trayvan martin

The rate of black on black killing's far exceed any racial killing's, lets address that if we're going to address anything.

What so its ok to kill black people because they kill each other more? WTF?

you dont want to enter that discussion unless you know youre history. Every post Ive backed up with examples from my life and others. Read up before you step in the ring.
I know especially when pounding in zimm for his No Limitz Nigga attitude, and was beating a bus driver up weeks earlier. Thug Life!
Zimm simply approached and then got violently beaten, martin was shot so zimm could protect his own demise.

yep, this all boils down to some thug having a bad attitude. zimmerman was acting perfectly reasonable because all black people are inherently suspicious.

zimmerman did no pursuing of martin by car and then on foot, he simply approached him without first following him a ways.

zimmerman was catching such a heavy beating that the cops did not even need to collect any evidence of said beating.

that trayvon martin was killed instead of going home to eat his bag of skittles was a "necessary right". one less thug walking the streets.
Just gimme a quick clarification...Is a private, gated neighbourhood not considered "private property" in the States?
What so its ok to kill black people because they kill each other more? WTF?

you dont want to enter that discussion unless you know youre history. Every post Ive backed up with examples from my life and others. Read up before you step in the ring.

You totally ignored my statement and tried to side step it with stupidity.
My point was black on black killings far exceed racial killings. That is apparently far more a problem than people dying from racial tension.
Read it slowly this time.
With a single punch, Trayvon Martin decked the Neighborhood Watch volunteer who eventually shot and killed the unarmed 17-year-old, then Trayvon climbed on top of George Zimmerman and slammed his head into the sidewalk several times, leaving him bloody and battered, authorities have revealed to the Orlando Sentinel.
That is the account Zimmerman gave police, and much of it has been corroborated by witnesses, authorities say.
Zimmerman has not spoken publicly about what happened, but that night, Feb. 26, and in later meetings he described and re-enacted for police what he says happened.
In his version of events, he had turned around and was walking back to his SUV when Trayvon approached him from behind, the two exchanged words then Trayvon punched him in the nose, sending him to the ground, and began beating him.
Zimmerman told police he shot the teenager in self-defense.

all while not getting a single drop of blood on himself! impressive.
he was told not to follow Martin. He followed anyway and killed the guy. Manslaughter will most likely be the charge that fits him. You can't claim self-defense when you are the aggressor.
The point is approaching someone and speaking to them is not considered "agressing".


Eg. "Excuse me, do you have a lighter?"...BANG!
"Excuse me, do you know what time it is?"...BANG!
Et al...
all while not getting a single drop of blood on himself! impressive.

Were you one of the investigating officers? Were you giving one of said officers a blowjob while he discussed the case?

How the hell do you know what forensic evidence was found?
all while not getting a single drop of blood on himself! impressive.
Broken nose, bashed in skull, eye witnesses, only harm done to martin was the shots them selves, yea, i think the cops have what they need to keep zimm from wrongfully getting charged with any crime.
You totally ignored my statement and tried to side step it with stupidity.
My point was black on black killings far exceed racial killings. That is apparently far more a problem than people dying from racial tension.
Read it slowly this time.
If we talking about my lifetime I would beg to differ
Spin UB SPIN!!!

you guys have helped me to see the light.

like tryingtogrow said, what happened was a "necessary right".

sure, zimmerman could have simply stood his ground, but then we'd have to deal with some no-limits-nigga (as harrekin is so kind to point out) eating his skittles, and that would be a tragedy.

i'm glad zimmerman chose to pursue this oversized thug and off him, it was a "necessary right".

thank you for being patient with me and converting me.
Broken nose, bashed in skull, eye witnesses, only harm done to martin was the shots them selves, yea, i think the cops have what they need to keep zimm from wrongfully getting charged with any crime.
broken nose, but no picture was to explain why ???
Broken nose, bashed in skull, eye witnesses, only harm done to martin was the shots them selves, yea, i think the cops have what they need to keep zimm from wrongfully getting charged with any crime.

it's a good thing the cops collected so much evidence of this!

i'm sure they have pictures galore! probably kept the grass stained shirt, just to cover their asses.

with so much evidence, they are bound to prove that this was a "necessary right".
you guys have helped me to see the light.

like tryingtogrow said, what happened was a "necessary right".

sure, zimmerman could have simply stood his ground, but then we'd have to deal with some no-limits-nigga (as harrekin is so kind to point out) eating his skittles, and that would be a tragedy.

i'm glad zimmerman chose to pursue this oversized thug and off him, it was a "necessary right".

thank you for being patient with me and converting me.
Bullshit spin totally ignoring the facts of the case at hand.

Either you're trolling hard or you're just disappointing today...
The point is approaching someone and speaking to them is not considered "agressing".


and no, following someone first by car and then by foot is certainly not incompatible with standing your ground, he was clearly standing his ground in a swift forward trajectory, as cannabineer was so kind to point out.
asking if he said a racial epithet is clarifying the facts of the case, not bringing race into this in an ugly way.

again, just stating a fact of the case. not bringing race into this in an ugly way

again, mentioning the fact that zimemrman said "fucking coons" is not race baiting, it is simply stating a fact of the case.

how dare mixedmelody mention that the officers identified everyone by race. so ugly. not really, you're just grasping at straws.

all i did was state that we know he said fucking coons, which would make this a hate crime. no race baiting, just reporting of the facts.

canna is correcting mixedmelody on the race of zimmerman, no baiting, just clarification of facts.

NLXSK did not take any bait, none existed.

he does a race bait by stating that "because the victim is black, it must be a hate crime now, and it's dubya's fault"

up until that point we were engaged in mundane discussion of the facts of the case. NLXSK comes in there and introduces races in an ugly way.

you don't seem to get the difference between discussing the facts and taunting.

There is no hope for you, UB. Biting my tongue, trying to keep to my internal promise of not taunting you. As I said in the last of the series of posts, "Readers, you decide".