only reason i'll refuse to work with soil indoors is 80% chance of bugs, the more and more soil growers i see, nearly all of them have bug issues, mites/thrips, broad mites u name it, all soil, that is where they come from. Hydroponics is supposed to be clean, i say keep soil outside, if u wanna use it grow outdoors! hydroponics is about a controlled environment, and i just cant see a point in risking for bugs, when i see around an 80% rate of soil growers having bug issues. it just doesnt make sense to me. i have had soil/hydro /aero/aqua erbs, and it all comes down to how well the erb is grown, and picked at the right time and dried properly.
in saying that. i love all erb grown all ways. i just like to keep it more simple, clean, and controlled

and yes organics sounds great, but does it get u any more high? is the end product really any safer to smoke? this needs to be tested properly. i thought the whole idea of hydroponics was to cheat mother nature. not mimic
i grow 100% perlite, and have a mate who grows organically the same strain, i go my perlite over the organic, it seems to have more smell, flavour and a stronger hit, but then again he doesn't grow like me, each to their own, i love the idea how hes trying to be more natural, but i think i'm even steering him toward perlite, he just cant get a big yield in the time frame that i can.
one day i may try organics, maybe an aquaponics fish farm, but for now in my young days, i'm keeping it simple, clean, and hopefully less bugs