World of Seeds - Space

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
haha u right there am retired(not retarded) now couldnt hack the pace hahahahah. to many blisters n sunburns plus the bosses didnt like my attitude and dealing out work so that was that haha. got shin splits at start that job n that is intense pain trying walk with them forget running.
had more jobs then i care to admit. jack off all trades me n skilled at none haha.
still tho with lil luck b a pest controller end year. just need some funds to get on the course


Well-Known Member
haha u right there am retired(not retarded) now couldnt hack the pace hahahahah. to many blisters n sunburns plus the bosses didnt like my attitude and dealing out work so that was that haha. got shin splits at start that job n that is intense pain trying walk with them forget running.
had more jobs then i care to admit. jack off all trades me n skilled at none haha.
still tho with lil luck b a pest controller end year. just need some funds to get on the course
how much is the course mdb? its something ive thought about a few times, also the care industry is very easy to get into and also a shortage off young male workers can be a cushdy number being a support worker and isnt the worst money in the world bout £10 an hour, need a driving license tho.

got 5g of proper goldseal today, really nice smoke was getting abit sick of the exo n pyschosis, charas n pollen on its way for fri/sat lol

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
lucky new user. was a grand last year n only place that did it was oxford or cambridge i think. week course u gotta stay there the week tho i think.
heard tho alot more places do the course now. i need drive 1st tho n bout restart lessions as mrs got new job n more cash.
yeah me older bro moved up manchester way n is bout start a caring course or something, he was a supervisor in warehouse n wanted new challenge n proper career.
me n him oposite he likes to help n b nice n im abit more short tempered n like seeing gore n blood n guts.

if i do course this year i will let u no before n see if u want some details.
if u start own pest control company u will b loaded n quick as they charge the earth for few hours work.
hey imagine this sambo n mad dog pest controllers. haha slogan could b "we kill wot u dont want and some extra"haha. roll up customers house do job n both us fall out smoke filled van, red eyed n babbling shite hahah.
think we on a winner here hahah


Well-Known Member
Hows mr scotty?.............hows that gardenin comin on mate?
Evening Mr Bud... Flowering girls r startin to take shape 2 weeks in & 1 week in lol... I've managed to kill the GKxBlues m8, were fine yesterday morning checked on a few hrs later and the stems had went to fuck all n they'd flopped over, so a propped them up but they gone to weed heaven this morning :-( Never seen anything like it n the first seedlings I've ever killed.

Think I'm jst goin to gve up and move closer to either you or Sambo lmao


Well-Known Member
no did ya parcel arrive. pukka will have his number i think or mayb w dragon.
yeah always seem injure self wen sobber n not stoned. remember having a day or two off wen i used b a bin man( dont take piss as was in2 fitness and running from 8 til 1 pm used keep me fit n healthy plus finished work at 1pm n paid th whole day) and i ran into the back off lorry n split fore head open. didnt notice had cut it thought just banged it so carried on till a gran stopped me in street n said do u no ur bleeding? turned to me co loader n as i touched me head it just split the skin on front n me mate nearly passed out haha. blood everywhere n he was saying could see me bone below flesh hahahaha.
still makes me chuckle. i mean how do u not notice a huge lorry with flashing lights on it? n manage run head 1st? only i could do that wen im not stoned.
was a good job i used b a great distance runner n could run allday so we finished early hide in cafe n had few js in lorry if had a sound driver. i also got picked up from me home in lorry as was 1 the fastest there had crews fighting get me on there rounds so they finished early. haha
Its cool mate, ma phones signal goosed again , was jst to let him know it was here lol....

Only acident av had is ma foot (touch wood) crushed two metatarcels and the cuboid that holds them together. Pulled a top heavy cage off the back of a tesco lorry when unloading ;-( was at biomechanics appointment yesterday n now am gettin referred to the orthopeadic surgeon cos of the arthritis. They goin to either shave the arthritic bone away from the joints or fuse the joints together, as they claim no movement no pain??? So me is brickin it, not been under the knife since a was 5 or somethin :-(


Well-Known Member
lucky new user. was a grand last year n only place that did it was oxford or cambridge i think. week course u gotta stay there the week tho i think.
heard tho alot more places do the course now. i need drive 1st tho n bout restart lessions as mrs got new job n more cash.
yeah me older bro moved up manchester way n is bout start a caring course or something, he was a supervisor in warehouse n wanted new challenge n proper career.
me n him oposite he likes to help n b nice n im abit more short tempered n like seeing gore n blood n guts.

if i do course this year i will let u no before n see if u want some details.
if u start own pest control company u will b loaded n quick as they charge the earth for few hours work.
hey imagine this sambo n mad dog pest controllers. haha slogan could b "we kill wot u dont want and some extra"haha. roll up customers house do job n both us fall out smoke filled van, red eyed n babbling shite hahah.
think we on a winner here hahah
lmao yeah i can just imagine that m8, stoned out our nuts chasing rats will air rifles lolol

can be a good job tho decent money, ya out on ya own most the time etc i really do need to shape up and at least go on some driving lessons its laziness (missus drives) and also im not that confident driving or learning new stuff but its sumfing i really do need to do am fucking 30 next wk!

yeah feeling privaliged on the smoke front at the moment, do love hash mdb and its just so fucking hard to get decent stuff now i got a source im like a fat kid ina sweet shop lol


Well-Known Member
''Think I'm jst goin to gve up and move closer to either you or Sambo lmao''

lol hows that international smoke going down? that fucking gear has seen more countrys than me this year lool


Well-Known Member
''Think I'm jst goin to gve up and move closer to either you or Sambo lmao''

lol hows that international smoke going down? that fucking gear has seen more countrys than me this year lool
Lol tastin all the better for the high altitude cure, aye its decent mate just sat n had a proper doob after ma dinner n it hits the spot like a steam train matey. Fuck its seen more countries than a have for yrs. You no fancy movin nxt door tae me mate theres an empty 3 bed, lovely area lmao


Well-Known Member
fucked with arthritis in my knees, doctors said there is nothing they can do!!! great. Had another operation on them 2 year ago, and now my semi good one is fukked.
Its cool mate, ma phones signal goosed again , was jst to let him know it was here lol....

