DWC/Bubbleponic Skepticism


Active Member
Ok so i was at my hydro shop the other day discussing what hydro method i should go with (between ebb and flow and DWC/Bubbleponic) in the cabinet i'm working on, and because it's gonna be kind of small (3'x3'x6'), i was thinking i'd best go with a diy bubbleponic/dwc type of setup, because there just isn't room for ebb n flow.
when i mentioned using Deep water culture, the guy about flipped the hell out talking about how "i've been in hydro for 30yrs and no one uses DWC...blah blah blah" and that i shouldn't use dwc because of the "incredible chance, almost guarantee of root rot".
I can't decide whether or not this guy is just trying to sell ebb n flow or what, because i'm a bit skeptical of his claims (i honestly think bubbleponic is gonna be the simplest way for me to go considering my space).

So what's the deal with this guy?

How about some input fellas?


Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member

Well I am mid way threw my DWC grow. I am in the same space as you, and it is going really well.

There are loads of factors to DWC and it is a lot of work. But it is fast very fast. I am loving the grow and have lernt so much.

As for root rot, it should happen if you are clean and togeather. You need to keep your rez cool, at a stedy 19c, which can be difficult as you room will be at a stedy 24c.
I also use and enzym to help keep roots in top condition. So far no problems. Tuch wood.

This said, I am swapping to Ebb and Flow for my next grow. Why, beacuse it's going to be summer, and I really want to go out, there will be festivals and two day partys. I would like to go camping, visiting, staying over at peopls house, And I can not do this with a DWC grow going on.

I like the look of Ebb and Flow and don't think I will have any problems in my space.
I am currently growing 8 plants from cuttings, I have kept them low and bushy, they are 24 days into flowering and are under two foot. So I feel that I will be safe to do a compact Ebb and Flow table in my small space.


Active Member

Well I am mid way threw my DWC grow. I am in the same space as you, and it is going really well.

There are loads of factors to DWC and it is a lot of work. But it is fast very fast. I am loving the grow and have lernt so much.

As for root rot, it should happen if you are clean and togeather. You need to keep your rez cool, at a stedy 19c, which can be difficult as you room will be at a stedy 24c.
I also use and enzym to help keep roots in top condition. So far no problems. Tuch wood.

This said, I am swapping to Ebb and Flow for my next grow. Why, beacuse it's going to be summer, and I really want to go out, there will be festivals and two day partys. I would like to go camping, visiting, staying over at peopls house, And I can not do this with a DWC grow going on.

I like the look of Ebb and Flow and don't think I will have any problems in my space.
I am currently growing 8 plants from cuttings, I have kept them low and bushy, they are 24 days into flowering and are under two foot. So I feel that I will be safe to do a compact Ebb and Flow table in my small space.
Hey green,
I am following your ebb and grow thread, and after reading along, it seems that maybe I may be able to onstruct and ebb and flow small enough to suit my needs (i've always been diy savvy from a young age).
You were saying that there's a lot into DWC. is that to say that DWC is more difficult than ebb n flow? I am new to hydro but i was under the (very ignorant) assumption DWC was easier to manage than ebb n flow, more self-contained. I am interested in hearing more thoughts:mrgreen:.

Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member
Well I haven't tryed Ebb and Flow yet.
From what I have read it is more ortomated than DWC, I gess that means that once you have it set up correctly there is less to worrie about.

One of the main problems I am having with DWC is keeping the REZ topped up, although I have 2x 25Liter Rez, I have to top them off twice a day, beacuse the water levell is ment to be 1 to 2" bellow the net pots.

I have thought about amking an ortomated top up system. But I am worred about PH problems. I would end up with 3 Rez's, one feeding the two the plants are growing in. and all three of these Rez's would have it's own PH value. I think it would be hard to stablise the PH, to a piont where I could leave it for a couple of days.

In a Ebb and Flow system, all the water drains back to one Rez, one big Rez is easyer to stablise and takes longer for EC and PH values to change.

However I have been told to expect slower growth from Ebb and Flow. So I may only use this system in the summer.


Active Member
let me start off with saying that i am in no way an expert, im on my first grow, its a dwc. i haven't had any root rot problems. i have 2 little fishtank pumps, and one dual valve 75 gallon fishtank pump, all hooked up into a gang valve and out to four airstones in a 15 gallon tote. it works like a charm and the plants totally love it.

Smokey McBudz

Active Member
Use the search engine and look up Hempy i would do that instead of my DWC im thinking of switching you have to keep an eye on the DWC but i does work good. PH is very important in DWC


Active Member
i am working on the dwc rez problem myself. now that i have more time on my hands im finishing my research and im gonna give the auto topping hybrid idea a shot. my idea is to have a 5 gal bucket bubbling 24/7, a drain 1-2" below the pot, but a second separate ebb and flow style res to catch the drain, and periodically pump that back into the buckets.

im having a feeling this could get technical balancing the bucket level but it will definately be worth having a dwc that doesnt require daily maintenance


Well-Known Member
I've done a couple DWC grows with little to no troubles.....I would think the DWC would be the cheapest and the least maintainence of all the "Hydro" type grows. PH was a once a week thing for me to alter....I used a 25 gallon Rubbermaid tote (the more water capacity, the less your PH changes) for 4 plants intially then finishing with 2.... I check my unit once or twice a week and have had great results. In my opinion, DWC would be the way to go.


