Glock, LOL, nice.
Never tried that before, but isn't that just de-carbing your kief? Do you do it for consistency, or does it change the high for you?
I dont think it's for anything but storage... the heat from the water will allow the keif to become almost solid if pressed tightly. Decarbing needs to occur with short high heat 165-275 or over a long time to convert thca to thc and cbn and cbds generally this if done under short high heat takes 15-25mins.
could be wrong tho.. have seen folks use a heated butter knife for the same effects
you are aware that boiling points are for standard sea level pressure, and these boiling points change at the pressure is reduced.the concept of vacuum purging iso might work... but i doubt its gonna work the way you want it to... it works with butane well as butane's boiling point varys from -1c to 1c
where as isopropyl has a boiling point between 80-90c....
you are aware that boiling points are for standard sea level pressure, and these boiling points change at the pressure is reduced.
that is pretty off topic and defensive are aware that putting fuel in your vehicle exposes you to more hydrocarbons than smoking a year of oil/bho does right?
the gold liquid right?! what u do with the stuff in the filter
just for those interested i yielded 121grams of honey oil with my new method.