Obama's Obamacare is Pussycare!

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Obama actually had the opportunity to make me respect him for once. But it's going on four years and all he's got is some fascist bullshit manditory insurance that's more expensive than the insurance I already have. Way to go you Kenyan idiot. You had the opportunity to make something great and failed again.

It's very possible to do. Third world countries like Costa Rica get Obamacare right. Maybe we should have had an illegal hispanic instead?

Blaze Master

Well-Known Member
Obama actually had the opportunity to make me respect him for once. But it's going on four years and all he's got is some fascist bullshit manditory insurance that's more expensive than the insurance I already have. Way to go you Kenyan idiot. You had the opportunity to make something great and failed again.

It's very possible to do. Third world countries like Costa Rica get Obamacare right. Maybe we should have had an illegal hispanic instead?
yeah helping the working poor is sooooo fascist, heil obama

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
yeah helping the working poor is sooooo fascist, heil obama
Who has he helped again? I pay more taxes than ever since Lord Obama. I'm real poor. Yet the mega rich corporations who fund his campaign pay nothing. So really? Care to try again? If they can't afford taxes, how do they afford campaign contributions?


Active Member
A collapse of the financial sector, which he successfully averted. Recovery from the largest recession since the Great Depression. And now he's lost the Democrat majority. So aye, I think it was worth the sacrifice of adding a little bit to the way you lived for years before his presidency

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
A collapse of the financial sector, which he successfully averted. Recovery from the largest recession since the Great Depression. And now he's lost the Democrat majority. So aye, I think it was worth the sacrifice of adding a little bit to the way you lived for years before his presidency
Oh fucking please. In the last 30 years the median income rose 19.6%, while infation rose 31%.

The too big to fail corporations get free money while the bottom 50% starve. Romney pays less tax than median income earners. Doesn't matter the political affiliation, both rich dems and repubs pay way less. I'm not for progressive tax, but those assholes make the laws so they can cheat. Then the say let them die? I don't agree with that one bit.

Michele's drunk ass drinks more than three median families make in a year. Yet people have to suffer so we can pay for her hangover? GTFO!


Active Member
Oh fucking please. In the last 30 years the median income rose 19.6%, while infation rose 31%.

The too big to fail corporations get free money while the bottom 50% starve. Romney pays less tax than median income earners. Doesn't matter the political affiliation, both rich dems and repubs pay way less. I'm not for progressive tax, but those assholes make the laws so they can cheat. Then the say let them die? I don't agree with that one bit.

Michele's drunk ass drinks more than three median families make in a year. Yet people have to suffer so we can pay for her hangover? GTFO!
What? Are you blaming all this on Obama or just raging? Meanwhile our business taxes are much higher than the OECD average.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
What? Are you blaming all this on Obama or just raging? Meanwhile our business taxes are much higher than the OECD average.
He can't keep his wife in check so she doesn't rake in over $100k in imported vodka using tax payer funds?

He accepts millions from corporations who pay no taxes in exchange for favors. He's giving me those favors?

Then he lies that Obamacare will be universal single payer, but once in office it turns into mandatory insurance. I'm supposed to be giddy?

Then you ask if I'm raging? Where's my hope? I got his change.

If the taxes are so high, why does Romney pay half I do, and GE pays zero? All Obama talks about is more jobs, while us with jobs continue to get screwed. Obama only cares about one thing, golf.


Active Member
He can't keep his wife in check so she doesn't rake in over $100k in imported vodka using tax payer funds?

He accepts millions from corporations who pay no taxes in exchange for favors. He's giving me those favors?

Then he lies that Obamacare will be universal single payer, but once in office it turns into mandatory insurance. I'm supposed to be giddy?

Then you ask if I'm raging? Where's my hope? I got his change.

If the taxes are so high, why does Romney pay half I do, and GE pays zero? All Obama talks about is more jobs, while us with jobs continue to get screwed. Obama only cares about one thing, golf.
1. What?
2. Everyone does this.
3. Ever heard of politics?
4. To incentivise green energy and Mitt Romney pays less in taxes because of a structure of taxation that has been in place since before Obama's election. Capital gains is taxed at a preferential rate to, guess what, incentivise investment. Does it work? Long-term capital incentives do, I'm not so froggy on the general under-taxation. You have people like hedge-fund managers and CEOs intentionally making their income into capital gains (threw being paid in stocks and other ways) so that they obtain more /real/ income. Besides long-term investments capital gain and income should be taxed the same.


Well-Known Member
He can't keep his wife in check so she doesn't rake in over $100k in imported vodka using tax payer funds?

He accepts millions from corporations who pay no taxes in exchange for favors. He's giving me those favors?

Then he lies that Obamacare will be universal single payer, but once in office it turns into mandatory insurance. I'm supposed to be giddy?

Then you ask if I'm raging? Where's my hope? I got his change.

If the taxes are so high, why does Romney pay half I do, and GE pays zero? All Obama talks about is more jobs, while us with jobs continue to get screwed. Obama only cares about one thing, golf.
Sometimes you seem politically confused... jumping the ideological spectrum quite erratically.


Obama actually had the opportunity to make me respect him for once. But it's going on four years and all he's got is some fascist bullshit manditory insurance that's more expensive than the insurance I already have. Way to go you Kenyan idiot. You had the opportunity to make something great and failed again.

It's very possible to do. Third world countries like Costa Rica get Obamacare right. Maybe we should have had an illegal hispanic instead?
The insurance exchange isnt going to be setup until 2014 so how the fuck can you claim its more expensive then what you have now?