Round Two, 2012!! Vortex and Plushberry in Super Soil


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, since RIU is such a bitch website and can easily be hacked apparently, my entire thread was deleted in the memory loss so I thought I'd start a new one (was really considering swapping sites... :roll:). Anyways, let me just catch up in one big post lol. To start with, I'm running Plushberry and Vortex in Subcool's Super Soil (slightly different formula though, see below). I don't think I will be feeding more than what's in the soil other than molasses when it begins to flower, or some hygrozyme; but we'll see as the summer progresses. I mixed the soil in the first week of March, so it will be done cooking in a few more weeks. Here is what went into my soil that is cooking and will go into the bottom of my holes:

6 bags of 1.5 cu ft Roots Organic Soil
~35 lbs of Local Organic Earth Worm Castings
5 lbs Archipelago Bat Guano 0-7-0
5 lbs Blood Meal 12-0-0
4 lbs Steamed Fish Bone Meal 9-6-1
1 container (4 oz) Myco Madness (9.5% powdered humic acid) - This is my revision, couldn't find powdered humic acid
2/3 cup Epsom Salts
1 cup Dolomite Lime
I ordered some Azomite online and will be here this week, will add 1/3 cup




And here's a picture of a poppy that I saw while mixing the soil hehehe

And then about two weeks ago, my seed order came in from the Attitude. Here's my order

I then tried to germinate the seeds in these little biodegradable cups in a tupperware to keep in moisture and warmth like I did last year. I had 7 total, 3 Plushberry, 3 Vortex, and 1 Reserva Privada OG #18. I germinated these two weeks ago, however only 1 PB and 1 Vortex came up. They're both growing at a steady rate, but I'm disappointed the others haven't come up. They're still sitting in my closet right next to the heat vent in my hopes that they will come up just as late seedlings. About an hour ago I put my remaining 2 Plushberry and 2 Vortex in a tupperware with paper towels that are slightly moist. Anyways here's some pics of my original germination attempt, and of the Vortex right after it sprouted up. I will be updating with new pictures and any progress with the new seeds in a little bit. The beginning of the outdoor season is a slow and boring process, but I love watching the trees and perennials come back to life with the light and warmth approaching. If it weren't for allergies this would probably be my favorite time of year :D



Wootwoot! Just getting stated afresh... hopefully it won't happen again.

The plushberry should make for some good bud porn
Hey everyone,

Out of the original 7 seeds I germed only the 1 Plushberry and 1 Vortex came up... I think this may have been because the Roots organic was too hot to start them in, or that I didn't keep them warm enough. Anyways, I popped the other 2 PB and 2 Vortex Monday night, and yesterday they had cracked so I put them in a very light mix with only a little bit of worm castings in it. The two that are growing are looking good, just very splindly looking, reminds me of the Red Dragon last year lol!

Plushberry Seedling

Vortex Seedling

Side by side, look how spindly they look! I just brought them inside so they were kind of bent from the wind lol

I'll update as the other 4 pop (assuming they do)! I planted a few cleomes around the grow area to camouflage it a bit hehe
I'm writing a 6 page essay on this when I could be doing other shit! What the fuck? Was Picasso on mushrooms when he painted this masterpiece?
While I can see someone painting that thing what blows my mind is the amount someone pays for it? Just has no appeal to me, shit I must be
While I can see someone painting that thing what blows my mind is the amount someone pays for it? Just has no appeal to me, shit I must be

I completely agree Hodge, the price value of it is about $900,000 dollars, I can't imagine paying that much for a painting I can't really admire. I'm not a big fan of fine art, but I like art that is realistic with a focus on nature or a peaceful scene. I still can't see myself spending a fortune on a painting though lol, guess I'm just not that kind of person either :D not really a bad thing imo lol


One more of the plushberry (I think :idea:) seeds has popped up. I'm getting kind of nervous about what I'll do if the others don't pop up... That leaves me with probably 1.5 females, but there's a 12.5% chance all three could be males !!! Guess I'll just have to hope for the best and work with what turns out of them :mrgreen:
Two seeds still haven't come up... wtf last season this was so easy and I had no idea what I was doing! One Vortex came up this morning but isn't looking the strongest... hopefully this changes. Although I could get lucky and have all of them turn out female :D. Probably not though :( . If worst comes to worst I'll probably find someone to get a cutting off of. It's still plenty early in the season, one month from now about last year, I was just placing the order for my seeds and starting to think about things haha! I feel like the plants this year are going to be huge :D. I'll snap some more pics and post them a little later. Oh, and I got my azomite in from amazon yesterday, so I'll probably be adding that in to the super soil mix pretty soon, maybe as well as some more water soluble mycos? We'll see... :mrgreen:
Hey friends :D!

