DMT, Setting Forth to Hyperspace


Well-Known Member
Indeed.. much more sane.

I just found myself wishing I knew what I was saying as I was coming back.
the oddest thing I ever caught myself saying as I came back to this plane was," I don't wanna go back, all my friends are here,"...spoken at whatever is on the other side.


Well-Known Member
the oddest thing I ever caught myself saying as I came back to this plane was," I don't wanna go back, all my friends are here,"...spoken at whatever is on the other side.
I've never done it but my brother had the same thing happen. He opened his eyes in the middle of his breakthrough, looked around all scared and trippy eyed, then said "I wish yall could come back with me..." Closed his eyes and finished his trip. Haha pretty funny.


Well-Known Member
yall prob talking about powder, I made a brew with root bark, and at peak I was in sync with everything in the universe. Perfect.

Powder scaresme.ill never do it