people dont want to believe me... That is not my problem... I have no reason to lie


Well-Known Member
heres my little 5ft x 3ft 4plant 400wt veg, 600wt flower, scrog. im 3 weeks into veg i should have 2-3 more weeks and the screen should be filled and i dont have a doubt in my mind that ill be getting atleast a gram per watt and thats going by the 600 watt they will be flowered under i could extend that veg time and have done the same thing with 2 plants but WHY WAIT!



Well-Known Member
Sure you do.... With your one thousand and one plant... .67 per watt is good, or apparently YOUR the MASTER... 2 Weeks veg from Clone or seed? Sounds like a stretch to me... If your getting .75-1 Gram per Watt, hats off to you, cuz it aint easy.... Im getting a lb a plant, and VERY happy with it... It tastes, smells and smokes AWESOME... and is pure FIRE.... I also do it in 8 weeks with the 9th week being a flush... If your getting better than that, Id love to know what you use....

Pics or it didnt happen??? Here you are smart ass.... They are around Week 6-7....
2k watts / 12 plants / 10 gallon pots / Organicare's Pure Earth Indoor Aeration coco mix / H&G's CoCo Base / Rootbastic/Bloombastic / SuperThrive / GreatWhite / Carboload / BudCandy - Every 3rd watering plain h2o

Clones are 6-8" and are topped a day or two before the transplant. I flip to 12/12 when they plants are 18-20" which takes 2 weeks. 1000ppm co2 until flowers show and then 1500ppm until week 4 or 5 of flower. I pull everything @ 8 weeks and don't flush unless you consider the last feeding of plain water a flush.

Last grow was Chernobyl and the weight was 2lbs 13oz.

I'm pretty sure if I was still using PGRs (Phosphoload, Flower Dragon, Gravity, etc.) I could encroach on the realm of 1 GPW consistently.

But yeah, why don't you grow more smaller plants with less veg time? Faster turn around!
So it seems that for pulling bigger yields people are at least at 2k lighting. How about 'HeathRobinson'? He had something like 69 plants in vertical alignment, vegged for a few days then flowered. He pulled like 40oz-45oz off a 600w hid!

Toke up!
^that was a killer fucking grow.

FOR REAL!! The guy is just uncanny. Best of all he's a UK grower too!!! :)

I've just had a look at his grow and cant seem to figure out how his water system actually works. Anybody know where the water goes in and returns?

Thanks guys

Toke up!


Well-Known Member
my mates that grow commercial shit as but solid as (they call it rock bud) they set up plants do a 2 month veg and they pull average 2.5p of each plant. shit as weed tho but its a fuckin money maker.
my mates that grow commercial shit as but solid as (they call it rock bud) they set up plants do a 2 month veg and they pull average 2.5p of each plant. shit as weed tho but its a fuckin money maker.
Whats their setup like? 2-3k lighting? hydroponics or soil? etc...

Toke up!


Active Member
2k watts / 12 plants / 10 gallon pots / Organicare's Pure Earth Indoor Aeration coco mix / H&G's CoCo Base / Rootbastic/Bloombastic / SuperThrive / GreatWhite / Carboload / BudCandy - Every 3rd watering plain h2o

Clones are 6-8" and are topped a day or two before the transplant. I flip to 12/12 when they plants are 18-20" which takes 2 weeks. 1000ppm co2 until flowers show and then 1500ppm until week 4 or 5 of flower. I pull everything @ 8 weeks and don't flush unless you consider the last feeding of plain water a flush.

Last grow was Chernobyl and the weight was 2lbs 13oz.

I'm pretty sure if I was still using PGRs (Phosphoload, Flower Dragon, Gravity, etc.) I could encroach on the realm of 1 GPW consistently.

But yeah, why don't you grow more smaller plants with less veg time? Faster turn around!

I have done more, alot smaller in the same room.... I found that this was just alot easier, and I got almost the same yeild... honestly... I cant handle much more anyway.... It seems like all I ever do is TRIM. I lollipop alot and try to get the tops really big, and limit the popcorn underneath... Its just alot easier come chop and trim time....


Well-Known Member
I have done more, alot smaller in the same room.... I found that this was just alot easier, and I got almost the same yeild... honestly... I cant handle much more anyway.... It seems like all I ever do is TRIM. I lollipop alot and try to get the tops really big, and limit the popcorn underneath... Its just alot easier come chop and trim time....
Yes! Trimming is shit. Trimming machines are even shittier though.

Been drooling over the Heath Robinson grows...I might have to give vertical a go.
Yeah definately, vertical seems the way to go especially if your going to be taking a leaf out of Heath Robinson's book.

Seems to be a quicker turn around aswell. Allowing 70 clones to veg for a few days then flower from there. A lot of work though!

Toke up!