The plants are doing well, slowly growing and looking happy! I'm kind of disappointed in the germination rate I've had thus far this year (4/11 sprouted above surface). I'm not sure if it was my method, or the seeds, or some other factor that set them off but something I definitely need to improve on in the future. I think the temperature differences for when the seeds were just beginning to emerge from their shell and begin their journey to the surface (I popped seeds 1 1/2 months earlier than last year, and my parents don't run the heater lol). Regardless of these recent obstacles, I have four healthy looking seedlings, 2 Plushberry and 2 Vortex. They've been sitting in our big bay window getting morning sun, then we move them out onto the patio if it's not windy to soak up the afternoon sun. The bigger plushberry is passing up the vortex pretty quickly in size and is a deep, beautiful green. I can't wait to watch these baby's lives progress through the stages this summer :D. I know I'm rambling I'm high lol so here are the pics I took this morning :mrgreen:

All four of them. Vortex: front left, back right. Plushberry: front right, back left (the other two, duh lol :D)

Plushberry #1 on right, vortex #2 on left.

Vortex #1 on right, Plushberry #2 on left.

Plushberry #1 deep green baby leaves so pretty :weed:
very noice journizing brando.
too bad about the germination issues, that reeally really sux.
what kinda grade did you get on the picassso paper?
i saw his show at the Seattle art Museum last year. IT was AmAZINg. he was such a genius. i went to the show 4 times stoned out of my mind and it was like magic. i would pay 900,000 for that painting. Actually i think thats a pretty good price for that very important piece. lmao
looking real nice and strong wiht the babys; theyy are ooking very strong.. good luck i look forward riding this hot cali outdoor grow wit you at the contols ; on the way to planet VORTEX! lol beam me up brandon.

hey brandon, how about Jeff Koons, Balloon Flower a mere 26 million dollars. Kitch Art. Im really into Kitch art right
do a bong hit and watch this freaky video.
looking sweet dude, i was lucky with my vortex popped one got a female. sub has a high female to male ratio apparently.

ill sit in for the ride......
very noice journizing brando.
too bad about the germination issues, that reeally really sux.
what kinda grade did you get on the picassso paper?
i saw his show at the Seattle art Museum last year. IT was AmAZINg. he was such a genius. i went to the show 4 times stoned out of my mind and it was like magic. i would pay 900,000 for that painting. Actually i think thats a pretty good price for that very important piece. lmao
looking real nice and strong wiht the babys; theyy are ooking very strong.. good luck i look forward riding this hot cali outdoor grow wit you at the contols ; on the way to planet VORTEX! lol beam me up brandon.

hey brandon, how about Jeff Koons, Balloon Flower a mere 26 million dollars. Kitch Art. Im really into Kitch art right
do a bong hit and watch this freaky video.

I haven't gotten it back, but it's one of the worst papers I have ever written, I just repeated myself over and over lol... I was kind of depressed to put my name on it and turn it in, but there was nothing more I could do D:. I would much rather buy a painting local and much cheaper from a more unknown artist that's an original work than some super expensive piece (at least, now I would; who knows what the future will hold?) if I had the money to actually afford one XD. Those sculptures Koons creates are crazy! I can imagine having one of those in my yard haha! Listening to him talk makes me think how different the artist mind is...


The two larger seedlings (Vortex 1 and PB 1) both have super flimsy stems and can't really support the weight of the small leaves. The vortex stem is much weaker and it pretty much sits over like it's being tied down by an LST, but does it by itself. I supported them with broken toothpicks and a little bit of dental floss (no more white twine :() so they can stand up and take advantage of the little sun they get. I figure this weakness in them is due to the little amount of direct light they are getting, but they're still trucking along. The two smaller ones (vortex 2 and PB 2) are looking really nice and strong and are beginning to put out their first leaves! Will update later today with pics; I have my physics midterm today on optics :(

looking sweet dude, i was lucky with my vortex popped one got a female. sub has a high female to male ratio apparently.

ill sit in for the ride......

Thanks adgas, good to have you along! I can't wait to smoke on some of this bud lol but it's so far away :mrgreen: