I thought (still think) it was phosphorus deficiency


I will post some pics but first a description: This is bag seed, I'm 23 days into flower and hadn't been using nutes. I figure there are still several weeks until harvest so I think I'm loosing too many leaves to whatever this is. I think it looks most closely to phosphorus deficiency, so under this assumption I began using some FF Tiger Bloom 6 days ago a 1/3 dose and 1 day ago a 2/3 dose. I haven't seen any improvement and it occurred to me that I hadn't tested the run-off for a while so I did and found it at ph 6.1. So now I think it may still be phosphorus deficiency but caused by nute lock out.

So I need some advice I'd like to water with some ph 7.3 (maybe higher?) water in an effort to counter the 6.1. What I don't know is should I wait, because I watered yesterday or do immediately. I know what I think I should but I need to act with restraint so I don't cause a bigger problem. I thought I'd add, I would like to add some lime to the water to bring the ph up.

(the clawing in the pics is old damage (different issue) and the new grow seems to not be clawing. Also after the last water with nute the leaves seem a little saggy)
(last note, the pics don't seem to reveal just how wide spread the issue is)

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sorry for the long post just very concerned.


Well-Known Member
Since you weren't fertilizing prior to this, the plant was showing you it needed nutrients. Pretty much any fertilizer will do, but it will not make the existing leaves any darker green, it will benefit the new growth and your bud production though. Don't over do it, just from now on take turns with pure water and fertilized water. She'll grow for you.


Active Member
u answered u own question man congrats i agree 100% ph causing lockout n ur fix is great but be better if u used proper ph'd water n flush till ph is in range u need 6.5 least just safer roots arent exposed to wild ph flux's n growth/color return days faster but great job on finding problem


Well-Known Member
Def phosphorus issue, what medium are you in?

You say you didn't feed for first 23 days of flower? They need a lot of nutes during the stretch, I'd go with a phosphorus deficiency due to lack of nutes.

You also are running a mystery bagseed so you have no idea how big/small a feeder this girl is. I'd go hard on the nutes for a while, it also looks like you have a nitrogen deficiency, due to the same thing. Your plants need lots of food during the stretch period, they are growing like crazy!


Well I just finished up for the night, had a bit of an ordeal...

I preped up some water with lime but I didn't measure the ph because I wanted to let it sit a while and come back and adjust it. But I had a complete mind fart and when I went back I just started watering about 1/4 to 1/2 a gal in I realized what I has doing so I stopped and adjusted the ph down to 7.5, it was 8.9, and continued with about another 1 gal to 1.5 gal until run-off. So now I'm a little worried that I hurt things with the 8.9 however since the run-off was still at 6.1 I think there may be some more adjustment needed. Tomorrow will tell the tale I guess.

I'm liking the idea of flushing and depending on how things go I may do that this weekend.

And to answer why I hadn't adding nutes, well every time I did the plant leaves would claw more, I was using FFTB and I'm in FFOF


I just wanted to revive this, I seem to have at least slowed the progression. I do still seem to be getting a few more dead spots each day but this perhaps damage done revealing itself? I will say the number of leaves turning completely yellow has definitely decreased.

I've come back here for some thoughts on how I should proceed, the leaves that continue to show dying spots are in the upper canopy however the lower leaves seem to be looking pretty good.

I'm wondering if I should trim some of the upper leaves to let the light to the healthier vegetation?

Also my run-off after the last watering was testing at 5.8 - 5.9 I'm not sure if I should continue putting lime in the water or use PH up and try to raise the PH of the soil this way? I never did flush any one think I should do this now?


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Active Member
you got a lot of brown spots almost even on the buds and sugar leaves. it looks nice and big but makes me wonder about the drainage, could be root rot. over fertilization maybe , bad drainage (always wet?) but it looks almost done, doesnt look all that bad


Active Member
Magnesium brohym, 2tbsp per gallon :)
Stop fucking with the PH god damn it! 6.1 Is fine and way better than 7.0, you going from 6.1 tp 8.9 is what will cause problems.
You need to adjust all your watering and feedings to 6.5 using lime
Its not a phosphorus issue, its magnesium


Active Member
Calcium (Ca) -Macro Nutrient and an Immobile element.

Calcium is another important element that helps the plants cell walls, cell division in making the plants stems, stalks, branches stronger, as well as contributing to root growth, mostly the newer root hairs, Calcium also helps enhancing the uptake of K in the the plants roots. Calcium moves really slow within the plant and tends to concentrate in roots and older growth.

When plants exhibit a Calcium deficiency the younger leaves are the first to show it as well as older leaves. The Leaf tips will die back, the tips may curl, and growth of the plant is stunted. The plant can show a weakness in the stems and branches, as well as a under developed root system that can lead to bacteria problems with roots dieing off.

Problems with Calcium being locked out by PH troubles

Very acidic soils with excessive potassium, dry and or wet soil. Lack of calcium in the soil may cause too acidic soil. This may cause to Mg or Iron deficiency or very slow stunted growth
copy/paste, http://www.420magazine.com/forums/problems-pests-disease-control/81275-cannabis-plant-pest-problem-solver-pictorial.html

Are you using RO water? if so you should be suplementing cal/mag

Edit: here's another really good one with more pics.


you got a lot of brown spots almost even on the buds and sugar leaves. it looks nice and big but makes me wonder about the drainage, could be root rot. over fertilization maybe , bad drainage (always wet?) but it looks almost done, doesnt look all that bad
The soil is usally very dry before I water (about every 4 days) the whole pot gets very light.
I'm fairly certain she is a little root bound as the roots are working their way out the bottom of the smart pot. 1 week into flower I actually cut the bottom out of the pot she's in and then put this into an other pot (pot in a pot). The plant at this point perked up and some of that leaf arching from the pictures went away as you can see its back now. Right now though I'm getting somewhat close to harvest so I think any form of repotting may be a bad idea. Today is day 33 in flower.

Magnesium brohym, 2tbsp per gallon :smile:
Stop fucking with the PH god damn it! 6.1 Is fine and way better than 7.0, you going from 6.1 tp 8.9 is what will cause problems.
You need to adjust all your watering and feedings to 6.5 using lime
Its not a phosphorus issue, its magnesium
I did a little more looking at Mag def pics and I can believe it could be this. I agree fucking around with ph will lead to disater if I don't stop. When you say 2tbsp per gallon is that epsom salts?

Are you using RO water? if so you should be suplementing cal/mag
I generally think I have an Iron surplus in my in tap water so I have been using distilled (next grow will be RO). I hadn't been adding anything because the few time I did she reacted poorly. I am definitely thinking Mag issues now.


The next chanlenge I suppose is how strongly do I attack this issue seeing as harvest could be soon. I can't be certain as this bag see, I have bought a USB microscope and will be checking the ripeness tonight.

So what are the thoughts here should I just try to maintain? Add mag (epsom salts) and nutes at the next water (I'll grab some cal/mag this weekend)? Any good doing a light flush or wait till I know if see's getting close to harvest?

Last one... Any benefit to trimming the dying leaves to let light into the greener healthier leaves?


Active Member
I generally think I have an Iron surplus in my in tap water so I have been using distilled (next grow will be RO). I hadn't been adding anything because the few time I did she reacted poorly. I am definitely thinking Mag issues now.


The next chanlenge I suppose is how strongly do I attack this issue seeing as harvest could be soon. I can't be certain as this bag see, I have bought a USB microscope and will be checking the ripeness tonight.

So what are the thoughts here should I just try to maintain? Add mag (epsom salts) and nutes at the next water (I'll grab some cal/mag this weekend)? Any good doing a light flush or wait till I know if see's getting close to harvest?

Last one... Any benefit to trimming the dying leaves to let light into the greener healthier leaves?

Distilled is nearly the same, it's been stripped of most of the macros nutrients like calcium and magnesium. Personally I just leave the foliage on until you can pull the leaf off, which is a gentle tug down on the leaf. Chances are a dead leaf isn't going to be blocking much light anyway and if there is any life left in the leaf, the plant will strip the nutrients from it before it falls off.


Well the USB microscope is kinda crappy (long story), I don't think the pics below are very telling but I wanted to get opinions.
I prefer a "high" and not a "stone" so I will want to harvest with clear and cloudy and fewer amber, right? Right now its at best 50/50 (found a couple ambers) but more like 75% clear.
So I'm torn on whether I should start flushing or maybe another watering with lime/epsom salt/nutes (I have this on hand) (20-20-20 would have to wait for the weekend). Also seems possible I'm rushing things if it flush now I'm only 34 days in flower could this be long enough?
I hate being so amateur but I gotta start somewhere right? (definitely will have cal/mag on hand next time)

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