Iso Extractions by _oakley_

Glock, LOL, nice.

Never tried that before, but isn't that just de-carbing your kief? Do you do it for consistency, or does it change the high for you?
not sure if its de carbing or what not. i was thinking after i was watching how morrocans and others make hash but all they really showed was the kief collecting part of there process and how they heat and press it to make there hash; some even make shoe hash. they never said how they heated so if i had to guess it was by boiling the kief, so i tried it and it came out pretty mint. how do u get ur iso hash bubble hash consistency? everytime i try it comes out powdery like kief. can u even use iso on kief or do u want the resins inside the bud aswell??! best ways i can make hash is boiling kief, or press and heating kief with iron or hair straightener.
Glock, LOL, nice.

Never tried that before, but isn't that just de-carbing your kief? Do you do it for consistency, or does it change the high for you?

I dont think it's for anything but storage... the heat from the water will allow the keif to become almost solid if pressed tightly. Decarbing needs to occur with short high heat 165-275 or over a long time to convert thca to thc and cbn and cbds generally this if done under short high heat takes 15-25mins.
could be wrong tho.. have seen folks use a heated butter knife for the same effects
I dont think it's for anything but storage... the heat from the water will allow the keif to become almost solid if pressed tightly. Decarbing needs to occur with short high heat 165-275 or over a long time to convert thca to thc and cbn and cbds generally this if done under short high heat takes 15-25mins.
could be wrong tho.. have seen folks use a heated butter knife for the same effects

hm, it only took like 5 mins when the water was boiling. i figured the longer i did it, the darker the product and i didnt want it black. the iron or hair straightener with cellophane and a water logged paper towel works way better then the heated knife.
the concept of vacuum purging iso might work... but i doubt its gonna work the way you want it to... it works with butane well as butane's boiling point varys from -1c to 1c
where as isopropyl has a boiling point between 80-90c....
you are aware that boiling points are for standard sea level pressure, and these boiling points change at the pressure is reduced.
you are aware that boiling points are for standard sea level pressure, and these boiling points change at the pressure is reduced.

you are aware that putting fuel in your vehicle exposes you to more hydrocarbons than smoking a year of oil/bho does right?
you are aware that putting fuel in your vehicle exposes you to more hydrocarbons than smoking a year of oil/bho does right?
that is pretty off topic and defensive bro.
i was pointing out that your picture of boiling points is way incomplete.

The below quote only applies at sea level, not under vac. Understanding how pressure affects boiling points is actually VERY important. For example, when you get to 28... nevermind you must already know this stuff.
But please do carry on flaming your own thread. :rolleyes:

  • it works with butane well as butane's boiling point varys from -1c to 1c
    where as isopropyl has a boiling point between 80-90c....

so i finally did it... i have applied this to serious bulk scale!

ive found a way of applying this method to a GARBAGE BAG of material yes thats right... this modification allows you process a GARBAGE bag of material in one go! 5-20lbs of trim!

items required.

5 Gallons of 99% iso

3 NEW 5 gallon buckets (2-4$ @ home depot)

this filter;

follow the guide as posted earlier!

with the 100 micron screen i was able to just pour my mixture back through the screen and filter out a Large amount of crystal/floating particulate matter

^ after this it is still required that you do a final filter with coffee filters
LARGE size coffee filters can be had here..

happy cooking! you can make OUNCES at a time processing this way! :D
what if i use a regular coffee filter and see some kief collection on that. can i use that collection as a lower grade
ahh, very nice, so then u heat up that shit to evaporate the rest of the alc and water it leaves that goo. how do u keep the goo -goo and not powder
okay so after working my new oil making system and getting all the bugs worked out in making honey oil over the years... i present to you.. Just how crazy things can get when you do things My way >=D
44.1 grams of honey/cherry oil!
thats right... an ounce an a half of supreme oil..

now... that we have established there is an ounce and a half of oil there... since this was made as bulk oil lets see how transparent it is... *applys 1w LED*

now look at that... we can actually see light through nearly 2 INCHES of oil!
and just to top it off... a single batch of oil made this..

whats missing from the pan.. is the 44.1g of oil in the jar. The unscraped part of the pan is the thick side... ~4oz of honey oil in SINGLE BATCH!!