I agree with some of ronins last post. I think there was stereotyping involved probably by both parties. The difference being if Trayvon had won the fight and killed Zimmerman he would have been arrested on the spot and tried for manslaughter still bringing questions of race into the issue. Even though I am lighter skinned than my biological brother (we both have the same parents he takes after my dad) he looks like zimmerman. He is a 280lb former Marine. He has experienced far more overt racism than I have over his lifetime. Police stops , refusal of service, fistfights with coworkers who harrass him. He was being recruited to be a sherriff in his town but he couldnt stand the insularity of upstate life and the fact he would be dealing everynight with the methheads and drunks that wanted to do him im on a regular basis.
Unfortunately economics are the tools those in power ha