Well-Known Member
Aw look how responsible and well mannered he looks.
Sure he was a outstanding citizen and all.!!!
Did he even belong in the gated community ?
All the above are honest questions....
So a black citizen isnt allowed to feel threatened by an unidentified armed man pursuing him in an unmarked vehicle?All true. It is terrible this happened. Many have also died in the Mid East and continue to die. Both innocents and patriots who are ordered to be there risking their lives for political gain of others. Corporations making large profits from the war line politicians pockets. Where is the public outrage over that? Media spins the direction we go. The Florida authorities are corrupt as they failed to act swiftly and investigate this young mans death objectively. leo kills me, there to protect the public and the public always is someone else who they are not with at the time.
if u puposly back yerself into a corner and the can be percieved as lethal(in yer mind)...You now the the (near)right to pummel them into a perminent coma(were cop wanna-bees belong)....throw in god to the wanna-be mix and i think death and coma to good for a self righteous loozer with a cell fone....maby cutting off body parts to use to lube the barrel of the old 303 u gonna pop the fukker with.
Perhaps somewhere, anywhere in this thread you can find a single insult from me, go ahead see if you can find one. The only ones flinging insults are the ones who are losing the debate.
funny thing is the people who vote Republican are the ones saying how Zimmerman may have been in the right. very telling
Audio recordings can be misleading. Zimmer was obviously a turd by his initial acts, chasing the guy down. But if my own life were at stake I wuldnt want it hanging on an audio recording alone. Eyewitness testimony and other factors that we can not know yet have to be examined. Rushing to judgement when a mans life is at stake is a bad idea. If he is guilty it will come out through the investigation. If so he will most likely get what he has coming. Even the smallest thread of possibility he is innocent should be looked at before we kill another man falsely accused.
And that's a bullshit cheap shot aimed at those folks and is just as much of a sterotype as all the other ones flying about here in this thread.
Its the truth..show me how I'm wrong. I'm willing to admit error.. Everyone who has said on this forum that Zimmerman may have been in the right votes Republican or for a Republican...show me how I'm wrong or admit I'm right
There is so much in this post to offend me. I will have you know, good sir, that I have moved up in this world. It's my sister's basement, and my teddy bear looks faaabulous between the water heater and the trapdoor to the compartment where I keep my 29 (or so) guns. cnIll tell you what , bunch of no job having loser life living , wimpy , scared , yellow americans with to much time on there hands , get a life and stay out of others
stay in your lane
So many pathetic people around these days . . . . .Oh no i was robbed, there have been break ins . . . . oh no . .. ..when is someones things ever more important than another mans life, crime or no crime . . . . .you people got it twisted
grown up children crying about there lost teddy bear the neighbor took,
Here s a tip for all you loser americans living in moms basement . . .. . . . lock your doors and windows and stay in side if your afraid of what s outside, you've got the personality of a dead moth
move to the hills get a horse stop bothering people
Ill tell you what , bunch of no job having loser life living , wimpy , scared , yellow americans with to much time on there hands , get a life and stay out of others
stay in your lane
So many pathetic people around these days . . . . .Oh no i was robbed, there have been break ins . . . . oh no . .. ..when is someones things ever more important than another mans life, crime or no crime . . . . .you people got it twisted
grown up children crying about there lost teddy bear the neighbor took,
Here s a tip for all you loser americans living in moms basement . . .. . . . lock your doors and windows and stay in side if your afraid of what s outside, you've got the personality of a dead moth
move to the hills get a horse stop bothering people
a life is somthing that is very short and fragile, we need to protect life . .. not things
REALLY? You'd have all there voting records right in front of ya do ya? Dude , you're more intelligent than that , enough so to have some realisation of just how trying to drag a political soapbox into this makes you look.
ME? I don't give TWO shits or a dried turd about how ANYBODY voted as regards this so-called debate. And quite frankly all the bullshit justifications are exactly that *bullshit* ............WRONG is WRONG period.
In addition , the mere fact that this is even being "debated" bespeaks some exceptionally sick and dark things about our socalled "society" , a human life was already "cheap" in Florida , now it's a step closer to Panamanian or Colombian "cheap"....
And then the absolutely A R R O G A N T assumption by some folks here that *they* have some sort of "right" to follow , question and harass people simply based on whether THEY think said individual is a " dangerous stranger".
See *I* have been followed , been accosted and HAD those questions and been through the ensuing dustups , and yes at times those " dustups" ended violently , a few times VERY much so. If you're following *me* and expect to act like that then YOU BETTER HAVE A BADGE TO SHOW ME......... if not then when you demand that I submit to you THEN we've got a problem , one that isn't going away until you leave me alone.
And just judging from your posts and your words on RIU I'd hazard a guess that you hold fairly similar stance. And here I'll point something out that I'm certain that YOU and UB and certain others will "get" immediately.
That being that this goes far beyond just a " simple murder" , this has a drastically impactive effect on ***BASIC FREEDOMS*** , the Freedom to simply walk where you will in public unmolested and ***without fear*** , the loss of such items being yet another Death Knell of America as We Knew it.
I'll remind folks that there was another historically pivotal politician whose rise to power was dramatically helped by what started as " neighborhood watch" style groups.........
Well THAT we agree on , and now we're in a weird paradox , I just ripped you for your stance on " Americans" , and now I find myself probably going to rep you for the above
READ that line above folks............Because in the END it's the most applicable and important facet stated within this thread. Life is precious , time is precious.
When either is lost it can NEVER EVER be regained.