Actually YEAH you freaking Yankee TWIT , and *anyone* who has ever lived in the area in question and had to deal with the Pigs outa Sanford knows this , now I suppose that ya gonna tell me all about it , I'm sure you're an EGGgSpUrt on all the cracker ass towns in a northerly radius around Orlando.
And YEAH ( again) you're goddamned STRAIGHT that the Sanford Pd is a pack of racist cracker assholes , and the few who aren't are just " Yes Men" waiting on the f***ing pension.
As I stated I'm a licensed defensive firearms instructor , combat tactics too but that's a different kettle of fish. There was *ZERO* way this was self defense , under ANY current statute in *ANY* state. When you *pursue* then YOU become the assailant , if you doubt this then start reading Ayoob and others and read the pertinent case law as applies to thos issue.
This *was not* a case where " stand your ground" is applicable , and something else. Even as an active competition and recreational shooter , range and defensive instructor and high power competitor and instructor I personally find the " stand your ground" laws troubling as they are currently being enforced.
*ANY* individual who has a CCW and " carries " should be held to a MUCH higher standard of behavior and control , carry *requires* you to do everything in your power to avoid a confrontation and if there IS one to avoid escalation of force if at all possible. In many cases if you have to draw your weapon it indicates that you have lost control of the situation.
And quite frankly as I have previously stated had Zimmerman pursued an armed and properly trained individual with his weapon in view in the manner he did the outcome would have quite likely been much different.
AGAIN..............Zimmerman went ***looking for trouble**** , the reasons are now immaterial , the fact that he did so and found what he sought is what's pertinent to this.