Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Poop, poop, poop, EVERYwhere.



Well-Known Member
does it have to do the turn sideways thing?
Sure. so you can watch and exercise to Richard Simmons videos from the free floor space
at the side of the bed. Now get rocken to the Oldies!. :hump:

lol. jk about the star of your chosen entertainer.


Well-Known Member
My very first serious lol @ a Cataract post. I should frame this and blackmail you with it when you graduate.
I do most of the cursing in my house. my grandson pointed out that I did a lot of cursing.
I told him that I rejected that and presented that I have a colorful vocabulary. He laughed about that
for a few years. A couple of years later at 12 or so he again referenced my colorful vocabulary, my response this time
was "That may be true but I have Tourettes Syndrome and could not help it." .... "little bastard"
He is still laughing today years later. Our family has a very broad sense of humor.:twisted: