trayvan martin

Listen to his 911 call.He says it on there and then he confirms it with a reporter a few days later.A few days after that and his story changes to he heard child like screaming and didnt "see" anything.

goes to show how notoriously unreliable eyewitness accounts are, eh?
just saw the video of him at the police station...No sign of injuries at all. So much for smashed skull and broken nose..
just saw the video of him at the police station...No sign of injuries at all. So much for smashed skull and broken nose..

yep, clearly see the back of his head and front, and he has no bruises, no cuts, no lacerations, no blood, no nothing.

certainly not consistent with having your skull smashed into the pavement or receiving a fierce beating.

did martin have a pillow fight with him?

this is pretty damning to the idiots like cliffey and desertdude who are saying he was getting his ass whooped. no wonder the police did not want to take pictures, it would have destroyed the false narrative they created.
I see no change to Zimmerman's story here. Maybe you could quote what you think is a change?

"he tried to take my gun"

ya know, if that was anywhere in the false narrative zimmerman (or the PD) has been peddling, you'd think we would have talked about that.
I see no change to Zimmerman's story here. Maybe you could quote what you think is a change?

Doesn't even matter.

Regardless, we have little facts and what we, the public, know is more than likely political media spin. Bottom line, Zimmerman shot and killed somebody and should be taken to trial. Prosecutor must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that it was murder.
So, let me see if I am following here. The 13 year old originally gave a statement to police that he saw a guy in a red shirt on the ground screaming, and a few seconds later the fatal gun shot rang out. Now the mother says it was too dark for her son to see the color of the shirt. And the mother says the lead investigator was trying to get her son to change his statement because it did not support charging Zimmerman. Is that about right?

the 13 yr. old made no mention of a colored shirt or anything else during the 911 call. The police coached him and wrote in the statement that he claimed the man's shirt was red after repeatedly asking him the color of the shirt. The boy's mother came forward and said her son never said anything about a colored shirt and that it was too dark to see. The lead investigator said that there was racial stereotyping happening in the investigation. The Lead investigator wasn't involved in the shirt controversy that was the police officers taking the boy's statement. Got it yet, dip shit?
"he tried to take my gun"

ya know, if that was anywhere in the false narrative zimmerman (or the PD) has been peddling, you'd think we would have talked about that.

Wouldn't that imply that he had taken his gun out and pointed it at Martin? If I had a gun pointed at me, I'd try to disarm the person too.
So, we have two eyewitness accounts, one from "John", and one from Austin Brown and both are consistent with Zimmer's account of what happened. The police report, filed by the police officer who hand cuffed Zimmer and took him to the police station for questioning, is consistent with the eye witness accounts.

Wouldn't that imply that he had taken his gun out and pointed it at Martin? If I had a gun pointed at me, I'd try to disarm the person too.

if he had his gun out and pointed at martin, then he had certainly not exhausted all possible options for escape.
So, we have two eyewitness accounts, one from "John", and one from Austin Brown and both are consistent with Zimmer's account of what happened. The police report, filed by the police officer who hand cuffed Zimmer and took him to the police station for questioning, is consistent with the eye witness accounts.


zimmerman's story was that he was attacked so viciously that his nose was broken and his skull was smashed into the concrete repeatedly.

no eyewitness accounts corroborate that version, and the surveillance video at the police station shows him without a mark on him, no bruises, no cuts, no blood....NOTHING.

the detective whose job it is to sniff out bullshit said zimmerman's story did not add up and was unconvincing.

police at the scene corrected and coached accounts of witnesses.
