Fuck Youtube..!

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
jst got lost on Youtube again... I don't know how I got here or how to leave I keep clicking the links they provide but I can't escape...

Fuck You, Youtube..!
post the coolest video that you've seen. I get stuck watching video after video all the time.
re: morbidity and the guy surviving the lion attack (uplifting)

true, so did the crazy woman who was swimming with the polar bears.
jst got lost on Youtube again... I don't know how I got here or how to leave I keep clicking the links they provide but I can't escape...

Fuck You, Youtube..!

Fuck EA too. I bought Dead Space (top game) and it wouldn't download I called them and they basically told me to put it in my mouth...charming and a $10 lose.

electronic arts over charged me on my pogo account too, took a full week of emailing to get the ball rolling.