Only acident av had is ma foot (touch wood) crushed two metatarcels and the cuboid that holds them together. Pulled a top heavy cage off the back of a tesco lorry when unloading ;-( was at biomechanics appointment yesterday n now am gettin referred to the orthopeadic surgeon cos of the arthritis. They goin to either shave the arthritic bone away from the joints or fuse the joints together, as they claim no movement no pain??? So me is brickin it, not been under the knife since a was 5 or somethin :-(
I am sure you'll be fine, you staying awake for the op?:shock:


Well-Known Member
fucked with arthritis in my knees, doctors said there is nothing they can do!!! great. Had another operation on them 2 year ago, and now my semi good one is fukked.

I am sure you'll be fine, you staying awake for the op?:shock:
Not even seen the consultant yet mate, was the biomechanics person a saw. They gave me stupid inserts for ma shoes but they cause more pain than I'm already in, told her that after tryin it on but what do I know??? Dont know if a could stay awake for it bit of a chicken when it comes to shit like that, but then it scares me to go under cos of the amount of E n coke av taken over the years.... Decisions to make and not goin to be easy :-(

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
shit scotia not good man. but better get it sorted asap then having pain allday every day. grit ya teeth n get it done dude. b better in long run. u b playing footy with ya lil man by next year or so so gotta b worth it. n yeah move down south. alot nicer area for familys from wot i hear from u n billy.
newuser its a top job n sod shooting rats i wanna poison them n watch there senses n systems shutting down a slow n painful death please for the germ infested rodants. u no theres as many rats as there r united supporters hahahahaha u always withing 20 foot off either them haha
yeah i also was very nervous off driving, i been in few crashes with mates n damaged my ligaments i think they said in lower spine. had a bag off swelling on lower spine for near a year. they said i wouldnt b walking for few weeks at least n wood need months pyshio but was down pub same day playing pool. amazing wot smoke n sniff can help u do hahah. its fine now but i have trouble digging only now. i did loads back strengthening exercise n had ultra sound or something pumped into back.
im lucky my instructor is a mate i used work with him in a pub wen i was a cook. i call him haystack as hes near 7 foot but soft as u like, he puts up with my road rage n perving at skirts so all good n i get lessions lil cheaper.
u b fine wen u happy with instructor but u may need chop n change to get a good un.
think after 5th lession i loved it, before it i was shitting self everytime i went in car.
round my way alot peeps had crashes who came from my school, i can think off at least 5 mates who have died driving so wasnt over keen drive myself


Well-Known Member
Fuck ad b lost without ma licence, been driving for 12 yr and passed first time :-D Go me lol.... Na ma advice if you not got it get it, the freedom you got with it sometimes is brilliant...

Been neglectin ma thread with updates n shit so will try get some pics up 2moro....

Off for a bath lads, was cutting ma grass n tidyin up the rest of garden, think it to rain here 2moz :-(


Well-Known Member
evening ladies hows it going ?
Scotia did the fairy come ? She visited me this morning and i have to say a big thanks to sambo ;) gimme 10 min and im gonna get high so high .... lmao

waterfarms are all homemade scotia but i bought the stuff to make them , tubs n lids cost 2.50 each , net pots cost 60p and some air line n abit of pipe :)


Well-Known Member
im off out soon to get high mcfly only a few days left before the baby is here and i wont even be able to drink for a good few wks enjoy the smoke boys and pukka only reason i aint sent you yet is these 2 where pretty much clean out i no u aint too hungry, still love ya tho oldboy.


oh @rob that goldseal is bang on m8 proper stuff really nice.


Well-Known Member
well if dont hear from ya before sambo good luck hope goes well.
whey up rob
too late now its all gone but sort the paranoia out n il send ya a sample netime ive cropped m8, we been chatting since u joined i took ya through the 1st riu grow in pm's lol


Well-Known Member
speaking of pukka ... where you been mate , and whats happening on the meet up front ?
i had to smoke the 8th i saved you , i was dry out , kept it long enough though .... if your too busy to meet mate pm me ya addy and ill throw you seeds in post and you do same with mine ;)


Well-Known Member
@ Robbie, came this morning mate... Hits the spot defo, been in a daze for a coupla hrs lol.... Think I might try build another for maself aqua/waterfarms are the dogs bollocks imo. Runnin the exo in there just now, think av got a pic a can shove up in a wee wile, did u get urs up?

@ Sambo, Good luck mate, hope all goes well for ya, we have to stop tryin for 3 months cos the Mrs got her MMR today which she should have got when she was little, so in case the rubella gets passed we need to wait till out her system :-(

Anyways whats happenin tonight folks, any dramas???