trayvan martin

Interesting video.

Personally, I object to the photos displayed of Trayvon and Zimmer. To display TM's photo as a young child and Zimmer as a bloated thug has only one intent, to push the idea that this was a match up between a young, angelic kid and a bloated thug. At this point in the story it is common knowledge that the photo being used by the media is not current and does not TM's recent appearance. I tend to dislike claims about the "liberal media", but in this case it sure looks like the liberal media has an agenda.

Somebody here posted more recent photos of Trayvon, it was some time earlier in this massive clusterfuck of a thread.

This ring a bell? here you see the real zimm and the real trayvon. Zimm has black friends stepping forward saying they know he was being attacked and stand by his side.

Look at that mean mugging grill real gangsta.
Ok now detail for us WHO besides LEO's have the authority as described above. Again , if you follow *me* you'd *better* have a badge , if you don't then we're going to have a problem when you start throwing your weight around.

All these pages later and *you* and the adherents to your position are still crawfishing and flopping to attempt to get around the central point....***** if Zimmerman had not gotten out and pursued/followed Martin there would have been NO problem*****.

And I wasn't joking in what I stated , I'm a perverse sonofabitch , start following me and I might just make it easy to follow me and just kinda oooze along to a nice quiet place where there aren't any witnesses around , then we might just have a nice intimate conversation about just exactly what you think you're doing.

And NoDrama? You strike me as someone who has never had to put up with the Drama of leaving on the *real* bad side of town , another yuppie dilettante on the InterWebZ.

#1, It is not the police job to protect you, that is your job. If a guy is just innocently walking down the street than he shouldn't raise suspicion. ANYONE has the authority to follow you as much as they would like, they are not causing you or your property any kind of harm by doing so. Just becasue someone is following you doesn't mean they have bad intentions you know?

I spent 8 years in the Marines, 2 wars under my belt, 5 years Army national guard when I came home. I have seen more than you ever will.
No Drama I clearly see the boundaries of your world. Home Shop Work probably never leaving your car in between. Please get out and interact with different people instead of being scared of destroying your theoretical world view. This has happened in the past and it still happens.,_Queens

Bundee, you need to get down off your high horse. Everybody here has their own experience in life and you have no idea what those experiences are.
Are you trying to show Trayvon in a negative light by posting those pictures? He still looks like a 15 year old kid. Did the recent hack wipe out IQs?
Are you trying to show Trayvon in a negative light by posting those pictures? He still looks like a 15 year old kid. Did the recent hack wipe out IQs?

Im showing both zimm and martin in the real light, not the sensationalized media propaganda bullshit.
He was 6' 3" that hardly looks like a 15yo let alone a 17yo nor would it feel like it when being ravaged by this man named martin.

Funny you don't state how you'd react to some clown running up on you aggressively , asking a buncha questions he has NO authority to ask , and waving a gun around to boot.

That isn't what happened at all, Zimmerman was clearly seen jumping out of a Bush with a M-60 machine gun, 33 belts of ammo and a machete clenched between his teeth.

BTW who gave you authority to ask me questions on this forum anyway?
And you would go to jail for assault and battery.

Uh HUH. Black and white is that? Do I *really* have to put up a REALLY long list of cases wherein the above didn't happen? Do you need me to start putting up the *ACTUAL* laws as apply to self defense on a state by state basis.

Here's what this comes down to. Apparently YOU think that anyone who designates themselves as " in authority" has a *right* to follow , detain and question any citizen based solely on the thin criteria of race or dress.

This is NOT the case in ANY locale in the country. Beyond that just basic s.o.p. for citizens is to call it in and let the PAID PUBLIC SERVANTS SPECIALISING IN SUCH THINGS DO THEIR JOB.

Oh and by the way , I've never been popped for assault and battery , and that's after kicking the living shit out of a number of harassing assholes such as Zimmerman over the years.

Again NO FOLLOW NO FIGHT NO SHOOTING...................simple.
come on desert dude, you want me to step down to no dramas level of stupidity? If there is no moral higher ground shown here we're left to argue semantics and the letter of the law. That's the problem with the current legal system. We're arguing whether or not Zimmerman had the right to shoot him not if it was the wrong or right action. The kid is dead and there is a reason for that and all of these people defending Zim are stuck in that thought process.
#1, It is not the police job to protect you, that is your job. If a guy is just innocently walking down the street than he shouldn't raise suspicion. ANYONE has the authority to follow you as much as they would like, they are not causing you or your property any kind of harm by doing so. Just becasue someone is following you doesn't mean they have bad intentions you know?

