Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

Total Head

Well-Known Member
The news are calling the shooter a "white" Hispanic for fuck sake. Got to make sure it is a white persons fault. :(
i guess people have a hard time calling someone hispanic when his last name is zimmerman. kind of like an asian dude named billy jones. i've been lol'ing at the "white hispanic" label myself. i guess a hispanic guy gets to call himself white if he shoots a black kid. if he goes to prison, who will "his people" be?

the shirts are corny, also. way to solidify misinformation and foster brotherhood in troubling times :roll:

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Yes, there are many. Here is a vid explaining it all WW


I had no idea that dudes were so paranoid.

I think that hitting the restroom as a chick is sooo much easier. lol.