1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)


Well-Known Member
Just as long as it wasn't bud...fuck the finger. lol I aint got any Prop shaft only the remainder of street shit which I refuse to take.....unless smashed


Well-Known Member
Don took down 6 plants one BMF the rest Sensi Star. got 414grams divided by 6 is 69 grams per plant. Not bad for someone who was accused of being Clueless.
Hope I see Highlander face to face one day.
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Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
yes the tail popped. we got sun and 80 degrees here as usual.what in heavens name is going on in your part of the world.. a heat wave? thats craxy.
there is an insane person in the apartment below me. they put the telly on between 230 am and 430 am really fuckin loud everynight. i thinkin of kickin their ass. i tried going to the gym at 5 am this morning .hated it. well it was just too crowded, can you believe that? lol and no one wipes down the machines. its sooo discusting.lol. theres like a bunch of new gyms opening up for only $9.99 a month! and with new equiptment!! i think i will go check them out.
I will look for the cherry cheese liver pictures i grew last time so you can determime the pheno.
I have one cherry cheeze livers bean left after this one. I really hope this one is a female. Shit i need to get a water filter too. my new water here sucks . The ppms are way high. im going to go with Reverse Osmosis under the kitchen sink. What do you do? do you know what your ppms are. Enjoy the warm weather while it lasts. Peace owt Ambz


Well-Known Member
Good Morning Don and everyone.

hows tricks Donny lad.hows the new living arrangement going, you and the mrs getting along swimmingly?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yes the tail popped. we got sun and 80 degrees here as usual.what in heavens name is going on in your part of the world.. a heat wave? thats craxy.
there is an insane person in the apartment below me. they put the telly on between 230 am and 430 am really fuckin loud everynight. i thinkin of kickin their ass. i tried going to the gym at 5 am this morning .hated it. well it was just too crowded, can you believe that? lol and no one wipes down the machines. its sooo discusting.lol. theres like a bunch of new gyms opening up for only $9.99 a month! and with new equiptment!! i think i will go check them out.
I will look for the cherry cheese liver pictures i grew last time so you can determime the pheno.
I have one cherry cheeze livers bean left after this one. I really hope this one is a female. Shit i need to get a water filter too. my new water here sucks . The ppms are way high. im going to go with Reverse Osmosis under the kitchen sink. What do you do? do you know what your ppms are. Enjoy the warm weather while it lasts. Peace owt Ambz
good news! and yeah heatwave fo sho! that's some shitty luck with the neighbour :( and what an odd time to put the tv on. 5 am at the gym sweet jeesus doc thats a bit brutal. i'll pop over for a squiz at the pics in a bit. as for ppm and ec i havent actually checked since i moved house but as i only moved a 5 minute drive away. its nicely balanced, a little more to the hard side.

Whats what in these pics? All looking good and the growth is nice;)
at this stage WBW you know as much as i do, i'll re jig them into some sort of order this week. hooking the two hoods back together and the silent 8inch fan. hoping the weather holds so i can see if it'll be dicey come the summer.

I've just convinced the boss were not going to the pub today! we're going for a bbq somewhere sunny instead! RESULT i foresee steak beer and weed by a babbling brook.


Well-Known Member
morning hem fella, aye all good, mrs has calmed down, it's a monthly thing. BBQ on for this arvo should be grand. hows yaself?
Doing Well Don, my gal had bit of rage this last weekend. She saw my pic of the two girls dancong on the table that was me avatar.
She went nutter and started slapping me telling me I was obsessed with one of those gals in the pic. I said WHAT, I don't even have her phone number.
On top of that she is my best friend wife. I have been friends with this dude for 25 years.

She finally calmed down, we had a shag and I sent her home for the week, thank fuk..LOL


Well-Known Member
You two should give it up. Ain't like anybody is gonna profit off of 'the happennings' believe me. And people won't be breaking down doors for Sour Cherrt either. Live N let Go.It's the I-net, and if it had been real life. I wouldn't wanna see a middle aged ex marine and a mountain dwelling handyman go at it anyway. And just so you know. I love both of you, no homo of course.


Well-Known Member
You two should give it up. Ain't like anybody is gonna profit off of 'the happennings' believe me. And people won't be breaking down doors for Sour Cherrt either. Live N let Go.It's the I-net, and if it had been real life. I wouldn't wanna see a middle aged ex marine and a mountain dwelling handyman go at it anyway. And just so you know. I love both of you, no homo of course.
Thanks T........

he just a little dick who runs around here sucking his own dick and telling everyone hes the best at everything. I'll knock him off his pestal for sure.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
i love highlander and hemlock and it would break my heart to see either of them hurt. please can you 2 be friends again. your both such amazing garderners .


Well-Known Member
Lol, amber your a trip. Hempster is my hamsters nickname. bet money ion real life we would all be smokin a fat ass joint we all chipped in on.