I spent 8 years in the Marines, 2 wars under my belt, 5 years Army national guard when I came home. I have seen more than you ever will.

i have to assume that following someone could fall under harassing or stalking..zimmerman had some crazy scenario worked up in his tiny brain that this kid was doing something illegal and he was going to stop him and be a hero..fuck that ..just because this clown zimmerman made a huge mistake and his plan went to shit ..does not mean he is innocent..he is guilty of manslaughter at the least..he initiated everything..he was armed and he was told not to pursue the innocent civilian who was a child...if you put your hands on a child you can be charged here unlawful restraint and battery to a child...this fucking moron stalked ..confronted...shot a child and still no charges.
Uh HUH. Black and white is that? Do I *really* have to put up a REALLY long list of cases wherein the above didn't happen? Do you need me to start putting up the *ACTUAL* laws as apply to self defense on a state by state basis.

Here's what this comes down to. Apparently YOU think that anyone who designates themselves as " in authority" has a *right* to follow , detain and question any citizen based solely on the thin criteria of race or dress.

This is NOT the case in ANY locale in the country. Beyond that just basic s.o.p. for citizens is to call it in and let the PAID PUBLIC SERVANTS SPECIALISING IN SUCH THINGS DO THEIR JOB.

Oh and by the way , I've never been popped for assault and battery , and that's after kicking the living shit out of a number of harassing assholes such as Zimmerman over the years.

Again NO FOLLOW NO FIGHT NO SHOOTING...................simple.

Someone posted earlier that Zimmerman feels awful about it. If he feels so awful he should turn himself in, apologize to the kids parents and open up a real dialogue as to why he did it.

Hes a fucking coward. If he made a mistake then come forward. Instead hes hiding behind that stupid law and hoping it blows over.
Not realistic, if saw the gun he would have run, your sensationalism is scary, further more if your going to attack someone because in your own fucked up head you think someone is threatening you thats your own delusion and deserve to be shot and probably one day will be if your always so paranoid about someone attacking you.

And you will of course provide cites ( verifiable) proving that " he'd run if he saw a gun"? Sorry charlie but that's **very** often NOT the case.

And NOW you're telling folks that they " deserve to be shot " that's real nice there Bubba.
i have to assume that following someone could fall under harassing or stalking..zimmerman had some crazy scenario worked up in his tiny brain that this kid was doing something illegal and he was going to stop him and be a hero..fuck that ..just because this clown zimmerman made a huge mistake and his plan went to shit ..does not mean he is innocent..he is guilty of manslaughter at the least..he initiated everything..he was armed and he was told not to pursue the innocent civilian who was a child...if you put your hands on a child you can be charged here unlawful restraint and battery to a child...this fucking moron stalked ..confronted...shot a child and still no charges.
So now you can read minds eh? Have you tried selling your services to the government? They could sure use someone like you. You could probably get your own TV show if you play your cards right.

After dialing 911, a female witness followed a group of suspects, and heard one boy repeat the slur several times. The woman was "upset, alarmed and disturbed” by what had occurred and was willing to sign complaints, cops noted.

The suspects should of just kicked the shit out of this woman.I mean after all the would have been well within their legal right to do so.Being as she didnt have a badge and followed the suspects.
And you will of course provide cites ( verifiable) proving that " he'd run if he saw a gun"? Sorry charlie but that's **very** often NOT the case.

And NOW you're telling folks that they " deserve to be shot " that's real nice there Bubba.
And you will provide CITATION (not cites) that Zimmerman was indeed RUNNING toward Martin while pointing the gun at him, go ahead we will wait for that proof while you look it up.
Im showing both zimm and martin in the real light, not the sensationalized media propaganda bullshit.
He was 6' 3" that hardly looks like a 15yo let alone a 17yo nor would it feel like it when being ravaged by this man named martin.

Goes to show what your scared of. I see kids like that walking home from school all the time. I dont feel threatened or feel the need to hawk them everytime they walk past my apartment. and my neighborhood is ten times more dangerous than a gated community.
And you will of course provide cites ( verifiable) proving that " he'd run if he saw a gun"? Sorry charlie but that's **very** often NOT the case.

And NOW you're telling folks that they " deserve to be shot " that's real nice there Bubba.
If i walk up to you, and you for some reason in your own head think im going to attack you, so you start assaulting me, and i happen to have a gun then you will be shot and potentially killed and im protected by law. Any more clearing up i can do for ya?

After dialing 911, a female witness followed a group of suspects, and heard one boy repeat the slur several times. The woman was "upset, alarmed and disturbed” by what had occurred and was willing to sign complaints, cops noted.

The suspects should of just kicked the shit out of this woman.I mean after all the would have been well within their legal right to do so.Being as she didnt have a badge and followed the suspects.

yup same situation
:? jackass