writing papers sucks

But if you remain passive on both counts you risk the loss of your freedom or your life. . .however, if you are the aggressor you risk the same thing--which is the dilemma. So then the question becomes who has more guns.
But since no further boundaries were set, what would ensure that an attack succeeded or couldn't be met with reason and persuasion (by the kiloton)? cn
if they do attack, and your choice is not to attack back, what about the rest of the people?
i doubt they're going to sit around and passively accept their death, that just goes against our nature.

regardless of who attacks first, there will be bloodshed for both sides until an agreement is met. the only way for either side to avoid that is not to attack in the first place.
But since no further boundaries were set, what would ensure that an attack succeeded or couldn't be met with reason and persuasion (by the kiloton)? cn

exactly-- there are no assurances only the fear of what might happen if. . . playing onthat fear accounts for a lot of military spending.
I would attack, because it will settle the battlefield and deal with the tension. If they attack, then good for them, because you won't have to attack.. but I would counterattack afterwards.
if they do attack, and your choice is not to attack back, what about the rest of the people?
i doubt they're going to sit around and passively accept their death, that just goes against our nature.

regardless of who attacks first, there will be bloodshed for both sides until an agreement is met. the only way for either side to avoid that is not to attack in the first place.

I agree with this.. but it relies of on the other party thinking about the situation logically. If they are behaving decidedly illogically, you're going to have to defend yourself in that moment. The only problem is the amount of times I've found myself in trouble for defending myself or 'lashing out'... I have sharp teeth and a short temper. Then the problem is (besides you getting into trouble) if they get up an even harder beating is then warranted. Violence > retribution > someone comes back with a bigger gun than you > you spend the rest f your live being paranoid and defensive > everyone else thinks you're going to attack them first too > everyone stabs, kicks or shoots the hell ut of eachother as a 'precautionary measure' . it never ends. Then again some people just can't be negotiated with.
I had to write an analysis over "Araby" by James Joyce a 6 part paper introduction,character,conflict,pointofview,setting,conclusion. and we have to have some "research" for it. we have to use someone elses work as work cited. i finished most of it. but i still have the conflict and conclusion. i suck at writing also.
Virtually everything written by James Joyce is unreadable shit. It's a good option when you are having trouble getting to sleep. That's about it.

He is way over-rated. My minor was in English so I have read my share of Joyce, and written on his work as well.

In fact, I am one of the five people on this planet who actually finished Ulysees. And no, it is not one of finest novels ever written. Hell, no.

I'll read and enjoy Dickens all day long. Melville, too. Even Faulkner, God help me. But I would not wipe my ass with the works of Joyce.
haha yeah i didnt see why araby is so great. you have to really think about it to right an analysis. and the ones i have read from other people everything is different. maybe thats why it is so good cause no one can come up with one theme or any. some people say he wanted you to see the main character as the narrator as an older person and not the boy in the story. i think some people think about stories to hard. and try to break them down to much. the author probably didnt think that much about writing it as it takes people to analys it. i feel authors just natural write and they do it for fun and a hobby.
I got my paper rejected before it was sent to the examining board when I was 16; they told me it was college level, but what the fuck did I think I was doing criticizing Steinbeck as a writer... The same thing happened with me picking up on and analysing themes from Romeo and Juliet that weren't given to us in those stupid study guides you are meant to copy to get the grade. Writing papers for schoo has sucked all the passion for English out of me. I used to write for pleasure, columns and writers' forums all the time. But now... It all feels pointless and tiring.
Young lady, you sound like you're in a general-purpose slump. So here's for you. cn

But if you remain passive on both counts you risk the loss of your freedom or your life. . .however, if you are the aggressor you risk the same thing--which is the dilemma. So then the question becomes who has more guns.

CinnamonGirl is a fucking mastermind, she is a fucking genius. How did you others miss this logic?

And here is URCA's answer:

I have to make a decision on what is best for me, and say why it is a dilemma. But I dont get it

No offense, but URCA needs to put the fucking pipe down. You obviously can't think logically.
ON THE SAME SIDE OF THE COIN, NEITHER CAN ALL THE GUYS. Because CinnamonGirl just beat every male here with the logical answer.

Good on you CinnamonGirl, you got brains. And if I went to war, I WOULD DEFINITELY SHARE A FOXHOLE WITH YOU.
Ok then. No creeper here man. When I see a good answer, I call it out, so why call me a creeper? I don't even know the girl. I just call it as I see it.

i actually assumed you did know her, like she got her boyfriend to join the site or some shit.

which was the reason for the blowjob joke.