1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Alright broseph? How are things in the toon?
alreet mate long time nee crack. you good?

still sunny! i'm not hungover but i have a stone over off that space cake. jeezus H, i was high as fuck. went up to plug my phone in and cracked my nut on a hidden shelf above the bed, swear it was waiting to ambush me. saw stars n dropped to my knees. had a canny egg on me nut last night. thankfully i hit the corner so it's an inney rather than an outtie :(

You are my evil geordie twin m8......done pretty much the same although no weed cake but I did half a joint with my m8 and was chink eyed all night. lol Also drunk 4 of them huge bottles of Bud
the similarities are uncanny! really fighting the urge to get out in it again today but that'll make 4 days on the trot. need to get some work done this week, though it's half term so works quiet. make hay while the sun shines eh


Well-Known Member
Some of the popcorn from the Blue Cheese was dry enough to smoke last night. Real nice m8, pretty trippy for me. Tastes great for only 3 days drying, its going to be real nice when proper dry.....

You gotta take the sunshine when it comes m8.....Im waiting in for a delivery then Im off out in the sun again....fuck it!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye well summer before last we had a mild easter like this and the summer was shite so i'm getting it in while i can. mind the missus wasn't impressed when i told her i'd been away having a BBQ by the river sunning mysel...

aye that blue cheese is a real nice one. nice summer day smoke. think i'm going to pop up n see me pals grow tonight see how the new cross cuts are doing.


Well-Known Member
aye well summer before last we had a mild easter like this and the summer was shite so i'm getting it in while i can. mind the missus wasn't impressed when i told her i'd been away having a BBQ by the river sunning mysel...

aye that blue cheese is a real nice one. nice summer day smoke. think i'm going to pop up n see me pals grow tonight see how the new cross cuts are doing.
I need a haircut so once this delivery arrives Im nipping out for a chop. Promised a guy I would help setup his 2 plant grow, its actually in the back of his DOG KENNEL. lol He races greyhounds and hes just sick of paying 240 an oz.....Guys 65. lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm good mate just been really busy lately. Been sorting my back garden out, got strawberries potatos and a few other bits on the go. It's fuckin hard work trying to juggle 2 kids, a house, work And a secret garden. So I thought I should take some time away and stop in on riu. Gonna drop in on some of the others later

I've still got that cc x l pheno as a keeper and noticed it's not on breeders boutique?!?! Why is that? I've also been perfecting some of my own cross,s to possibly sell.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I need a haircut so once this delivery arrives Im nipping out for a chop. Promised a guy I would help setup his 2 plant grow, its actually in the back of his DOG KENNEL. lol He races greyhounds and hes just sick of paying 240 an oz.....Guys 65. lol
hahahah greyhounds stinking of ganja. better than wet dog i spose
Yeah I'm good mate just been really busy lately. Been sorting my back garden out, got strawberries potatos and a few other bits on the go. It's fuckin hard work trying to juggle 2 kids, a house, work And a secret garden. So I thought I should take some time away and stop in on riu. Gonna drop in on some of the others later
I've still got that cc x l pheno as a keeper and noticed it's not on breeders boutique?!?! Why is that? I've also been perfecting some of my own cross,s to possibly sell.
ah man i've just gotten a new house with a decent sized garden. thinking of a mini allotment out there when i get chance to turn the thing over etc. sounds like you've got things sorted though.

as for the smelly cherry, CCxL it's there fella, http://breedersboutique.com/site/seed-details.php?id=9

was meaning to ask if the fairy still had that one ;) what you been working on?


Well-Known Member
Howdy Partner, The new look on the S.O.S site is looking good, and a couple nice looking new addition's! I knew that cc x l would be a good one. Glad you managed to put it back together man!

Aye the Qrazy Quake i got going just now is seemingly crazier than the last lol. Its a beast, i saw it a around 5 week's 12/12, and could already see the purple through the frost and on the tops of the bud's ( calyxes ). I hear its now all like that :)
Here's a cut from her...

So is this you got yourself a ranch, and going to start cattle too ?

Later mate


Well-Known Member
Just stabilising the strain that was formerly bastard cheese. It's not cheesy so didn't feel right to give it that name. I grew some out ended with a female I liked that I got 2 0z off 2 clones (sog style). It's a high yeilding big budding strain with hints of blueberry and grapefruit but when you grind it has a solventy smell. So I'm hoping to find a decent male to make seeds and go pheno hunting again lol. I've got a few more cross's comin up aswell.

Good news on the new house mate hope you have many good times in it.

