ron paul

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
is the biggest threat to the "establishment" he wants peace not war and to make it so the president cant lock up or kill us citizens without charge. hes doing the opposite of everyone else and everything everyone else is doing is bad. why doesnt anyone like him? he seems like he means good. atleast more good then the other candidates. check out his april 24 2002 predictions if you think hes crazy all of them came true he must be an idiot

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
is the biggest threat to the "establishment" he wants peace not war and to make it so the president cant lock up or kill us citizens without charge. hes doing the opposite of everyone else and everything everyone else is doing is bad. why doesnt anyone like him? he seems like he means good. atleast more good then the other candidates. check out his april 24 2002 predictions if you think hes crazy all of them came true he must be an idiot
This belongs in the political section and Ron Paul doesn't have a cat's chance in a pitbull kennel of winning the nomination. He is now a part of history. He can take his Depends and retire with dignity to the nursing home of his choice.

Stonerman Enoch

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
This belongs in the political section and Ron Paul doesn't have a cat's chance in a pitbull kennel of winning the nomination. He is now a part of history. He can take his Depends and retire with dignity to the nursing home of his choice.

So, I'm guessing you're not a fan...

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
People can go on and keep bitching cause it is going to get worse . The guy who can bring it back most people dont want , it's just stupid . And by the way that is how we got into this in the first place . There is no other candidate who will help the regular person . Lots of liars and bs artists with tons of money who could care less about the citizens of this country , unless of course they are rich citizens . Herded like sheep . If there were anyone who could bring it all back and they tried the overwhelming majority of theiving lying politicians would get rid of that person anyway , through a scandal or something else .


New Member
Us poor people should just start eating the rich ones maybe they will pay attention then. ron paul is in to take votes from santorum his purpose rite now is to help romney get the nomination. I think paul is the best choice and i penciled him in last election but as long as you can buy the media he will never win. why dont you start a super pack for him

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
I been watchin this crap all my life . Things have gotten way worse for the US , well the little guy . Leadership doesn't care about us were just slaves of modern times is all . They will further enslave us as time goes on . The last politician who I thought cared was Sonny Bono , I don't know whether he did or not just think he did . He's dead now , damn shame .

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
Tea party is a bad joke , robbed their name from real patriots who would have kicked the guys we have in power out on their asses like the bums they are .


Well-Known Member

Ron Paul has some nutty ideas, but he looks like the second coming of Jesus compared to the other clowns...


Well-Known Member
You gotta give him credit.....he's like the energizer bunny.....just keeps on tickin'. Old as fuck, and a total racist, but he keeps on keepin' on. I'm constantly shocked that people actually give him money to run time after time knowing that he'll never ever even be close.

He makes for a good laugh though....almost as funny as the ol' Newter. Two total tools that just won't go away. BTW, I hate all the choices, right up to the current pres. Sad but true.

I just don't want a President that will fuck with our medical MJ laws here.

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
There is no real freedom . Freedom to bust your ass to earn money to pay to the big shots for what you need so they can run your ass to the ground so when you get old and sick - sorry buddy , we know you paid your whole life and worked your ass off but we can't help you . Go eat some dog food or something .


Well-Known Member
how do we have no freedom? we have a very fucked up system, but i sure as hell don't feel like a prisoner here.
i think we're pretty damn free.

if you don't like it you can go live off the wilderness away from civilization, but don't bitch when a grizzly eats you for lunch.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
People can go on and keep bitching cause it is going to get worse . The guy who can bring it back most people dont want , it's just stupid . And by the way that is how we got into this in the first place . There is no other candidate who will help the regular person . Lots of liars and bs artists with tons of money who could care less about the citizens of this country , unless of course they are rich citizens . Herded like sheep . If there were anyone who could bring it all back and they tried the overwhelming majority of theiving lying politicians would get rid of that person anyway , through a scandal or something else .
yes shit is gonna get bad. and yes everyone running is corrupt i feel the less corrupt is ron. he seems to make the most sense. the government is so corrupt money buys anything even tho it has no value. the dollar has lost 98% of its value. i wish i bought gold back in 2002 when it was $200

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
how do we have no freedom? we have a very fucked up system, but i sure as hell don't feel like a prisoner here.
i think we're pretty damn free.

if you don't like it you can go live off the wilderness away from civilization, but don't bitch when a grizzly eats you for lunch.
I don't know if you understand freedom , or realize what things like the patriot act and other unconstitutional laws have done to America . I spent 6 years in the USMC for a country that is not what I thought it was and almost lost m life for it . Yes there are certain freedoms we still have but watch them dwindle away . Weed was legal once and yes people did smoke it then . How many tokers have lost their freedom since then . And I am not here to argue with you about it . I earned my right to bitch , I paid with a piece of my body that will never be replaced and I can't even get the check they promised me , tried for 20+ years . I am not an anti patriot . I dont think you know what I'm saying thats all . But I'm not going to hide my head in the sand and pretend all is ok when it's not . Our leadership (national) as well as cops wipe their asses on the Constitution all the time , so I should pretend its ok ? It's not and if more people had the balls things could be much better . The grizzly that eats all our lunch is the political circus we have now . You can believe them if you want or say we live in a better place than Syrria or some other messed up place but America is not what it should be and it is dissapointing to those of us who know and have fought for a better country . We did it for you too James . I wouldn't cheat you out of a nickel bro . Or anything else . Our freedom is far less than it should be here , just look at the iron curtain we have around our borders , lets in shit tons of criminals but messes with who ? Honest people . Terrorists? how come the illegal heroin and cocaine get in but not the terrorists its all bull . Gun laws - take guns away from honest people so why , the crooks still have guns .

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
you should move to syria to protest our total lack of freedom here then. don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
I earned my right to be here . What have you done for our country UB ? I fought in the mid east for almost 4 entire years . What have you done ? Go hide your head in the sand if you want but you couldnt even compare to the sacrifices so many have made , we didn't do it so you could crap on us . Wh don't you just call us all baby killers ? I been to Syria , The Us should never be compared to that shit hole . Go read the Constitution and come back when you understand it .