Well-Known Member
Interesting video.
Personally, I object to the photos displayed of Trayvon and Zimmer. To display TM's photo as a young child and Zimmer as a bloated thug has only one intent, to push the idea that this was a match up between a young, angelic kid and a bloated thug. At this point in the story it is common knowledge that the photo being used by the media is not current and does not TM's recent appearance. I tend to dislike claims about the "liberal media", but in this case it sure looks like the liberal media has an agenda.
Somebody here posted more recent photos of Trayvon, it was some time earlier in this massive clusterfuck of a thread.
This ring a bell? here you see the real zimm and the real trayvon. Zimm has black friends stepping forward saying they know he was being attacked and stand by his side.

Look at that mean mugging grill real gangsta.