Yeah mate the fairy still has that. And a few new ones aswell.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Howdy Partner, The new look on the S.O.S site is looking good, and a couple nice looking new addition's! I knew that cc x l would be a good one. Glad you managed to put it back together man!
Aye the Qrazy Quake i got going just now is seemingly crazier than the last lol. Its a beast, i saw it a around 5 week's 12/12, and could already see the purple through the frost and on the tops of the bud's ( calyxes ). I hear its now all like that :)
Here's a cut from her...

So is this you got yourself a ranch, and going to start cattle too ?
Later mate
alreet fella,

that's breedersboutique not seaofseeds fella! aye the smelly cherry will be back man, watch this space.

that QQ you had looked pretty crazy last time. glad it's still doing the magic for ya man.

as for the ranch and cattle, the lass keeps talking about getting chickens. which to me defeats the purpose of having a big garden to laze about in. can't exactly lay about in chicken shite. i'd rather a dog. thinking about it but it's a big tie.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Just stabilising the strain that was formerly bastard cheese. It's not cheesy so didn't feel right to give it that name. I grew some out ended with a female I liked that I got 2 0z off 2 clones (sog style). It's a high yeilding big budding strain with hints of blueberry and grapefruit but when you grind it has a solventy smell. So I'm hoping to find a decent male to make seeds and go pheno hunting again lol. I've got a few more cross's comin up aswell.
Good news on the new house mate hope you have many good times in it.
Yeah mate the fairy still has that. And a few new ones aswell.
bastard cheese eh blast from the past too! what you thinking of calling it then?

so far the house has been good, neighbours are canny. some nigerian christian cult and an old couple who are deaf as posts.

happy pheno hunting man! good to see ya about


Well-Known Member
alreet fella,

that's breedersboutique not seaofseeds fella! aye the smelly cherry will be back man, watch this space.

that QQ you had looked pretty crazy last time. glad it's still doing the magic for ya man.

as for the ranch and cattle, the lass keeps talking about getting chickens. which to me defeats the purpose of having a big garden
to laze about in. can't exactly lay about in chicken shite. i'd rather a dog. thinking about it but it's a big tie.
I was getting chickens up until I seen the damage they cause. They peck and claw everything on floor level and make ya garden look like a dirt track

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye that's pretty much what i expected. think the missus just thought they'd be cute and give us loads of eggs.

so what's new in the garden fella?


Well-Known Member
Apple jack is one of my newer strains that I have flowered a few times. And I got some seedlings in veg (my own cross's) that I will be cloning and flowering in the near future.


Well-Known Member
bastard cheese eh blast from the past too! what you thinking of calling it then?

so far the house has been good, neighbours are canny. some nigerian christian cult and an old couple who are deaf as posts.

happy pheno hunting man! good to see ya about
Was thinking about naming it after the missus like a pet name or something or I might name it after my late brother.

Good news on the neighbours mate. I hope they have a good tolerance for pissed up Geordies lol.


Well-Known Member
Wow. I come over to don's thread to say hi and don't I see hemlock whinning about me still. Unbelievable. A month or two ago I swung by hemlocks thread and the first thing I see is him bashing me there too!!. Haha didn't this all happen like 6 months ago?? Oh and what else,,,,, a few months ago someone was looking for seeds and I thought I would be nice and recommend bb. Well didn't he swoop in within about 5 min and lambastes me for doing so lmao. Jesus christ dude did a touch a nerve or something haha. You still picking your mothers from seed without running them through a gen or two?? Your an idiot and I call it like I see it. There's a thousand strains out there, why in the world would you beg me for something and then breed it to sell with/against me whatever. And I think your the only one that thinks I think I'm high and mighty lol, nah that aint me pal...I just grow a lot of good dope. That 414g that you are so proud of is less than what I put out every month year round. I catch you badmouthing me again and I will call you out again. You should let it go, sounds like it's eatin at ya a bit. And as far as threatening me over the internet....I don't fight anymore, I'm in my mid 50s and my lungs are shot and my body is broken. I'd have to just shoot you lmao.

Sorry don I was just swinging by to say hi and it didn't work out so good.

Blah Blah Blah PUSSY...
The only thing your good at is sucking your own dick

Again I'll be in PVD in June would love to meet you for lunch so you can say all this BS to my Face. But I'm SURE you don't have the Balls.
Callin ya out right here pussy.
The way you run your cockholister (your mouth) I would think you do fight. Oh your just an internet tuff guy.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i have a bords nest with two small eggs in my mailbox. the first time an actual bird landed in my box.
hahahah you put a note up for the posty?
Was thinking about naming it after the missus like a pet name or something or I might name it after my late brother.
Good news on the neighbours mate. I hope they have a good tolerance for pissed up Geordies lol.
both good ideas, my lass wants a strain named after her. as for the neighbours, so far i've not ladged myself up too badly well not that they've seen anyway...