Well-Known Member
Using Stealth Hydroponics Bubbleponnic tanks didn't do it myself but paid $80 a piece. Lots of doe, but works like a charm. I would rec. doing the same your self. I have no knowledge. of other methods, but I want to learn more about it. Use simple DWC bubbleponic tanks then do up a big reservoir. I think it is not a bad idea. I don't empty out my tanks with feeding the girls. I go through probally 3-4 gallons a week in 6 gallon tanks which fill up with 8 I believe.


New Member
man this site misses me lol,

dwc = bubbleponics

bubbleponics = dwc

there is no difference, he's telling you dwc won't work and to go for bubbleponics, he's telling you high chance of root rot in dwc and not in bubbleponics, the guys obviously never even tried any of the stuff out and he hasn't got a clue,

what you need to do bro is read up on the different hydroponic methods you really need to read and research this on the net, look at all the different systems that are around,

any hydro system is extremely simple to use and maintain if proper research is carried out first, if you don't research then you will have problems no matter which method you choose, the only difference it will make is the number of days it takes you to fail

Simply Hydroponics - System types

have a look at this site to get you start, these are the different hydro methods as simple as they get, but get this, really it is all there is to it, sure these pre bought systems are pre moulded and this and that and look ok, but you'll kick yourself when you throw down a hundred or two on equipment get it home and realise you paid that much money for a big tub a water pump some pots and some medium cus really thats all there is to it, hydro isn't as expensive to get started as you think it has to be, the place to put your money is in some good ec and ph meters


Well-Known Member
For one thing the Bubbleponics system basically becomes a deep water culture system in the end. Right now a lot of my tubes are unplugged and intwined in the roots and its still growing just fine just with the roots hanging in the nutrient solution, why? Because bubbleponics is simply deep water culture that has a tiny water pump that pumps a small amount of nutrient solution to the roots than is helpful in "early" plant growth but after the roots reach the water no longer matters. What I will tell you about the system is that the resevoir is an inconvenience as you can only fit so much solution in it and when you have 6 plants going your going to be refilling your rez every 4-7 days. DWC is good, but like I said the one thing I like about bubbleponics is that "it is DWC" except its just deep water culture with a little extra pump that helps support the early roots getting more nutrients.


Well-Known Member
Good Lawdy Miz Claudie..you is a technical genius to figger out all that stuff. Think it will come out looking like one of them Rube Goldberg contraptions:)

Big Wheel

i am working on the dwc rez problem myself. now that i have more time on my hands im finishing my research and im gonna give the auto topping hybrid idea a shot. my idea is to have a 5 gal bucket bubbling 24/7, a drain 1-2" below the pot, but a second separate ebb and flow style res to catch the drain, and periodically pump that back into the buckets.

im having a feeling this could get technical balancing the bucket level but it will definately be worth having a dwc that doesnt require daily maintenance


Active Member
bubbleponics all the way they work great. hydrogen peroxide in ur mix keeps root rot at bay......and black 5 gal buckets and the black 5 gal net pots are nice 2...just make sure no light gets in


Well-Known Member
i have a question, i have the sh bubbleponics, i just added my nutes that they came with for the first time, how often do i have the add nutes to my water, and switch water and all of that?


Active Member
So which hyro system is the most low-maintainence? Like if you were to check on it only once a week or so?


Well-Known Member
Look into Bubbleponics for low maint. due to the mix of drip and deep water culture. Essentially that is all it is. If the water is getting low for deep water culture, the drippers are still feeding.


Well-Known Member
i have a question, i have the sh bubbleponics, i just added my nutes that they came with for the first time, how often do i have the add nutes to my water, and switch water and all of that?

Feel it out, I have the BC Liquid nutes. I have only drained out my tanks really once. Since starting from seed. I am constantly refilling and they are constantly drinking, I think it is a fair exchange of water. Short the nutes of their manufactures specs but if you got those packets you may need to drain and fill with a fresh packet to go with the 6 gallons. Later. ( I do my liquid, by the gallon, and put in a few gallons every few days. )


Well-Known Member
Use the search engine and look up Hempy i would do that instead of my DWC im thinking of switching you have to keep an eye on the DWC but i does work good. PH is very important in DWC

I'm gunna go with a hempy bucket for my next grow. Not only cheap but easy. If you read about it and don't like it I'll be surprised. Just search for "Hempy Collective"