trayvan martin

?????? that shit fucks your whole world up. you must be really tough, like Rambo, or Chuck Norris. PS.......i fought in tournaments, and have had my nose broken. i throbs all day.........hard to sleep.

does the bobbing up and down of walking make it hurt a little, enough to wince or show visible discomfort?

how about when you lean forward, like while exiting a vehicle? does that make you wince or show visible discomfort?

i'm just surveying people now to see what their experiences with a broken nose were like.
zimmerman's story is shit. he's scared. he shot trayvan in panic. but........what was he panic'd about? trayvan punched bus drivers, he must really not like town watch...................
?????? that shit fucks your whole world up. you must be really tough, like Rambo, or Chuck Norris. PS.......i fought in tournaments, and have had my nose broken. i throbs all day.........hard to sleep.

Maybe we have a different pain tolerance level then.It wasn't comfortable but it didn't "fuck my whole world up".
zimmerman's story is shit. he's scared. he shot trayvan in panic. but........what was he panic'd about? trayvan punched bus drivers, he must really not like town watch...................

Trayvon didn't punch anyone. That was a tweet that was first attributed to his brother and now it turns out to be from a cousin. There is no truth to that dumb ass story.
see the admissions trending steadily towards worse and worse?

it's changing about as rapibly as zimmerman's story.

anyone catch the interview with papa zimmerman?

I did. I loved all the embellishments about what Trayvon was supposed to have said and done. I'm really sure a kid with a hole in his chest is going to say, "you got me." What a load of bullshit. Trayvon's legs were pinning Zimmerman's arms while beating him with one hand and somehow managed to reach behind him and tried to remove the gun from it's holster. On Zimmerman's waist? Really? If Zimmerman's arms were pinned then how did he get his pistol and shoot him in the chest. If Trayvon was directly over him then where is the blood? Where is ANY blood?
You really are a moron.

Wonder why they thought it was his brother?

I did. I loved all the embellishments about what Trayvon was supposed to have said and done. I'm really sure a kid with a hole in his chest is going to say, "you got me." What a load of bullshit. Trayvon's legs were pinning Zimmerman's arms while beating him with one hand and somehow managed to reach behind him and tried to remove the gun from it's holster. On Zimmerman's waist? Really? If Zimmerman's arms were pinned then how did he get his pistol and shoot him in the chest. If Trayvon was directly over him then where is the blood? Where is ANY blood?

I've never heard trayvon was pinning his arms to the ground.Now your making shit up.
I've never heard trayvon was pinning his arms to the ground.Now your making shit up.

No, actually Zimmerman is making that shit up and his dad is parroting it to the world.

Oh and that tweet was Tray's cousin under his older brother's account. Like I said. No basis in fact.
No, actually Zimmerman's dad is making that shit up.

Oh and that tweet was Tray's cousin under his older brother's account. Like I said. No basis in fact.

No basis in fact? How so? Why would he post that at all if it weren't true?

And zimmermans dad wasn't there so why does it matter what he says? zero relevance here.
i just checked it out, and the road bends there, those little jutted out parts lead to an elementary school and something else. the seven-eleven is on the corner right there and some wise ass named 'unclebuck' left the following review on google maps....

"Great place for buying skittles and Arizona iced tea, but watch out for the psycho vigilante cop wannabes in the area."

No basis in fact? How so? Why would he post that at all if it weren't true?

And zimmermans dad wasn't there so why does it matter what he says? zero relevance here.

Because he is saying this is George's story. That's why, dumb ass.

i want you to listen to something that trayvon martin 's father said today in an interview with the " washington post ." i want you to listen to this, because he is describing what the police told him about what happened that night in the altercation between trayvon martin and george zimmerman . let's listen to what trayvon martin 's father says here.
>> he reached in his pocket to get his cell phone and that's when trayvon attacked him. he said trayvon hit him, knocked him to the ground, got on top of him, put his knees on his arms, pinned him down. put his left hand over his mouth, told him shot the "f" up, and proceeded beating him with the other hand. zimmerman then says he was able to unholster his weapon and fire one shot, and trayvon fell back and said you got me. that's what the police initially told me.

This is what the police initially told Trayvon's dad.
No basis in fact? How so? Why would he post that at all if it weren't true?

i have a 9'' cock and once kicked a field goal from 96 yards with a dead baby.

And zimmermans dad wasn't there so why does it matter what he says? zero relevance here.

perhaps zimmerman related his account to his father? i don't know, i've got the interview queued up.

i bet the canadian doesn't know how to pronounce "queue".