1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)


Well-Known Member
Lol, it is quite oldschool. but from my standpoint benig 25 and all. I would pass on the geezer fight.j/k

lol, it not good for anybody.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Wow. I come over to don's thread to say hi and don't I see hemlock whinning about me still. Unbelievable. A month or two ago I swung by hemlocks thread and the first thing I see is him bashing me there too!!. Haha didn't this all happen like 6 months ago?? Oh and what else,,,,, a few months ago someone was looking for seeds and I thought I would be nice and recommend bb. Well didn't he swoop in within about 5 min and lambastes me for doing so lmao. Jesus christ dude did a touch a nerve or something haha. You still picking your mothers from seed without running them through a gen or two?? Your an idiot and I call it like I see it. There's a thousand strains out there, why in the world would you beg me for something and then breed it to sell with/against me whatever. And I think your the only one that thinks I think I'm high and mighty lol, nah that aint me pal...I just grow a lot of good dope. That 414g that you are so proud of is less than what I put out every month year round. I catch you badmouthing me again and I will call you out again. You should let it go, sounds like it's eatin at ya a bit. And as far as threatening me over the internet....I don't fight anymore, I'm in my mid 50s and my lungs are shot and my body is broken. I'd have to just shoot you lmao.

Sorry don I was just swinging by to say hi and it didn't work out so good.


Well-Known Member
Boozn and fightn... I see alls well on old donnys thread, lol.

I'd so love to get in the middle of this thing, tell ya what I think... but would rather keep my blood pressure down.


Well-Known Member
I think theres some unwritten rule somewhere ...dont quote me...
That if your gonna start a flame war ....its gotta be on your own thread or the person your flaming's thread....

just common curtesy ...
Yo don wheres the cherry cheezey livers...?

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
man good read last two pages.
i was on the wave off thinking that the only time u would ever see two 50 year olds having a dust up(punch up) would b over who got to buy the last packet off werthers orginals in the local newsagents hahahahahahahahaha
there u go chaps u can band together n run out the cheeky twat mad dog off riu. not to keen on the idea being shot tho, so play nicely hahah
to b fair i saw a marine getting beaten out his mind in ufc other month, brian stann got beaten down by chael sonnen. was rooting for stann but hay ho, u cant win them all.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
na the spider will do chael again. chael to big headed. hasnt the attitude of a champ.
i like the warrior attitude of respect other fighters not bad mouth them all. like diaz hes another big headed fighter n cant take being beaten.
i like the macheidas and bones jones type who doesnt bad mouth peeps just wants train n do talking in the ring or octagon


Well-Known Member
na the spider will do chael again. chael to big headed. hasnt the attitude of a champ.
i like the warrior attitude of respect other fighters not bad mouth them all. like diaz hes another big headed fighter n cant take being beaten.
i like the macheidas and bones jones type who doesnt bad mouth peeps just wants train n do talking in the ring or octagon
Lol, i am NOT a chael fan! And Jon Jones is my fave current guy. Next is Edson barboza. After he gets the belt all the weight classes will be at a standstill with mighty mouse in the flyweight

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Can't leave you lot 5 minutes! :) I'm bbq'd up had pork sausages, venison burger and a fat steak. few britneys a little currant bun on the old bones. just had my second weed cupcake of the day and am about to skip through the best bits of half a dozen films tll i pas out on the sofa.

thank you and good night


Well-Known Member
Haa, lol. i figured that . thats retty much how my grill is in the summer. pork/beef sausage. steak. chicken wings, n hotdogs and hamburgers grilled veggies on occassion.


Well-Known Member
Can't leave you lot 5 minutes! :) I'm bbq'd up had pork sausages, venison burger and a fat steak. few britneys a little currant bun on the old bones. just had my second weed cupcake of the day and am about to skip through the best bits of half a dozen films tll i pas out on the sofa.

thank you and good night
You are my evil geordie twin m8......done pretty much the same although no weed cake but I did half a joint with my m8 and was chink eyed all night. lol Also drunk 4 of them huge bottles of Bud